Why do you like offending people? What do you get out of it? Genuinely curious
Why do you like offending people?
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reducing general sensitivity
if you yield to the "im offended" shit they just get more offended over anything, until just breathing is offensive
>not bullying people (that you actually like) so they become stronger in the future
True, user. We ain't pushing the envelope, were holding it steady.
If you are offended by my language or opinions you should get off the internet
Sticks and stones...
Because I hate people who get offended.
What did you say to offend them? I mean it doesn't hurt just not saying something that offends them anymore?
why are you so easily offended?
Fucking fag8's seriously. They can take it in the ass and mouth but can't take them hurtful words.
I am not offended. But if someone says what I just said offended them I ask them why and if it makes sense I don't say it anymore.
that ain't the point. reality is a harsh place but it is this harsh place we must protect from the people who constantly want to turn life into some kind of rainbow unicorn glade. you are just as oppressive when you want to obfuscate the truth because it might sting a little.
those who I offend deserve it because they are Jews
Wouldn't you want to live in a better world? I don't see what's wrong with wanting to make the world a better place. And you can help a little by just making someone's day less shitty. And it doesn't cost you anything, just not being rude.
Appeasing the good goy who invite our destruction and their own does not make the world better.
You're bad for your nation and you should feel bad.
Because it's important to show Trumpies how hypocritical they are being, when they pretend to be impervious to words.
Your pursuit to control my behavior offends me. This is our protest, faggot.
Because supporting degeneracy brings a downfall on civilization and harsh punishments from God
This is not a game. Look at degenerate places in the world, they've all succumbed to a downfall or a judgement in form of natural disaster or something
why do people enjoy being helpless victim pussies all the time?
I'm a bit of a sadist I get satisfaction from people's shock, horror and disgust. Though it usually ends in a fist fight when I do it irl.
I shouldn't really say stuff like "fuck you with an ice pick" but I do.
A better world is one where no one gets offended by anything, that's when we truly have free speech.
>letting other people dictate what you should say
I don't like it; it just happens and I don't care.
This horseshit is contributing to an already stunted culture in which no-one fucking talks to eachother.
This hardly seem productive.
it is fun.
I'm not trying to control you. I'm asking you to be nice :) Being rude is never cool
Or where people respect each other. And aren't rude.
I'm not trying to dictate. But I try to always be nice to people. You never know what they are going thru. And don't have to make their day even shittier
It feels good because most people donĀ“t see the world for what it realy is and are in pure denial.
So they need to be rattled once in a while
All this positive stuff. It makes me think you're fake and this is bait.
Are you from a rural area? Is that why you're not jaded?
Because I find it """"""offensive""""""" that Jews have convinced the world that genocide is acceptable.
I was bullied as a kid at times , hell even by a teacher or 2 (yes teachers can be bullies too there are some rare ones that really should never have been hired and later get fired because of it) . It didn't make me stronger it just contributed to me disliking people as a whole and keeping to myself instead more often.
He's probably from Geneva, also known as "please fuck my asshole city"
Being nice won't get you anywhere. Most people learn that the hard way
Some white British people "always being nice to people" got 1500+ young girls serially and industrially raped in Rotherham.
Life is a balance between adherence and transgression. Speaking badly about groups of people on an internet board is a miniscule transgression. We need miniscule transgressions. Because conformism and business as usual and only "being nice" gets 1500+ girls raped.
Because it makes everyone else responsible for your feelings. If you accept that premise, it rapidly becomes impossible to talk to anyone about anything, and whether or not you intended to be hurtful or offensive no longer matters, and it is only the words which matter.
No, fuck that. I can tell my friends to eat a horse dick and he'll tell me to take a page out of Tony Robbins playbook and we'll both laugh and carry on because we know that deep down we're both friends.
All these anti-hate speech laws in Canada have actually made me more hateful, where once I probably would have just shrugged and said let people live and let live, I now actively oppose giving any rights to these cocksuckers, because they refuse to let people have an opinion that's different from theirs. The intention doesn't matter, it's all about controlling wrongthink.
No, I'm from a city. Went to school with many different people and they were all cool.
No one out there can or ever will "offend" you, they could literally attack you with a melee weapon with the intent to kill and they would not be offending you, you choose to get offended ou t of ignorance of the cycle of death, karma, and reincarnation. That being said people attack others out of fear and it assuages their fear when they do so.
That's great I grew up in a suburb at the edge of the most city multicultural city in the world. To this day I still hate niggers, they would come and rob people at my high school. Asians OK. Niggers never once.
People attack gays for instance because they fear them because they have been told by the society that they are either A)evil because it is against monotheism or B)weak if male because they are effeminate and women are physically weaker then men which actually is not true physically OR mentally for gay men, also note women have stronger minds than men because they are emotionally grounded which balances out the genders. Basically though it's because theyre scared because of the vast ignorance of our society.
The problem is that everyone has their own definition of what is and isn't offensive and conforming to everyone's special snowflake sensibilities is retarded. I have no problem with people willingly not insulting others but it becomes a problem when it is imposed upon others or society as a whole. Who gets to decide what is and isn't offensive? When it comes to policy you can't just say "be nice" and call it a day. The troll culture is a pushback against this thought-policing bullshit.
Would solving poverty maybe reduce crime?
I didn't mean a law. I just meant if someone tells you not to be rude to be nice
He answered your fucking question now FUCK OFF!!!
Just fuck off already Jesus Christ.
Everyone stop replying to this thread.
You could hand black people like 1 million each. They would still go broke because they're not good with money and they don't have jobs because they're poorly educated or have a criminal record. I went to prison once in Toronto, it's 80% black.
I was acquitted but those people in there are animals who will attack you just for looking at them. Fuck niggers.
