Trump will not win. :)
Trump will not win. :)
Are those Magic The Gathering cards?
Trump will win. It will be a landslide.
These digits say otherwise
your opinion doesn't count
>tfw you will never have a redpilled asian qt gf that plays mtg :^(
Fuck you, these digits say Hillary wins.
Fuck, looks like this try failed.
pffff, lol,
except he will
wtf #I'mWithHer now
Someone post the video please
dont you have a bull to prep or something, sven?
Lucy Liu
hey guys check these singles
Don't know why but I just find that kinda nasty she is clearly a loose whore
She's like a hotter fresher lucy liu.
Lucy Liu is very hot, unlike this ugly mongoloid shit.
Cuck nation for Hillary, got it
i need this for colleague... I study politics and stuff
10/10 would grab pussy and asshole like a bowling ball.
are there any more in this set?
Lucy Liu is literally a mongoloid.
i meant mongoloid in a bad way.
Well, I don't think so.
What bizarre mashed up strangeness is this?
Good god this woman is 36? Makes me feel bad that white women look dried out by their 30s.
Leave will not win. :)
>Blog is shared by 36 year old Chinese and 18 year old Chinese daughter.
shes perfect.
It hurts man..
>Not storing your cards in proper sleeves in a binder.
I am really turned off and am now thinking about voting for Hillary.
Disgusting & disgraceful.
are there any pics of the 36yo mom on this tumblr or just pics of the 18yo daughter?
Please get a proper map. Not all of us in Ulster are cucks!
I wonder what cards those are?
Who is this girl? It looks just like someone I used to know.
cool thread bro, sure would be a shame if someone spammed pictures of korean models in it though.
ur a faget
Now I wanna see the mom too
Shut your mouth
Don't make me break our peace treaty
>Hasn't left yet
They arr rook same
I can smell this from here
Vote Trump!
google this whole
>asian hate asian guys meme
>love white guys
its like a thing.
/tg/ never dissapoints
I did not open this pic but I imagine it says 'reply to this post or your mom will die tonight'
Oh dear
Well done.
Asians are paki's, everyone hates muslim paki trash, hardly anything new.
does it even matter what we say anymore?
Looks like it. I'm sold!
>being a slave to the vaginal jew.
fuck off
fuggg u
The dude who owns that channel is the most magnificent person alive.
One of the best trolls.
That pic gets me every time.
Have my waifu in return.
>Trump will win. It will be a landslide.
MAGA time soon lads
lol when she talks like the asian girl so funny.
thank you sir
You fucking fuck
>that panty peek
That's a big card
jokes on you my mother is dead haha miss you mom
>tfw no qt Trump supporting asian gf
The thing is, you faggots will be pleased with your self declared "victory" for the disgusting fetish of mongoloid racial semi-paedophilla fetish, you will feel accepted because you have come together with the other sick fucks of this board and united against the voice of decency.
But then in about 16-18 hours time you will have to turn off your computers and move your considerable weight down to the Job centre. You will of course still be claiming you sickening victories via your mobile phones and then the half drunk meth addict sitting next to you in the dole office will spot your image folder as you're scrolling through your collection to find the most apt paedophillic mongoloid picture folder to match the tone of your post.
You will hear him mutter to his equally drunk, probably high mate
"this sick fuck next to me is looking at asian porn"
You will realise then that even those who our society deams the worst of us, junkie doleheads, have someone even they can look down on
the yellow fevered omega gook-loving posters of Sup Forums
Sup Forums just shills for the chills
>are there any pics of the 36yo mom
I'm not convinced she exists. I think the idea that the blog is shared by a woman and her daughter is part of the fantasy.
Very subtle, yet very powerful stage props.
I saw the flag, then my vision glanced over the face, scanned the text, then went straight to pussy fingering.
I looked to signs of photoshop and actual penetration, momets afterwords I realized I didnt care if it was real or not.
Then the dark items on the table drew my attention, I've seen these shapes before. That's a red magic card...
Another couple glances at face, taking the mental image of her lips and trying to that as a template for how her actual pussy might look.
Noticed the devil sign, as she grabbed her cooch.
First post always best post.
Funny retarded pepe see's what I see.
meme magic confirmed