Does anyone have the tumblr story from a girl who can't believe her fiance broke up with her because she told him that fixing up his recently deceased father's truck in his garage was misogynistic?
ITT - post good feminazi stories.
Does anyone have the tumblr story from a girl who can't believe her fiance broke up with her because she told him that fixing up his recently deceased father's truck in his garage was misogynistic?
ITT - post good feminazi stories.
>hundreds of emails
Wow, good one.
>In case aliens invade
>In case aliens don't invade
If chemo can't kill the dad jokes, nothing will.
Never again will I have a costume that requires carrying shit around.
>tfw I was Hillary's emails server with all of her emails taped to a serving tray in a suit and a MAGA hat
Had to carry the fucking tray around all night. Got lots of props though
Lol your dad sucked
Well, at least he swallowed too.
Shit, forgot OP can't bump.
Thread's dead, I guess.
bumping for op
I got your back nigger.
this one is long but worth it.
jeez, that's some tough shit. Still it's her fault for cheating, she must of destroyed that guys soul
That guy can hold some grudges. Proud of him.
I don't have many feminist stories. but here's a few
not feminism but i love broken english greentext stories like this
Sweet revenge.
this one is good
Any way I can find a clearer picture/link or something? It's so blurry that I can't read it.
Open it in a new tab and zoom in, or download it if you're on your phone. or reverse google search.
Yeah, my favorite part is when she says she isn't making excuses for her actions, then proceeds to make excuses.
Shit OP I was just thinking about this one the other day. I don't have it though.
Holy fuck.
Just gotta take life by the balls sometimes
This one is hard for me. On one hand cheating bitches deserve getting shit, but I feel like the dude took it too far by getting her family involved.
Assuming of course she isn't lying.
>Trusting (((Facebook)))
This girl has only herself to blame
The worst part is that dude probably had to explain to the cops the whole situation.
>having to explain to someone how you got disarmed by a Feminist Californian.
>dear Dr. Rustles
Now that's a bit mean
I wanted to thank you for saving the thread, but then I fucking lost.
Faggot. (Good stuff, keep postin')
Could someone post a link or a clearer image?
This is funny as fuck and exactly what should happen to women that do this.
>just purely, physical sex
Why do cunts say this like it's supposed to make not quite as bad?
>getting your gun swiped off you by a little hipster girl
still pretty dank, although walking off with a hershey bar isnt "felony shoplifting"
All is fair in love and war.
A poisonous snake doesn't slap you with its tail if you kick it with no shoes on.
My ex tried to tell my friends I got AIDS from sleeping with hookers, and tried to tell my family, and spammed my phone with 500 texts every 10 minutes and added me from 4-6 facebook accounts.
I broke up with her because she was loonie as shit.
She (the cheater) deserved it.
I lost also. pic related to cheer you up;
She's putting a few white lies in there and omitting some details. Her sister and cousin wouldn't turn on her just like that.
Still I wouldn't have interfered with her following relationships. That's creeping into stalker territory.
None of these are even SJW related like OP's story, nor as good. It's wonderful to read about this bitch destroying her life through her own batshit leftist toxicity.
But do continue.
they don't know how to say "my cunt got stuffed" or "we fucked"
the only failure.
People are stupid though
I only wanted to keep the thread alive and hoped someone would post more
That and him having a round chambered.
Sorry OP, I know the exact story you're talking about but I deleted it. It's a Reddit cap where she throws a huge, selfish and insensitive tantrum, gets dumped, and actually realizes how much she fucked up.
Personally, I would have probably stopped after tipping off the new boyfriend about her behavior.
What's striking here though is how she completely fails to empathize with the guy. It's just "me me me" and her cheating is brushed off as being "just physical" or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if she broke it to him in this exact way when she came clean, not understanding that he has feelings as well and thought he had found the love of his life whom he proposed to after 3 years because he wanted to be with her forever.
I got you lad
She's just taking a nice selfie, stop hatin.
Guys a fucking legend if this is true. ...
Who knows. Possibly. The holsters for guns are supposed to be really hard to unclip or have your gun taken out of it, but women get a bit strong when they're psycho, as proof in this image here here;
Women are selfish.
Thanks mate also checkd.
you got me
Audible kek.
Fuck yeah I hadn't seen the update yet. Good for that guy
Post what you got, I ain't picky and GsQ4jX/R is basically carrying this thread by himself.
I didn't ask for these feels!
