Democrats have LITERALLY NEVER STARTED A WAR unless it was absolutely necessary
Republicucks invade countries all the time killing THOUSANDS of Americans
DRUMPF has already said that he'd invade Iraq AGAIN, just like the other Republicucks
Conservatives are all warmonger traitors, prove me wrong
What is the Civil War?
>inb4 "those were the Democrats of yesterday, not today!"
>he thinks 150 years ago matters today
Literally what you said you retard
Do you think that Lincoln would have invaded Iraq twice for oil barons?
Or that JFK would have declared war on the government to keep slaves?
What is Libya? What is Syria? What is Vietnam?
Truman started the US involvement in Korea
Clinton started the US involvement in Serbia and Somalia
Obongo started Libyan and Syrian wars
>still thinking horizontally instead of vertically
Yes, but were they president when the US declared war against those states?
If you're going by declarations of war, we haven't declared a war since WW2.
But Democrats started Vietnam. GET AT ME NIGGA
Outside of the Bush Administration, Hillary was the biggest advocate for Iraq.
>Lybia, Syria, Somalia and Serbia
No invasion which killed and injured thousands of Americans
>Vietnam and Korea
Oh, would you prefer a communist Asia?
in her own words, she wants to draft women, and she wants to take the fight to china Russia Iran and Syria.
You sad fuck, enjoy the front lines.
>caused the Syrian "refugee" crisis that destablizes Europe and will cripple Germany for decades, possibly forever
>"Lul no big deal"
Hang yourself immediately
....The most powerful country in Asia is Communist anyway you fucking twat
And Trump invading Iraq won't make it worse?
And didn't the civil war become worse because of the instability of Raq CAUSED by Republicans?
Well, it could've been worse if Vietnam hadn't been invaded
this the US has not officially declared war to anyone since WW2.
All the conflicts where only "military engagements"
kosovo je srbija you retarded spic
>ww1 was necessar
>Vietnam was necessary
Holy fuck Brazilians are retarded
but it's like 5 impeached presidents on a row for them or something? didn't they elect Enron to run the country at one point?
fuck are you lot retarded.
>wanting krauts to violate Mother Europa
>wanting Communist Asia
Literally just impeached a commie. How are you doing with Trudeau? Is he still going around fucking your dogs?