Not just law, it's also cultural.
because I can. because I will not be tied down by morality and standards of decency.
it's just the truth
your problem if you are offended
OP, here is some thought for you: twitter.com
We live in a completely pussyfied society with people often being very infantile and every little bit of information seems to create cognitive dissonance. Especially men today don't have the character anymore to tell people their opinion, often not even when the other person did something extremely wrong.
I believe that full confrontation and offending people is the brute force version of giving them a reality check because when confronted, these people will think about this moment for days, sometime even weeks. It is such a shock to them that they are forced to adapt.... literally breaking the conditioning.
Once the conditioning is broken, they starting changing, informing themselves, adapting... they work themselves out of the demoralized state (high Yuri) towards enlightenment, they are starting to be able to consume new information.
We need the people to change, and true change often comes only through pain, and offending a person is like a "low effort" version of psychological pain.
>Why do you like offending people?
because fuck you, that's why!
I don't enjoy it, it's just a side product of my thoughts with the sand-niggers.
It means that they're also free to offend me right back, something Sup Forums forgets sometimes.
If you sling generalizations and insults, don't be a bitch when they do the same thing to you. Jewnigger sjw cucks deserve to share a conversation with neonazi babydick manchildren.
I fell for it
I don't intentionally offend people. Some people are just offended at the smallest things and I could care less about their feelings.
We all did, nice trips leaf.
Not all of you bad, come to burger land sometime and we will show you a good time.
I'd imagine everyone here wants to raise chaos, to an extent, but I for one, just like pissing off SJW's, cucks, and libfags, they're all entitled faggots who think the world revolves around them because they think they are defending muh minorities, and they generally get triggered by everything.
so for me, one of the most important reasons for Trump to win, is the massive liberal butthurt, it will be unseen before in any election.
props. Also I burger land much. Many good time.
Thanks for this thread faggot.
I just decided to post a daily reminder on kikebook every day.
looks shopped
Nah it's legit. Full on autism drive engaged.
That's super-easy.
You, as an offendatron, believe you should gain some kind of power when you declare that you feel offended, whether or not you felt that way and whether or not the statement in question was offensive to even a reasonable person. Your taking of offense is strategic, but you are required to become more and more freaked out and hysterical. Like a child who has been taught to tantrum when denied anything, the show must go on.
I am older than most here and lived through the 80s era of the religious right being "offended" by everything, getting up in arms, fainting, whatever. It was a show then and it is a show now.
By denying you that which you want when you put on your big performance, I experience the pleasure of denying a spoilt child their shrieked-for treat and simultaneously remind everyone that the world does not end when someone who whines on Tumblr about everything whines once more about something ultimately trivial.
Sup Forums
>poorly educated
Fix the education system then????
Maybe they just think a man sticking their dick in another man's asshole is not scary but disgusting and weird and creepy and gross.
timestamp or gtfo
>it's also cultural.
Not being an asshole is cultural? Didn't your mom teach you not to be rude? That's not culture that's just common sense
Because its funny to watch people get mad over things they made up to be special
Society has decided not to allocate sufficient resources to the education system to make black people educated. We want to enjoy consumer goods as well.
You like to make people mad at you just for the sake of it? WTF
Oh so you are just angry in general. But why lash out at people who haven't done you anything?
Where the fuck is my card reader...
It's more like they don't try at school than there is a problem with school. Even with similar funding and teaching methods black people tend to finish high school much less. This is a pattern that presents itself everywhere black people are found.
Even in South Africa with the same funding and education system Caucasian and Asian people do far better on average.
>massive liberal butthurt
It will be very fun, especially since I know a lot of them and they don't know I prefer Trump
>You, as an offendatron, believe you should gain some kind of power when you declare that you feel offended,
I don't feel offended. I just don't get why you choose to offend people. Like you have a choice either offend or not. Why do you choose the former?
We dondu nuffin. People get offended on their own then blame us
>Maybe they just think a man sticking their dick in another man's asshole is not scary but disgusting and weird and creepy and gross.
They don't have to do it. Everyone chooses what to stick or not stick up their ass
Guys I found OP
i like to not have to butcher my vocabulary every few months because someone throws a tantrum
Why then blame poor people for it?
>triggered white niggers
It has been explained to you in this whole thread.
If people were nice to you, they could continue to explain it, and you would continue not to comprehend it.
Instead: you're a retard, you lack basic abilities of comprehension. You should reflect over this and find something to do in life where you don't need to be smart.
Respect your dubs
It actually didn't get explained. They told me they don't care. So why not use the non-rude way of saying something.
Jihad Johnny owes it all to people like you. They all really made him tough.
I imitate my Lord and Master Jesus called the Christ. He spoke the truth no matter how much it upset people.
Are you talking to us or the faggots who dress in S&M gear in public?
Because half the time, Im not even trying to. Fuck them.
Brain-damaged autist: People attack gays because they are fearful of them!
Me: Maybe they just think it's disgusting and not scary.
You: But they don't have to perform gay acts themselves.
Your response has no rational connection with the previous statements. It's an irrelevance. It's like someone saying "Buses are good" and you responding "Oh but planes are round".
>It actually didn't get explained. They told me they don't care.
>It has been explained to you in this whole thread. .. If people were nice to you, they could continue to explain it, and you would continue not to comprehend it.
I get sexual pleasure from offending others, kys nigger faggot.
I like showing people that their high minded ideals are a bunch of garbage if viewed from literally any perspective other than their own. That and I just like making people squirm.
offence is taken just learn not to give a fuck
Jesus was never rude. Have you ever fucking read the bible. He didn't care were you came from if you are just nice
Ok that happens. But did you learn something from it. Like oh that hurts people that's not nice