You know what it takes to vote for Hillary Clinton?
You know what it takes to vote for Hillary Clinton?
being a fat faggot
A vagina?
caballistic ornaments?
Lack of individual thinking?
Testicular torsion?
a well worn coffin and an aversion to common sense?
billions of dollars?
not an ID
a faceless guy holding your balls in their hand
lack of principles?
A black skin or a pussy
More than 400 pounds?
Mental retardation?
A fake set of balls to replace the ones you had removed?
I agree. It does take balls to vote for a criminal and warmonger
is this a jojo reference?
your balls to be removed and turned into a cheap knick knack?
Being stupid and therefore easily manipulated with no sense of ethics or class?
being a mouthbreathing nigger
Best post
How strong is your faith in the Emperor?
detached balls?
Golden balls of Dschinghis Khan?
Detached balls? Makes sense.
Massive Stockholm Syndrome?
>You know what it takes to vote for Hillary Clinton?
You need to be recently deceased?
Yeah--several thousand dollars that never got shilled my way.
A competent republican nominee would be a good start
underrated post
A mental disorder?
a mental illness and a chromosome less
It hurts only by hear it
a death certificate
An expensive business suit, probably worn by a Hillary donor?
Beat me to it
>he landed a clacker volley once
Bullcrap. I was waiting for an amazing attack with them and it never came.
Brass Balls.
>mfw when no one in Sup Forums has seen one of the GOAT movies of all time
Retards have extra chromosomes
If anyone has actually seen this movie they would know that this guy is basically Trump
Brain damage?
A lack of intelligence?
Hyper-emotional Stupidity?
A roastie vagina?
These digits
What is it?
nice :^)
Put that coffee down.
Coffee is for closers only.
>these balls
>that pose
could it be a reference to jojo's bizzare adventure?
A complete disregard for everyone else and the willingness to turn a blind eye to country-destroying corruption as long as you get the instant gratification of "free" gibmedats.
That's what it takes for one to vote Hillary Clinton.
>greatest of all time movies of all time
Glengarry Glen Ross
that's not funny lad, my mom died that way
You have to rip your own balls off?
>Leaf poster with best post.
OP, you’re such a hero, you’re so rich, how come you’re coming down here wasting your time with such a bunch of bums?
You just cost me six thousand dollars. SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS.
Being an average american. Statistically speaking.
>>mfw when no one in Sup Forums has seen one of the GOAT movies of all time
That was the joke, you idiot.
A lack of discernment and a religious like devotion to moral relativism.
A desire not to go to jail when Madame president assumes office for treason/aiding and abetting the russian intelligence community
replying to comment on your nice post.
well done
a mental illness
Oh wow... that's painful.
Great post.
being #mentallyhill?
And one Cadillac.
American and not Norwegian citizenship?
a low t count
put me in the screencap xd xddd
These are so bad.
>hilldawg county
>literal fucking wasteland with only population is one retarded looking frog
Your wife's boyfriend says so
4 years of college
Low IQ and misinformation?
didn't know leafs were capable of making quality posts
A fear of death
That's a nice picture of Margaret Thatcher you have, OP
A set of steak knives?
I'm from downtown, Mitch & Murray.
massive gullibility + groupthink?
(read vagina)
signed up for this website just to say nice po
Have that in japanese?
Quality post. Good try