Stephen King

is he redpilled?

Idk but every movie based on his shitty books sucks dick

he never shouldve gone sober

absolutely not

Why is this shopped
He's ugly as sin already

No. He is extremelly bluepilled since he went sober.

As blue as r9k's balls.

Just watched Thinner, fucking sucked.

He should go back to the Summerset Isles let us worship Talos in peace.

Don't even bother watching rest of them especially highly rated ones like 1408 it's so bad so fucking bad


thats not shopped


Epitome of cuck shaking in his boots that Trump presidency will shatter their little circlejerking publisher kikery.
Completely unable to write a character that isn`t some sort of creative artist with shitloads of free time.
Lost ability to write about anything else than his traffic accidents. In second half of his life all his main characters are his own projections.

I don't know, I liked The Shining, but maybe it takes a Kubrick to make one of his novels good on the movie screen.

No, he's a shit eating faggot.

His Twitter sure is bluepilled as fuck.

I enjoyed the interracial underage gangbang in "It."




No. He's a grade A fagot, who should have stayed drunk, and that van should have killed him.

He fucked up the dark tower, his "book" on guns was filled with autism and logical fallacies, and I feel bad for enjoying some of his work.

What a low energy faggot.

You'd think his publishers would have a word with him the 8,959th time he began a summary of his latest book by saying "Well, it's about this guy, who is a writer, and..."

That guy sounds like a massive faggot.

Love his old stuff, but his new novels & his politics are absolute shit. The sequel to the Shining, "Dr Sleep," basically read like a long advertisement for AA

Stephen Pawn

Does he have good books at all?
I did read like 6 of his books and they all were pretty much "meh".
3/4th of each book was just fillers, huge blocks of text without real content.
The worst book in the bunch was "The Long Walk". After this I gave up on this hack.

He talked shit about our supreme leader. Fuck him

You and me both, minus the interracial part

I think Carrie, Shining and The Dark Half are really good. "It" is up there too, but it really does have a lot of filler.