What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
I wonder if he'll have a high-pitched scream like a child when Trump wins and inspires all the leafs to come out of the wood work. The guy just has "bitch" written all over him.
Well, gender is fluid. Even if you have a dick you can change your gender on a daily basis. Truly the best time to be aleaf
Why did this full blown hypocritical faggot get elected? As if our country wasn't shitty enough.
Trudeau makes a pretty good case for why women should not be allowed to vote
Physically yes, mentally it should be dead if it isn't
Memes aside he's technically right.
Wew lad
Thank god this isn't real
I mean, I know he's a meme but this would have been literal retard status.
>Well, gender is fluid.
And what would falsify this?
Trudeau was born with a silver penis in his mouth. And ads.
Hard truth: Gender actually is a social construct. It's BIOLOGICAL SEX that no one can deny.
Nothing, don't you know that gender studies provides truths that are irrefutable?
Canada, if you don't impeach this guy we will not help you if you get invaded by another country. we will just build a wall on our northern border.
He didn't actually say that...
There is no way.
It also doesn't mean you should assume it is anything other than the standard norm.
We're living in the fuckin' twilight zone. This world's insane
Gender is a social construct firmly founded upon biology.
Social construct is a vague term that cucks seem to like to use to imply "totally arbitrary and meaningless" but social constructs are actually very important.
He meant: "I'm a fucking idiot who just spouts whatever will make me popular with the twenty something year olds" I'm pretty sure. It may also have meant: "I'm a spineless coward who has no business being in a position of power" but that is a little too obvious.
It means he's a retard
. . . I can't imagine what it's like to be Canadian and have to deal with this faggot. Sorry, Canada.
sup cuckadian. can you explain or back up your claim, or are you gonna shitpost and leave?
Trudeau retweets stuff and occasionally says something about an upcoming holiday
he never posts like this. it's probably never him posting, either.
Did he really fucking say this?
this is probably a slide thread
i think he meant ''a fluid''
>just because every dot is equidistant from the center it does not mean you may assume it is a circle
Yeah, ok boys can be girls and girls can be boys, That's great. Go do something fucking useful, like finish legalizing weed or edit bill C-51 you goddamn hippie fuck.
That he is a dick head. You can assume whatever you want. I don't need or want that twats permission. Or any twats for that matter.
No he's wrong.
>Just because a baby is born with a penis it does not mean you may assume it is a male
The proportion of babies with male genitalia who are not really males because of genetic bullshit is low enough for me to assume that a baby with a penis is a boy
he meant to say "i am a fag retard"
Gender is not a scientific concept. It is possible to claim that the presence of male vs. female genitals is not a 100% indicator of a person's gender (it would be technically correct to assert this). Therefore, we are faced with the problem of debating liberals who maintain that gender is separate from biological sex and as a result, it is perfectly acceptable for someone to 'choose' their own gender, regardless of biological sex.
See: This user has the right of it. The problem is that many liberals will dispute this.
Is this for serious, for fucking real, not a sham but actually a legitimate post by the elected leader of the sovereign state of Canada?
ugh i don't like some of my body parts
i think i'll have them CHOPPED OFF.
seriously how can people think this is a sane thing to do?
The word "gender" doesn't event exist in French, or nobody uses it at least
We do not call trans faggots "transgender" but "transexual".
The language is a tool to express ideas, and it is a powerful tool to control minds
Trans bullshit is just the result of English not giving a gender (or sex) to every noun
Every other civilized language does it