Oh god

Oh god...

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Brendan Frasier...so thicc...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp

That looks like pain meds bloat

What kino is this from?

bay watch

>We're detecting a massive object emerging from hyperspace!

daaaamnnnn brendan fraser looks like THAT?!?!?!?

Brendan lived a hard life


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Leave him alone!

That was like 30 years ago m8

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Free Willy

Alimony, man. Shit always does to people in the worst way imaginable.

What happened?


Yeah, I'm thinking he's fat.

Would you rather have a 10/10 body or eat whatever total delicious garbage you want for the rest of your life?

the body

eating and sleeping are a waste of time.

You know what. I'd divorce him too. And take his money as well.

Imagine marrying a chad and then he turns into this bowling pin of a person. He looks like he sells vacuums door to door.

how’s his taint?

So what I'm fucking the pool boy. And I'm fucking my brother. So who cares.

holy J U S T

I don't really like food that much. eating just kind of feels like extra work to me

he's like Gill from the Simpsons



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Or wine

Getting ready to play Big fucking Lenny

You have never been big
Women love a man who can carry mass

The body. If you don't eat garbage, it starts to appeal far less to you than when you are a fatso.

at least she'll never take his car

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Only 20 bitch

spoken like a true skellington beta male

How long until that guy snaps?

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damn shame

Anyone have a JUST folder they can dump?

FUCK is there anything he can do to unJUST himself at this point?

people will say the body because they can rationally see what is best. life ain't rational though

Implying at the very least 85% of you are nearing this size or just fat in general

Say it with me lads


The body because then I could eat all the pussy I want

>almost get molested by pervy exec
>go through alimony and drink binges to make yourself as unattractive as possible
>it just the execs harder

You can't trick me, cunnyposter.

>dat cute delicious little fraser body
how fun it would be to manhandle his tiny body. I'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend him over and fuck him on.

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>pain meds bloat
wtf are you talking about? there is no such thing

in my junkie years I was skinny as fuck. i've literally never met a "bloated" painkiller addict and I've known hundreds

>tfw George of the Jungle is now legally old enough to drink in the USA

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>Eat whatever you want
>25% bodyfat, but don't give a fuck because you still look like a big guy
>Don't have to care about calorie counting, micros, or literally anything else
>Literally life on easy mode

Fuck cutting. Powerlift and eat big for ultimate hedonistic pleasure.

he's like 6'3 and broad as fuck. dude's massive.

To take all the time to fucking prepare that bizarre and utterly futile fuck you to his ex... yeah not long.

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10/10 body of course, i can live without consuming crap

reverse image search gives nothing
the fuck is this from

I don't you can snap after you snap

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Based Brendan blowing the alimony on Dominos.

the body

there's no reason you can't make healthy food like fish, chicken, beef, etc taste great without eating 7000 calories