A girl died for this

>a girl died for this
they spent 90% of the budget photoshopping the pudge and butt chin from her concept poster

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she looks like she could bear strong sons though

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what are ya gonna do having kids is like playing the lottery

i'm kinda jealous of her broad shoulders

maybe if you racemix

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>not liking strong germanic jaw in women that displays the gene lottery jackpot

Is that Dr Frank-N-Furter?

bet she has a nice chocopusy

>Be very casual Deadpool fan back when I was a kid
>always thought Domino was best girl design wise
>They purposely didn't go the all white pale skin route with a black eye so they could get the American Black demographic

Fucking hate Americans they ruin everything they touch

>it's a cosplayer builds a better outfit in a cave with a box of scraps than a hollywood studio episode

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>there have never been white criminals or degenerates

*jews. but what's the difference, am I right? lel

>turning qt corpse-like pale into motherfucking tanning bed queen

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>all they had to do was bring the white closer to her eye
>had to make it clear that she was totally a nigger with facepaint, not a mutation

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That looks fantastic

I don't understand why the character had to be changed to a black woman.


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Right now 80s is the craze. Give it a decade before 90s qt goth chicks come back in style

>Fucking hate Americans they ruin everything they touch
You mean (((Americans))).

because there are about 50 million black people in the united states and you get people in theaters by having characters who share their race

Uwe Boll tier casting

>t.Sup Forums

All I wanted was a hot white/latina starfire or hot white domino either would have been fine why couldn't I get at least one?

She's cute.

>Targeting 14% of the population
Doesn't seem all that profitable a venture to me.

yeah i heard black panther bombed

dude, all of the little kids who are on twitter and other social media platforms LOVE black people. You forgot about that demo

Fukin rekt

its not a fucking tyler perry movie dummy, the majority population (whites) will still see it. You are just increasing the potential audience by having a black character

Deadpool doesn't have a multi-billion dollar company backed by jews to buy out all the tickets and drop them from the sky over ghettos

There's an argument going around that unless a character's race is important to the plot, it doesn't matter.

question is, why they couldnt nigger swap anyone else, but her?

im really confused if this post is ironic or not. Do you think jews are bussing black people to go see black panther? why would they even need to do that? wouldnt such a venture actually COST money instead of just making a movie and having people go see it? how deep does the schizophrenia go

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Yeah, but that's a black power fantasy. And also a mainline Marvel film. That characters being African is central to the story.
How does changing a white character to black in a white story increase the chances of profitablity of this film?

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they could at least paint her white, pale white. it's part of her mutation. should be 'corpse-like' pale
but instead looks like roastie who just came back from beach

Then how come it's okay to shove black people in historical dramas about Greece, England and Rome?

>hur dur its a conspiracy theory


why does it have to be someone else? if it were anyone else you’d probably complain about that character

if they want to get the black audiences, they’ll aim to swap someone and you’re kinda limited as far as black female xmen universe characters go

>he thinks its about making money

They should have painted her white instead of just cheaping out

yes i agree that it is silly to think jews are air dropping tickets to black people

This. MCU painted gamore green and it was fine. they should've painted her unnatural PALE WHITE too


oh fucking christ here comes the agenda. please tell me how these companies with tons of executives, have secret kabal meetings to shift the demographics of a population by somehow brainwashing people into breeding with blacks by changing a character to be black. c’mon you know you want to

fuck off you mouse shill

lol why are you serging out like that? this is honestly a pretty embarrassing post lmao.
anyway, money is secondary to power and there are better ways to achieve more power than more money, especially if you already have a virtually endless supply of it

Black people aren't the ones targeted by this. "Progressives" whites are, they are a much larger percent of the population.

They'll stop making this when we collectively stop consuming it as a society.

>he doesnt think writers and directors think their movies can literally change the world

they're humans, not sentient bags of money.

>make deadpool somewhat 100% comic suit accurate
>cba with anyone else

awesome. even collosuss had no fucking.colour

don't forget that domino isn't even a love interest

>How does changing a white character to black in a white story increase the chances of profitablity of this film?
companies sees this data and decide to include more blacks into their works. they're not losing anything since their consumer target is braindamaged and will still go to see it and even if you get a +1% more viewer is worth for them

Disney don't care about money. They care about promoting the jewish agenda. Money helps them do it faster. Look into the BP outreach programs. Like 60% of the BP tickets were bought by disney and donated to ghetto schools. BP only hit around 400m from actual real sales, which still isn't bad.

