
2nd Amendment

Other urls found in this thread:


>She's got no time for losers

Theres a lil sam hyde in all of us


>the natural STATE of women

fucking hell

I am incapable of ever loving someone so much that I could be enraged. In order to truly hate, you must have truly loved.

Kill both cheaters. Improve the gene pool by killing off traitors.

what a cuck. should have killed the female instead.

i would become the new führer and starting the next WW.

Why do they use the word "husband"?

thanks for ruining my day op.

cock sucking home wrecking faggot penguin, what a piece of shit. Fuck that betraying cunt too


just like my japanese animes

part of the agenda to normalize marriage to animals. this is how it starts.

this is not star wars

fuck man that hurt to watch

Usually they stay together all their life. So it's kind of a marriage.





this is what producer's of tv shows do to science. it's why nobody understands science, including religious cucks and some idiots here on Sup Forums

should have fought till you died or kill the other bird WEAK. LOW ENERGY BIRD!

get my penguin rocket senpai


>Alright calm down, relax, start breathin'

who won? don't tell me the nigger penguin beat the noble white cuck

Pic related, cheating penguin getting karma

Always gets me

Cut my losses, block her out of my life, lift weights, get /fit/, and aim for an even better women, making sure I'm good enough that she'd never choose another man over me. I feel like it's degrading for a man to have to fight for his wives love. You don't fight for a woman to love you over another man, you fight to defend her from harm, period.

Either she wants your dick or she doesn't, why dance like a monkey while a woman sits back and gets to decide what she wants? What's alpha about that?

my sides

In all seriousness, probably kill the home wrecker and quite possibly my wife. Plead innocent because it was a crime of passion. Move on and find another woman.

Trying to fight to guy off and trying to keep the girl around, big mistake. I've had friends who've had girlfriends cheat on them and my friends would forgive them. That only leads to more problems on top of declaring to your social group and cheating girlfriend that you're accepting of being cucked.




He can't keep getting away with it!


You’re in the club and this guy slaps your penguin wife's ass, what do?

Is the second Canadian amendment the one protecting your women's rights to give dogs head?

Why doesn't he just embrace being a cuck?
it's 2016 after all.

I would kill them both, and do my best to get away with it.

And then I would probably leave the country or at the very least the tri-state area.

There are some things you just can't do and get away with.

killed the bitch

But those two species are on opposite sides of the Earth.

At least the new bf wasn't a black

> Live in France before 1970
> Some bastard cucks you with your wife
> Discover their adultery and murder both of them immediately
> Claim Crime of Passion and temporary insanity defence
> Get two year custody sentence

Gas the pingus

Avian war now

reminds me of this

crime of passion, you probably could get away with it if you have a sympathetic jury

>8 hits a second
>thick bone
Jesus fuck


>She chooses the homewrecker
So the new penguin is a willing cuck and the other guy gets to fuck a non-whore? Doesn't seem like that bad of a deal.

His mistake was fighting for the cheating bitch, I'd rather he tried to kill her instead of him desu.

>what would Sup Forums do in this situation?
Come back in the night and shank him to death with my beak. Then I'd fuck the female, and kill her too. After that I'd keep fucking her corpse.

What are they going to do, arrest me? I'm a fucking penguin.

Bury them.

You cut her off but chad got her pregnant and she claims you're the father.

You are forced to pay for the child, who's not yours, for 18 years.

Your wife and her son wouldn't like to hear you talking that way Sven.

I get a fucking DNA test to prove the child isn't mine, simple as that.

I'm actually boiling in anger

Think the other guy was going to let him kill her? Either way you have to kill the other guy, if you want to kill her or rape her into submission is up to you.

I never asked for this.

the ancient romans had it right;

the husband had the right to kill both the wife and the lover according to the law of the twelve tables and jurisprudence.

If he knew and did nothing he was treated by the law as a pimp and as such liable to prosecution.

based romans

"I guess it is the CURRENT YEAR after all I should embrace the fact that a strong male takes care of my wife and that my wife has every right to betray me. At least the fellow isn't a nigger"

I died.

When the penguin world mirrors the west

Every country should adopt this law

IRL premeditated murder and you get roughly fucked by judges.

You need to attack the instant you find them, grab the nearest sharp object and go for the neck. Then you can get away with crime of passion.


In reference to the video, the new penguin is the cuck. The other guy was done favour, desu. getting rid of that whore.

Did you miss the part where I was a penguin? I was reacting to the video. If I ever do murder someone in real life, there won't be a single trace left and I will plan it for months. Yoghurt.



What lays beyond the mountains of Antarctica? What do these penguins know? Whose call do they answer?

I'm... Gonna need a source for this


>What are they going to do, arrest me? I'm a fucking penguin.


>Whose call do they answer?

A Great Old One's

strike a multi.000.000 $ deal with nat geo channel for 6 seasons of reality show

Things like this make me want to kill myself.
I barely dodged a bullet by not dating some whore who would end up cucking me. Thing is that she was a virgin when i met her but started saying strange promiscuous things so i bailed.

A week later she dated someone, two weeks later she chated on him. I already suffer from depression and do not want to trust someone too much.

It's allegedly satire.

>all that blood

>no time for losers


Daily reminder that the international white mammal , the polar bear, will cease to exist in your lifetime if Trump is elected (global warming denial).

There is nothing there.

Penguins are monogamous

So the homewrecking penguin had to endure a baseball bat flipper pummeling just to raise another penguin's eggs? Sounds like he's the cuck in the end.


Fuck that was brutal. This is what women want deep down.


Kick that faggot penguins head off, I've got at least 160 pounds on that little cock smoker. Not to mention my dicks bigger anyways.

Women are sorta more likely to be psychotic than men. A lot of women do disgusting things and feel justified to do them. You will notice that women do not shame whores who cheat on good hardworking husbands.

Many women also love to see men fight over them.

i would beat the woman instead

I'm pretty sure they are serial monogamous, which means they are monogamous just as long a a chick is needed to be popped, then they fuck off and find whoever is available next year.

>People siding with the female

Kill western females. All of them.


They need to off themselves.

Not in the thread, but in twitter or comments

Kill them both. The only redpilled answer.

REEEEEEE thank god for social media. You can look up if your potential date has ever defended whores, if she has she is a whore

>i was just pretending to be retarded

It does not look like satire. It looks like women being women

>What's he doing? Is he twerking...? Awww no!"

>tfw you realize that penguins are manlier than modern white men

Reading twitter comments, all the black people empathize with the penguin trying to get his girl.

based af

i know a guy that after working found his gf sleeping with other guy and he nearly killed that guy, he hit the girl too and spent some time in jail

i'd kill their families as well.