Have you seen Based Mel's new kino yet?
Hacksaw Ridge
I heard it was good and really wanna check it out, was it good, user?
medic's don't win wars, killers do.
I saw it last night just to support Mel.
Is it libshit garbage?
It's the best movie I've seen in years. It's about courage, heroism, and using traditional values to uplift yourself.
t. never been in a war.
Far from it.
The main character is super religious and credits his heroism to God so no.
>liberal doesn't like guns
>goes to fight a war
>doesn't realize the only way you win a war is killing people
Heard it is great. Bonus points for based Mel calling oven dodgers what they are.
Will have to check it out..
He's not a liberal in any way, nor is he against the war.
its a mel gibson film, dumbass.
>not realizing that if you kill your enemies they win
cant quell the mel
>cucked by single mother
He should have thanked aalewis instead right?
Pretty obvious this is a trick to get back to making movies
It's your typical anti nazi revenge porn for the kikes
That's why we won Vietnam after all.
Are you retarded
I want to, assuming based Mel didn't let kikes meddle with his story
Medics that keep the killers alive win wars.
Always shoot the medic first.
The movie is about Heroic white Americans fighting treacherous orientals.
Does this answer your question?
Oh shit, didn't know it was a Gibson movie. Might actually have to see it now.
i love that website
Haha define killing people in a war. Yeah sure we killed gooks but we didn't firebomb every single city and agent orange every crop field or assault every VC stronghold in the north with marines
So it's about the war in the pacific? Nice
can't spell the mell
I bet you're the type of guy who thinks that everyone who participates in a conflict is frontline infantry.
This is very far from the truth. The truth is that most members of the armed forces in all militaries, present and past, were involved in logistics.
They're raised and bred to be cannon fodder so we were just fulfilling their density
The faggy scene where he jump kicks a grenade in the preview ruined the whole thing for me.
1/10 fuck that
That's not in the theatrical version. He kicks the grenade away, but it's on the ground.
>watching propaganda
No thanks. I'm not an idiot.
>based on a true story
So they're human beings and a few things happened with everything else completely exaggerated or just made up.
Its really good, please go out and support it. I'm so tired of all the capeshit dominating the boxoffice.
Hold up goys,
the trailer made this film look like a bunch of crybaby "I can't kill people" bullshit
Tell me is the movie redpilled or not
I liked the part where the recruits think their big friend will scare away Clint Eastwood, but Clint beats the dude's ass instead.
Saw it yesterday with my wife.
One of the best films I've seen in a long, long time.
>Mel Gibson
Are you a fucking retard, nvm don't that answer that, FUCKING RETARDED NIGGER
That was Heartbreak Ridge.
>Clint Eastwood
wait what? Clints in this?
>triggering yourself describing something when you have no idea what it's even about
literally tumblrwhale-tier, get it together
If you think this movie is good, prove you aren't a hollywood shill just trying to get some shekels
It's nothing like that at all. He wants to go on the frontlines and serve his country.
Another bullshit movie
>wow american did all the job during WW2
Fucking (((white)))) producers
I think Nolan's movie Dunkirk will be like that
But Nolan is redpilled right??????????
At least we didn't surrender to the Nazis, you fucking frog-legged fag.
But in the trailer he says that he can't hurt people or some bullshit like that, looks dumb
They did in Okinawa.
>Mad Mel
pick only one
Actually the french converted to Nazism as the one true path of light
The French resistance did more than the majority of American soldiers/marines did.
He's a pacifist personally, but he supports the war and wants to save American lives as a combat medic.
Pretty sure it's about the war in the pacific and yeah, we did most of that. Btw the french trying to talk shit about WW2 is hilarious, you fucking lost your capital in record time and everyone had to bail you faggot cheese eaters out
>implying it's was bad thing
wrong movie lol
These posts are really making my brain change the electrochemical potential of my nueronal connections
The French Resistance were a bunch of commies.
I just watched it. What did I think of it?
Watched it last night. The violence started very suddenly and was incredibly graphic.
