Let's be honest
Let's be honest
All i see is SJW bullshit.
>Occupy Democrats
Into the trash you go.
Sounds good.. I'm in...
you're a leech of the state
>You don't like political correctness?
>Fine, here's my politically correct opinion
This doesn't make any sense. That's a very politically correct thing to say about Trump.
isn't all those things not political correctness?
Yeah I want all those things!
Name one race or gender policy Trump is proposing.
Now name one of the many race or gender based policies Clinton is supporting.
>yfw everything shitlibs accuse people of they are doing themselves and it's all projection
where do i have to sign to get the racewar finally started?
>buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, and buzzword
Describes everyone in politics
Liberals keep saying this but I don't think they understand what it means
>Legitimize such and such
I literally don't even care anymore, people cry all these buzzwords so often they have lost all meaning. Also if you wanna talk about a sexual predator Bill is the one you need to look at
Sage in all fields
>Let's be honest
>starts with a bunch of lies.
>calling people racist fascist sexists
>not totally politically correct
>legitmize hatred
Wait, is hate an illegitimate emotion? Do people all love each other?
Not an argument.
but that's what "politically correct" people have been saying the entire time already
Is this supposed to be a break from PC? They've been shouting this shit about Trump from the rooftops since he announced his campaign. PC is only applied against whites. you can call whites ignorant redneck racist bigot misogynist scum, but if you call blacks violent you're racist.
Sounds good to me!
>opposing Trump because you want nothing to do with sex predators
The other is a fascist as well... its really weird.
I hear that train a comin’
It’s rollin’ round the bend.
Gonna pick up Mrs. Clinton
And take her to the pen.
They’ll have her coronation
Make her cell block queen
Hillary for prison
two thousand and sixteen
They’ve got an orange pants suit
Hangin’ on the wall
And a cell for Bubba Willie
Just a little down the hall.
We’ll put ‘em in the big house
Lock them up inside.
Unless a whole lot of witnesses
Commit suicide.
Remember James McDougal
And 20 or 30 more
About to testify, they found ‘em dead upon the floor.
Now they’re pilin’ up the bodies
Like they did back then
They want back in the White House
Here we go again.
Glue the china to the table
Nail the table to the floor
Lock up all the silver
‘fore they haul it out the door
White trash in the White House
Beats all I’ve ever seen.
Hillary for prison...
two thousand and sixteen.
I would agree with you if that statement was true but it's not.
Clint is voting for him, so should you.
not based on observable fact
not based on observable fact
not based on observable fact
>seeks to legitimize
not based on observable fact
not based on observable fact
not based on observable fact
not based on observable fact
>sexual predatory behavior
not based on observable fact
The funny thing about leftists is that because they are psychopaths who control themselves incredibly well, they get jealous of others who just say what they really mean.
So then once in a blue moon the leftists set out to say what THEY really mean, and it turns out to be some utterly wacho deranged psycho shit, far worse than those they are angry at.
>the left still believes the right controls everything
is right.
just throws out insults. You have to believe them already for the OP's post to make sense.
This sort of shit is to the point where I can't tell if they're being ironic or not anymore
as long as they know all those political terms were incorrect, as they said
I don't remember voting, or my father voting, or my grandfather voting - to replace and marginalize the people who actually built and sustained this country - with Central and Southern Americans, Indians, Africans and other cultural groups.
Many peoples have made contributions to this country in some relationship to their presence here - but the principles, culture, and language are distinctly the product of Europeans informed by some of the Greek Philosophers.
If these things are substituted we become nothing more than a more northenly Brazil.
But they already say this while also reinforcing political correctness.
"If I scream those words more often maybe I can make them regain meaning!"
>Sexual predatory
What? Hes a predator but in the way a centipede is. And besides guy talk and false accusations, how has he been sexual in any way DURING HIS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN?
kek those have been the arguments against Trump since day one.
this guy sounds like a transgendered faggot...wait what.
we're not against your statements for being politically incorrect, we're against your statements for being factually incorrect
>leading a fascist political movement
he supports state rights, gun rights, gay rights, and the preservation of the constitution (not fascist at all)
>which seeks to legitimize hatred, racism, misogyny, and sexual predatory behavior
replace 'misogyny' with 'misandry' and you've accurately described Clinton's entire platform of sjw ideals.
