>norwegian taco chain is celebrating that we won't get annexed by putin if trump loses by giving free tacos to everybody
how does that make you feel?
Norwegian taco chain is celebrating that we won't get annexed by putin if trump loses by giving free tacos to everybody
>taco chain
When will this disgusting cultural appropriation end?
>Annexed by Russia
Rather get drug into another war by the US.
>Norwegian taco chain
I can't imagine this being good. Truly this is the darkest timeline.
Do they have proper tacos with corn tortilla or the texmex shite?
>Norwegian taco chain
>Signs are English
Who owns this restaurant chain? If they have any US branches they are getting a brick through the window tonight.
>if he wins we all get a free ticket to mexico pls vote hillary
it's literally shit, even pakis make better food
>free food
>ever bad
even if you support trump you cant hate free food
the signs are in english so you'll get the mexican feeling du-h
>norwegian taco chain
>english sign...
Scandinavians basically decided to switch to English. I give it another decade before English is recognized as an official language.
Helps accommodate all the migrants too, you know how much Scandinavia loves their migrants.
This so much, my exact thoughts.
Fuck me, I want a free taco on nob 9th. oh too bad I wont get one.
Everytime some irrelevant leftist hellhole talks about Putin, I'm reminded of aged fat feminists who keep writing about being catcalled by Chads
Good idea user. I should do the same.
haha du fikk skikkelig jodeodds
I've seen advertisements everywhere for this place but there's only one in my city.
>sour cream
>cheese on tacos
The fuck is this shit
Hahaha, det er ikke bedre odds å få nå idag fordi han vinner.
Fuck, it's a real tragedy that I'm not in Norway for the semester. I want to walk in there the day after Trump wins, just a huge shit-eating grin, wearing my MAGA-cap, and order one of their shitty tacos.
>The smallest size.
>No drinks or sides.
>I'll be eating in the restaurant, thank you.
suge min kuk
Love how Scandinavian cucks are obsessed by our election and write everything in English.
Taco trucks on every corner if Hillary wins. Don't see what's wrong with that
>A woman let you grab her pussy
taco trucks are the shit, dos tacos al pastor por favor con todo. trump numero uno para presidente
What a shitty advertisement. I actually thought it was pro-Trump when I glanced over it because I didn't read the small text.
You forget yourself shitlord
>"Consensual" (If there is such a thing) sex = RAPE RAPE RAPE