Find 1 (ONE) flaw.
Find 1 (ONE) flaw
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wisconsin will be red
Trump can easily win VA, MI, PA, NH
CO might go blue
MN, WI, MI, PA, VA, NH arenät red on that pic
Colorado is blue, Michigan is red.
Trump is leading in New Hampshire
the most realistic map is this, he is closer in Pennsylvania than he is in Colorado now. he is having a Northeastern surge, he is opening us up to not being solid Democrat.
Colorado and Nevada are going blue.
forgot map
Underestimates Trump
Texas is numero uno!
I see a lot of flaws.
Hillary doesn't have Arkansas and Trump doesn't have NY
Why are you guys so confident about Florida???
still unsure about florida due to the recent voter fraud and poll rigging. Can someone correct me?
We already know Clinton has won Nevada. Thanks for confirming the Hillary win.
HRC is leading in Clark county and has overtaken GOP in Washoe county meaning she has more or less wrapped things up in Nevada.
She holds a +3 points advantage in Colorado
That's 15 flaws right there.
And that's not counting the +1.2 lead in FL
+4 in MI
+2.4 in PA
+5.2 in VA
+5.5 in WI
Nevada, Florida and Colorado
Thank you for correcting the record.
Colorado will be blue and Hillary will get the 270.
When will this meme die? It hasn't gone red since 1988, and it won't be Trump who will change that.
>he is closer in Pennsylvania than he is in Colorado now
Don't trust polls. Colorado is historically a red state. It only went blue in 2008 and 2012 because it's 5% black, and everybody knows that black turnout this year will be much lower.
If he wins statewide Maine vote there's no way he doesn't win New Hampshire. Only flaw.
Trump has more than 40% of the hispanic, 20% of the black vote, like 70% of the working class vote. Past elections don't matter.
There is the crucial flaw
massive voter fraud
>north Carolina red
>Nevada red
>20% of the black vote
He doesn't though.
voter fraud
Colorado has been infested by weedfags, "left-libertarians" and has growing spic pockets.
He does, he has double the black support of any republican candidate
This poll has him with almost 50% of the latino vote, though. Romney had around 20%.
UT = McMullin
NM = Al Leppo
>he has double the black support of any republican candidate
How about 3
Thats the only one i can find
colorado wont go red
Trade CO for NH, Trump still wins.
There is your flaw
I don't know shit about these voting maps but it sure does seem like a lot of red states. Can't believe how unfucking fair new York and California are.
>Lose literally every single state except CA and NY
>Still a narrow loss
California should be 3 states
flaw: wrong map
pic related
248 here
Ive been saying it for weeks. President Trump will take Michigan, guaranteed.
Most people think the Unions are bought and paid for by the Democratic party. I think on the surface, the at top national level , maybe . The Rank and file workers, their families, and close friends will be voting Republican this year.
People that were long time Democrats watched as the heyday of Bill Clinton came and gone. In its aftermath almost 1,000,000 jobs lost.
Smart Democrats will not make that mistake again. The TPP, TTIP, & TISA will only further degrade our standard of living. These Bills are NAFTA x 100.
We will not let Ms Gold Standard screw us again.
Addi tonally the Bernouts will play a huge factor in Michigan. The polls leading up to the primary had Clinton winning 99%, only to have Bernie squeak by a Win. The DNC colluded to steal the nomination from Bernie. This did not sit well with his supporters. Hillary is anti pot and pro wall street, these sanders supporters want revenge and they wont be voting Clinton, that's for sure.
Some people also like to bring up the large Arab population here as if that is going to be her saving grace. Unfortunately most old school middle eastern immigrants are leery of a Clinton presidency. They know that with a Clinton in office the area will be flooded with unvetted Syrians.
A large majority of the Arabs in the area are Christian but no so for these Syrians. The old hat immigrants know that a flood of "Syrians" will erode their reputation in the area. Something a lot of them work hard for.
I legit feel bad for your state. I hope Trump brings some jobs back to you guys and maybe gets the water situation handled
I was about to say this. Colorado is still tight. Trump is leading in New Hampshire though.
>mfw one of Maine's electoral votes goes to Trump and breaks the tie
Trump is leading in Clark county and has overtaken Clinton in Washoe county meaning he has more or less wrapped things up in Nevada.
He holds a +2 points advantage in Colorado
And that's not counting the +1.2 lead in FL
+4 in MI
+2.4 in PA
+5.2 in VA
+5.5 in WI
Can we take a stab at the dudeweed vote by digging up all the anti-pot connections Hill has?
"It should be a state issue" is SIGNIFICANTLY less questionable than her utterly noncommittal line.
Did you know that there is an problem with logical induction?
A defining characteristic of the future is that we can't know for sure what it will be.
Fuck off CTR
As a michiganfag Hillary has no chance of winning Michigan even with detroit.
Auto workers (most manufactutring workers) should probably see that they have nothing to gain from free trade or anything that makes it easier to lose jobs to Canadians, Mexicans, the Chinese, and even Europeans.
Trump speaks directly to these concerns.
Funny to see all these Sup Forums trumpfags using polling to support a FL, NC, NH win
after they've been talking for weeks about how useless and rigged the polls are.
how do they live with themselves?
flaming hypocrites
When will Detroit realize they are the quintessential textbook case of the Democrat's "Keep them poor, give them gibs, extract votes, repeat 5ever" policy?
Lots of Sup Forumsfags are now weary of all polls.
>NV red
>CO red
>IA red
>OH red
NV, CO, OH and FL will be blue
>rig poll for one candidate
>said candidate is winning
>still rig poll for one candidate
>other candidate is winning regardless
>I'm a giant massive fucking faggot that doesn't know what a hypocrite is
Enjoy getting lynched lmao.
Since you can't poll flog anymore try bringing up Romney some more or do some concern trolling. But your have been spotted, kike. So try in another thread with a different ID.
You don't have Trump winning Pennsylvania, Michigan, or New Mexico