We're against political correctness because it's fascism, so how about you go fuck yourself CTR
Nah, that's definitely the democrats.
Read a book
Hey remember that bit in Donnie Dark where that retard teacher tries to tell Donnie that everything can be classified as Love or Hate. That's what this 'politics of hate' shit reminds me of
>muh racism and muh-soggy-knees
*gasp* But that's Thought Crime!
>Predatory Sexual blah blah
Hardly normalising it when he apologised about a private conversation recorded 10 years ago.
Yeah and if that's all it takes to keep major corruption and terrorism out of the country, then fuck your PC bullshit. You live the entitled life now, wait until you don't have it anymore. You won't be worrying about who's racist, you'll be worrying about how to feed your family
Let's call him everything we can in all caps and hope something sticks. The more I spew this non-sense out of my mouth, and the louder I say it, the more logical and true it will come across. None of those words bother me because none are true.
I'm a minority so I can't be racist or mysoginist, and I'm voting for Trump, so go fuck yourself you fucking bloody semen slurping self mutilating devil worshiping piece of shit.
But that is very politically correct.
Gonna need some sources on those accusations
Images dont have much weight without context and source to back em up
Also saged
Mind = Blown
As with all leftist rhetoric, it applies to them moreso.
Do you really believe this nonsense?
Do you not have any critical thinking skills?
Those are all great reasons are why I hate political correctness. We need the right to say whatever we want. Aka freedom of speech bitch.
How will drumpf tards ever recover?
You're a stupid nigger and shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Is the image implying that it's politically incorrect to throw those words around nowadays?
Accusing people of those words is the very basis of political correctness.
What about child trafficking isn't "sexual predatory"?
Black People are sexual predators.
>let's be honest.
Ok, you're a faggot.
Underrated as fuck, gods work lad.
Is that suppose to hurt my feelings?
>1 post by this ID
Does anyone actually know who runs Occupy Democrats?
Is it a black woman?
A Jewish 20-something year old?
What is it?
The left is angry because these words have lost all meaning now. LOL that's what happens when you retards overruse a word in the wrong scenario.
>Occupy Illiterates
Political correctness offends me. Ban it.
Oh My GOD....I's so super offended by that.
Probably a team of both.
They like using blacks as secretaries. Too dumb to get in the way, politically immune, smart enough to do some damage.
The perfect sidekike.
a Mexican
Yh so what?
I want a version of
"When the man comes around"
hey OP
no, he's not
that's, like, your opinion, man.
I have no problem with that.
Shillary is getting BTFO in every thread on Sup Forums. We are doing just fine.
Now go ask your mom for a Sammich with the crust cut off, and resume not looking for a job.
The left is all of those things already ffs! Look at colleges now, It's pure hatred aimed at white males and the liberals want whites silenced and segregated. Fuck off CTR or cuck.
Are those insults? It sounds like poetry. Yes to everything
That's like your opinion, man.
Oh boy it's another
>leftists actually think this will offend people voting for Trump
Why are they so stupid?
Okay and?
For demon worshippers, satanists, cucks, pedophiles and globalists
Say disgusting ugly fat women that are not feminine, like Lena Dunham
>Sexual predatory behavior
Projection, you pedophile child rapists. Checkmate.
t. Democrats, the party who literally supported the KKK, racism, etc just 50 years or so ago.
The frantic death throws of a soulless, godless, leftist movement. They accuse Trump of all they are guilty of.
They already say this though. They admit that they don't even play by the rules they created, Democrats are as corrupt as they come.
sounds like my man
>Boo hoo trump says bad things, I will call him names
Hillary is a kike-controlled murdering criminal who let Americans die and created Islamic terrorist groups, she will be the end of freedom
That still sounds like the type of shit people who consider being PC important will spout off when people have the nerve to publicly disagree with them.
Too much truth for the lefties to handle. They will respond with slander and fabrications.
and ?