How massive will the butthurt be if Mel gets an Oscar for best director?
The French resistance didn't do jack shit. They constantly got btfo until D-Day
pacifism is a joke, not worth making a movie about one
especially with a jew as the lead character, and one that looks as skinny and feminine as this one
tell eduardo saverin to fuck off
love it
It's not like the French have any room to talk about contributions to the war efffort so shut up.
>american education
>french "education"
I hate when some cunt goes on about serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, goes on about how hard it was and shit. Then you find out they drove a fucking forklift and never left base. Never had a bullet fired at them. Maybe they saw a body bag.
i thought that too because of the whole "peaceful opposed to war" bullshit. but it's actually bretty gud
The character is a seventh day adventist.
Don't give a guck about France i talk about Russia you fucking shill
Our American education bailed you faggots out
From previews it seemed kinda like pussy shit. Advocating for non violence even IN WAR. I could be wrong but it seemed like subtle propaganda to further encourage nu males that non violence is correct, so they can keep getting cucked
Played by a jew though
Andrew ((Garfield))
actually his mother wasn't a jew but his father is ashkenazi
Sucks for him hes not a real jew but hes a lead actor in hollywood so I guess its close enough for the tribe (for now)
Films need to have actual americans in them not jews all the fucking time
That literally happened though. That's what he really did.
Read his Medal of Honor citation. Read his Wikipedia article.
Yeah. Saw it for free in a pre screening. The only thing I didn't like was how it was a little not put together. Civilian flashes right to training right to war.
But I liked the movie. 7.5/10
Yup, it did seem like that.
The only way it could be decent is if halfway through he realizes violence is the answer and starts ripping out eyeballs with his bare hands and stabbing people through the chest with american flags.
But i doubt that happens.
But maybe it does, who knows. Maybe this movie is a subtle redpill to all nucucks.
>The passion of the christ
Fucking one of the worst movies ive ever seen.
I bet you're a blast at parties
If that happened I would probably love it
God fearing man goes to war with good (and slightly naive) intentions, realizes he needs to fight and kill for what's right
this is a good point but it's a bit overplayed.
in recent, early modern, medieval, and ancient wars, the logistics were done by the fighters.
The Athenian sailors invading Syracuse, the Black Prince at Crecy, and more recently the Battle of Anzio.
Anzio is an interesting one because logistical soldiers became frontline combatants. Female nurses became combat medics.
Even when your army gets wise and creates a sophisticated logistical train in which people are specialized as clerks and longshoremen, everyone is still a combat soldier because combat soldiers are what win wars.
The true story of this one actually sounds like a movie, though.
I saw the Accountant last night. It was kinda stupid. I should have seen Hacksaw Ridge.
>French """""""""education"""'"'""""
Please tell about what the Russians did in the pacific?
How many nips did the reds kill?
The movie is about the battle of Okinawa you stupid fucking frog nigger.
Kys nigger. You're so retarded it hurts.
>hating the Passion
Yeah of course you would.
I read that this shit got a ten-minute standing ovation during its Hollywood debut.
Is Mel finally back?
did you fight in WWII?
wow much respect bruv
no one here has any room to talk about contributions to the war effort
not even that faggot mel gibson
This tbqh
Cheezy as hell
is he literally autistic?
My friends said the main character is actually really a literal autist. I challenged them and they confirmed it but I think they were bullshitting me or exaggerating.
American in Pacific lost 10 american for 1 nippon
And you laugh at Koursk and Stalingrad
You're retarded. The French """""resistance""""" did nothing. It was propaganda created by the allies.
The US Marines fought in the Pacific. Tell me how many French soldiers fought against Japan?
Watching it tonight at 7
if you reply to this you are retarded and should self-deport
he actually is
Yeah, he's totally autistic. Asperger's Syndrome times ten!
Americans also won the war in the pacific while also fighting your war
>american education of their own history
Open a history book (and yes american autors say it) about the Waffen SS
Without the french resistance, DDay failed