She does, huh

Other races that wouldn't normally see it cuz it's too white will now pay money to see it. And white people will see it anyways cuz it's still 90% white, so win win for the company.

>whites prefer movies with other races in them

>blacks prefer movies with their own race in them

>other races don't give a shit

its amazing how people still say whites are the racist ones

La Cucaracha

If they wanted black people to see the movie, they should have written a Bishop character, since they already have Cable

What is Money Laundering for $500?

How come they don't utilise this with approach with Asians? Or with Latinos, who actually make up a greater percentage of the US than black people?

they aren't racist

You could. They just decided diversity means more blacks. Eventually Latinos and Asians will get sick of this

blacks are the token minority for oppression and represent poverty and resentment toward whites. The principles of inclusion is a means to alleviate that tokenism, or maybe perpetuate it. I don't know.
It's as much about appeasing whiny white people than blacks, if not far more so.

>It's as much about appeasing whiny white people than blacks, if not far more so.
Whiny (((white))) people?

No, white people. White people are the target for the propaganda.

>He's STILL trying to force this Disney bought the tickets garbage
Just stop

>you get people in theaters by having characters who share their race
Shouldn't we be asking why blacks see things this way?


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I thought it was The Rock for a second

Actually Bishop is in the movie. That’s Terry Crew’s character.

Domino is so hot. I always thought she looked too goofy in the comics but this really makes her work.

can you imagine how fucking dumb it would look if they painted her white?
t. has never picked up a comic in his life, couldn't give two shits about capeshit, and just wants to complain about black people
t. patricians who know dark meat > white meat, and probably also know that big afros are objectively the sexiest haircut a women can have
can't be, it's just makeup. she was tan in X-force

la jungla primata

Scrolled past this in the catalog and though it was a Rocky Horror thread

Hollywood should hire some of these high-end cosplayers to do costume design. They seem to be better at it than whoever Hollywood has now.

>What is Money Laundering for $500?



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>shemale cosplay
No thanks.

We don't

Marvel suggested it

Agent J and Agent K
Starlord and Gamora
Iron Man and War Machine
Dr. Strange and Mordo
Thor and Valkyrie
Spider-Man and various characters
Captain America and Falcon

can you not read cursive or do you have traps on the brain ?

You get people into theaters by having characters that conform to an audiences beliefs. This inclusion over merit trend isn’t for serving the black community but for serving the young white kids that want to show how thoughtful they are about the plight of black people and any other virtue bullshit.


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imagine being this retarded

I remember when i first saw her on ATL and immediately thought She's one of them J cole niggers and low and behold, half nazi half slave


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Man, niggers are fucking disgusting.


>black skin, white tattoo
Jesus fucking christ.

They seriously insisted on a black stunt lady to the point that they got someone that wasn't fit for the job? They could have put any competent stun person in an afro wig and some makeup to blend in with that bitch.

I don't get why it's "pol" to want characters to stay faithful to their source material. I feel the same way about English actors portraying Middle Eastern characters.

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>they spent 90% of the budget photoshopping the pudge and butt chin from her concept poster
My. Fucking. Sides.
Thx user.

Why is pol so obsessed with the colour of fictional characters from UK shows?
Black people have been cast in Shakespeare adaptions for decades. Plus I don't remember them caring when it happened in Hollywood

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It's not pol, you idiot. It's normal fuckijng people who seeing people miscast. If a character is whit,e he should be played by a white person. If a character is black, it should be a black person playing him. Same with every race. It has nothing to do with black people per se, even though it seems to be increasing.

Closest Shermie's come to shemales is cosplaying as Poison.

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theres nothing wrong with racemixing and impregnating black women as long as they are attractive and you don't marry them.

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you need the updated version, lad

You're objectively wrong. When a fictional character is "white" it mostly means that their ethnicity isn't mentioned at all I watched HITCHHIKERS Guide the other day. No one gave a shit that Mos Def played Ford. Because people in the UK don't care about this shit from what I can see. It's all butthurt white southern Americans.

If reading Gone With the Wind has taught me anything, it's how monumentally fucked up The American South always has, and always will be. Reading furtherhistorical non-fiction from the time of the revolution has reenforced this notion