Can this happen?
Can this happen?
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I think there was a stat that showed even if only whites voted in WA Trump still wouldn't win
not this year
im getting 200 + free lunch for bussing down there and voting for a few hours
No. You'd have a better chance of Oregon, or New York.
Only if major Clinton happenings go down
That being said, one of their electors said he wouldn't vote for Clinton even if she won the states popular vote (didn't say he would do the same for Trump although he did say he didn't like Trump)
Washingtonian here. This will not happen in a million years.
lol no
>red before oregon
I don't think, so but I voted for him anyways. My bosses and co-workers too apparently.
All hipster pansies that are born in 47 states not named California, Oregon and Washington move to SF, Portland or Seattle once they move from mommy and daddy.
Unfortunately most of their voting is done by mail in ballot now.
If it was mostly on election day, I could see it happen with Trump surging and so much Bernie support there causing a poor turnout for Clinton.
But it's not gonna happen now.
Because Seattle is one of the biggest and most liberal cities in America. It's democratic and independent central. You could make a better argument for Oregon going red.
This is true and also sad because Washington, on the other side of Mt.Adams, is as conservative as the deep south.
Pierce County here, have never seen a Hillary sign but see massive Trump signs and yard signs all over the place. I've already voted Trump, wife has voted Trump, and literally everybody I know has voted Trump. I don't think we'll red this year but if we were I wouldn't be surprised. It's gonna be close.
Pic related, it's the Everett rally.
no. even removing Sea-Tac, washington is still a pretty liberal place. only exception i can think of is the Tri-Cities
There are two now. One who won't vote and one who is on the fence. I'm not even sure what would happen to those people, essentially disenfranchising about 300k voters.
I was driving down to Tacoma and saw a group of Trump supporters on the bridge over the highway. They had a sign saying to honk if you support him and people were.
No shit. There's a ton of rednecks in Washington, but it's still liberal land. Not that I care I love Seattle.
Only in the mind of a trumptard who forgot to take his antipsychotics
Because we are cucked beyond belief. Even MN and OR would go red before us.
good lad, I'm in the heart of the beast. I, no bullshit, saw the HUGH MONGOUS lady on the street last week.
>t. Someone who has never been south of Seattle or east of the cascades
The odds of Seattle falling into the Bay are greater than any GOPer winning the state in a presidential election right now.
in a state filled with millions of self-hating whites. just no. sorry buddy.
Cali is the biggest?
To put it into perspective, the entire country could go deep red, and Washington would still be leaning blue. Washington is cucked forevor.
Look up the northwest state fag. You don't know anything about us.
I have family in the Tricities numbnuts
get outside Richland and Kennewick and its all the same shit
isn't darksydephill and pamperchu from this state?
really? All of the voting is done by mail
The most liberal city is probably San Francisco, CA. District of Columbia votes like 90% democrat but it isn't a city.
I imagine baltipoor and Seattle rival that of SF
I still can't believe he came here to Everett, at the Comcast arena, of all places.
to OP, no it will never go red, too many shills for Obama and the democratic party. each pro dem add has muh feels as the argument, no actual political message, just muh feels and wha wha lool trump is bad
Northwest front* sorry pic related
Chicago and Detroit too. Really pick your poison they are all cucked
San Francisco is the most degenerate and liberal so they take the cake for me. Literal subhumans there
and I'm blessed I guess lel
LOTS of Trump signs away from the cities desu
Hillary Clinton wins every state+DC except...
5 most redneck-populated states of:
Ark, Id, ND, WV, Wyo.
We are going to see some great numbers for Trump in Washington. It will be close... I would say a toss-up at this moment.
I live on one of the reservations here. Typically the injuns vote dem, but i'm seeing around 75% support...
What is Washington like? Who lives there?
for Trump that is...
CA and NY would literally go red before WA ever does
My digits say WA flips
Not L.A ?
Didn't Nate copper have Hillary in the 90%s to win Michigan for the primary? Bernie won
>anecdotal evidence of lawn signs means Trump will win
jesus drumpfkins are you serious?
one of my high school teachers from idaho used to work in seattle. he thought he would like it but he told us how diverse it was and he just had enough. i believe he was teaching high school in seattle as well.
LA doesn't rival just how cucked SF is
It will happen, all states will go red
I live in WA and sadly can confirm its a shithole full of libs.
luckily I live in a town of roughly 2000 people, moved from olympia, too many niggers and mexicans there.
Romney lost CT and NJ more than he did in WA
the margin is only 3% more than in Oregon
>hrr drr I see yard signs
worst meme of this election
what did he mean by this
I hope he said it exactly like that because it sounds racist and the thought of a teacher being like "it was a little too...ethnic" is funny to me
Except there are many more people voting here, so 12 percentage points is hundreds of thousands of people.
King county (Seattle) is the Dem stronghold, East side of the state is mostly red. Outside of Seattle, the rest of the west side is 50%/50%
Oh fuck
Oh shit
Vote by mail state, dipshit
WAfag here
If it was not for Seattle, WA would hard red
I was at a local coffee shop yesterday listening to small business meeting talking about how to empower "youth of color" and "document their struggles" then they were talking about trump being a big racist meanie
They would say the word "racist" as if it were Voldemort
former seattle resident here, the influx of muslims in the last 5 years could really sway this state. having one turk immigrant shoot up a mall for no reason a couple of months ago helps too
Grew up in Washington. It would take a fucking miracle for this to happen. I was of the few right wing kids in my high school.
Huh Michigan is borderline top 10 in population.
This type of thing happens at the city level and you'd have to be incredibly naive to think it doesn't happen when electing a leader of the free world.
DC is a city tho, the metro area isnt, but they are still the most liberal cities below the mason dixon line
If Seattle slips into the Pacific? Yes, it can happen
I'm in seattle. Nobody likes Clinton, nut everyone hates Trump. It's like a mind virus.
They will vot with hate in their hearts, not love. Someone save WA from these faggots.
Doesn't matter. Fucking king county will fuck us all. I'm apart of the red side of the state. Everyone hates Hillary but fucking king county is all that matters.
Except Washington votes by mail, so those ballots are already cast.
Praise BE!
A lot of people are from or are in Seattle, the city is pretty great in my opinion, and it breeds a lot of artists, musicians, and content creators.
Oregon is based outside of Portland and Eugene. MAGA bumper stickers everywhere
Why do you hate your country so, user?
You have clearly never looked at an electoral map of the state. From Tacoma north to the cascades in the west is the only lineral part.
Bellevue here. Just across the bridge from Seattle. Cucked as fuck. Really comfy forests with log cabins in certain parts of the state. If you are ever in town, head over to the Hilton and ask for Jason. I'll get you a free room, senpai.
I know a ton of pissed off people in CA writing in Bernie cuz he's a legit write-in option.
WA is 77% white though
I pity those of you that don't own property in the Cascades. Truly maximum comfy.
haha I know like 10 of the people in this picture but I don't think I know who you are
Trump landslide confirmed.
Seattle ruins everything.
Hopefully in nigger blood. Praise Kek, let his will be known.
Washington is 90% white, and then 10% Asian.
Turnout isn't 100% genius
That would imply indictement or something of that magnitude.
Moot seriously needs to remove post numbers. You get faggots are worse than baneposters
WA was lost to an infestation of CA decades ago.
>t. Washingtonian diaspora
Oh God I would shit bricks if this happened. I'd take the ferry over to Seattle and laugh at every person I came across. God I hate that city.
Much obliged, here's some dank Finnish memes for you.
That time get too. Woah