>parents disowned her sister
depend on how rich they are, but at end he gave her full inheritance
Lads this is serious
About a year ago a US user greentexted a story about how him and his gf broke up
Apparently they were gonna marry but she and her slutty friend fucked some dudes in LA and got high, while user and his dad/friends hung out in the desert shooting game and drinking beer
Anyway US user found out and broke up with her, causing her a ton of problems, but he got on with his life
Fucking amazing story wish I screencapped it, anyone remember or have it?
>His foot.
So subtle I almost missed it.
Good lord. No wonder so many guys wish they were gay.
thanks man that was a great read.
i dont get it.
thanks. I'm just bored and posting shit in my Pictures folder.
loved it.
chick is fat so she looks a bit more like an O than an i, so it spells it differently.
sadly I don't, hope someone posts it.
What a bitch.
kek, I like the ending
It took me about 3 months to figure out that the GF I had up until that time would always say she made out with someone instead of they stuffed my cunt, so I realized that this 24yr old chick had probably banged at least 75 guys, this shit was before Tinder, like 2008 I made a meme about it and left it on Sup Forumsb but I've never seen it again
every time... based jared
this hurts
this is my fav
>10 months
>proof I'm not a gold digger
>why didn't he share his gold with me?! I DON'T GET IT
HAHAHAHA fuck that cunt, if a woman isn't willing to love you and stay with you through thick and thin, you don't fucking need her.
A+ mate.
whores are subtle but when you open them up they're like a bed full of worms, instead of a can.
Why the fuck was this picture so fucking funny
Please stop posting'things that didn't happen' pics/stories.
It never happened, you're not helping, it's pure bullshit.
> Not all are know who you are.
Reminds me of the story of the guy who thought he was with"the one" and she asks him how he would feel about an open relationship. He processed what she said, tells her she can fuck whoever she wants and walks out of her life then and there.
>expected it to end with a rageporn conclusion like "I just deleted them all because it hurts too much to think about"
>mfw it didn't
if women think you have an alpha personality, they will open up to how rotten they actually are.
one of my fwb talks about her friend having a bodycount of 40+, at 18!
Holy fuck, this is a work of art.
>Guy's face replaced with the girl's and is the most immediately noticeable thing in the picture.
>Instinctively look to the girl's face (which you would expect to have the guy's face), only to find it's been replaced by a rim.
>Eye immediately goes searching for the wheel to find (presumably) her face.
>Taco on the guy's shirt directs the eye right to it.
>The Game
>Why do cunts say this like it's supposed to make not quite as bad?
the fact that she instantly got wetter for some random chad than you but she doesn't "love him" is a good thing in a woman's mind
>Implying your post matters just like any images in this thread matters.
"p-pls dont post!"
Ben Garrison? Yeah I know him by that name. Hell, I worked with him in Nam. Back then we called him "Gook Gutting" Garrison because he never came out of a tunnel without a scalp, an ear, or covered with blood. Most would call him insane, but that is why the green berets trained him. They saw potential. It wasn't until they learned his methods that they truly realized what a monster they created. You see, most guys that go tunnel clearing take guns. Not Ben. No, he took knives, clubs, hatchets, sometimes nothing but his bare hands. After a few missions I got a chance to talk to him in the mess. He was wearing his blood stained hat, sunglasses, and combat fatigues, smoking a cigarette and drinking johnny walker black. It was contraband, but you NEVER told Ben what he could and couldn't do. I asked him why he never took guns with him. He lowered is head and took a long slow draw from his hand rolled cig, pulled off his sun glasses and looked me right in the eyes, piercing my soul. "I do it out of respect. Respect for the white race. These slant eye'd scum bags don't deserve the mercy of an American made bullet, but the slow torturous death of the hands of an American man!" In a flash he pulled out his weathered, but razor sharp knife and stopped just short of sticking my gut. "The look in their eyes when I slip this baby into their swollen, rice filled bellies is reason enough. To see the last lights flick off in their heads as they see a real killer work."
Fuck that's good. Now I want pets.. hm
Worrrying about your financial and future financial situation is important
>eating soup and watching documentaries
Shit that sounds comfy, what's some good documentaries that aren't just cautionary tales about how the western civilization is dying?
Your post was amazing.
Under rated
Behold, the British "male". Such an absurd joke.
that's beautiful, so are the dubs
I actually noticed the girls face first since it's in the middle of the frame.
You are a typical americunt. No wonder Hillary is going to be elected with morons like you who vote.
The oldest name for this group of instruments isharmonika, from the Greekharmonikos, meaningharmonic, musical. Today, native versions of the nameaccordionare more common. These names refer to the type of accordionpatented by Cyrill Demian, which concerned "automatically coupled chords on the bass side".[5]