Desmond not allowed to vote, despite having already served his sentence

>Desmond not allowed to vote, despite having already served his sentence.

>1 out of 5 african americans in Florida are not allowed to vote
wtf. why is america so racist??

Felons are prohibited from voting permanently

When you commit a crime, you surrender your constitutional rights

he is probably a felon

the us is pretty cucked, but we're not so cucked as to allow criminals a hand in lawmaking, sven

Is weed a felony in florida? and legal in other states?

Not allowing criminals to vote allows a potentially corrupt government to indite people to take their right to vote. Once a luphole like this exists it's only a matter of time until it's used.
For example people that commit hate speech online can't vote etc.

Sweden, why are you so fucking cucked.

In the US you lose your voting rights when you get a sentence.

What is it that your cucked journalists don't understand.

The rest of the world isn't like you, where you reward Somalis for raping your daughters.

Get out of here stupid racistdane.

calm down lillebror

It used to be until recently. Now it's a misdemeanor under a ounce

Is that better for the prison business?

Why is the swedish (((media))) so obsessed with the us election?
particularly they like to talk about how bad and racist trump is
What is there to gain from brainwashing swedish liberals? They can't exactly fly over and vote, nor can they influence any significant number of americans

Depends how much weed. Obama decriminalized it almost eight years ago. Still, if your house is nothing but a grow operation, and you have thousands in cash, they aren't going to give you a hug and accept "sorry".
Just because you don't understand the laws here, doesn't make them racist. That man had a choice what to do with his life. He chose crime. Black people in this country have the most options.
He chose to break the law. He can't vote, own a gun, or hold public office.
He also chooses to live in a state that holds that right. He could move to California, and vote. He doesn't and that's his choice. You can't pick and choose the laws you want to live by.

>letting degenerates vote
That's the same as trusting a pedophile to watch your kids.

Idk it is odd.
The people I talked to think some remarks made by trump are way worse than all the clinton scandals and corruption combined.

remind me why this is in any way relevant since there is less voter security in america when you compare it to literally any shithole democracy in the world?

Whites with a felony can't vote either. No racism to it... Also have to show ID and have it checked against the record. Everyone should have these rules.

virginia just did

yeah, but the police targets blacks and put them in jail.

desu there shouldn't be anything wrong with letting convicted felons vote once they've completed their sentences. Considering that the whole purpose is to rehabilitate them. However, because that's not the case with U.S. prisons, I'm against letting some one out of prison vote on something stupid just because they're more than likely butthurt.

Ca, CO, it's not uncommon to get the right to vote back if, you have done your time plus a few years, have made restitution, and continue not to fuck up.

They can never legally own guns though, other than black powder muskets.

Of course Sweden picks up on this fucking story.

>the us is pretty cucked, but we're not so cucked as to allow criminals a hand in lawmaking, sven

isent one of your presidential candidates under FBI investigation?

No they don't. You read too much Huffington post. Black people are jailed for committing crimes, not because they are black.

Prove it

They're is no law against being black. That is a fact. They are often jailed for violent crimes, those are illegal. You can't go through life strong arming people for a living, and expect not to be jailed.

Because dumb niggers vote democrat, Sven.
Enjoy getting buttraped by Muhammed for centuries to come!

stop responding to bait

What is a felon Alex

>This poor, innocent man cannot vote because he is black!
>Ignore the fact that he has a criminal record and was in prison

isent one of your presidential candidates under FBI investigation?
Don't you mean both.

its actually 3 in 5, hence the 3/5ths compromise.

Meh. It's not a ctr thread, so I don't really care.
Only Clinton is being investigated. The FBI cleared trump of being a Russian plant.

Simple. Once you are a felon, you lose your rights.

20 % of african americans in Florida have been convicted of a felony?

That's the god damn headline here

Them psyops.

fuck felons

yeah 20-30% of all black men have been to jail here

>despite having already served his sentence
What do you mean "despite," Sven? That's the reason.

Never mind the content of the news, why are Europeans even reporting this American crap? Are we such colonies of them now that everybody pretends they are our big tribal leader or something?

felons can vote in california? what the fuck.

cali really is going to be the first state to fall.