How long does it take to count the votes? When will we know who won?
They will call it for Hillary early in the evening regardless of who wins.
3am cet wed
By 11pm on Eastern standard time, we'll know florida and pennslyvania's results.
Florida Polls will close at 12 p.m. GMT, the next important states at 1 a.m. Immediately then, first outcome estimates will be released.
Since swing states are said to correlate, Florida will be key supposedly.
However, last polls close at about 6 a.m.
i dont understand that ellection. how is it a fucking democracy when a fucking dude has to vote after you vote. you are like dismissing a shitton of votes in the process. correct/explain that shit to me. it makes no sense.
Who is this semen demon?
First election OP?
Basically the polls close at 6pm in each state, at which point they start tallying and reporting numbers as they go.
Typically it's all said and done by 1AM EST, and earlier if certain swing states go one way or the other. You'll usually have the media outlets declaring a winner before every individual vote is reported.
Think of it like watching poker on TV, where they show the chances of each player winning the hand, and the chances quickly polarize to 100%/0% as more cards go down
Hahaha, you think they actually count the votes? Nigga the votes go in a shredder while made up statistics become the final result. And the leadership role goes to the highest bidder.
By like 10:30 est
its an annoying system, we need a better one, but the idea is to prevent tyranny of the majority.
When the polls close you count. This isn't a third world shithole like in South America where it takes 3 days to declare a winner. Note the battleground states are mostly EST.
Pretty easy,if the government don't like who you vote for they change it to a person they like.
im here for the picture OP
you and every fucking liberal I swear...
we are a DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLIC for fucks sake not a DEMOCRACY.
United States of America is not a real democracy, and uses "Electorals" and state winner-take-all systems to subvert the public vote. You could be president with up to 80% of the US population voting for the other candidate, as long as you win the most important states by 0.5%.
I didn't even read the op. I just want a name
Oy vey that tyrannical white majority.
We will know by 8:30 or 9 pm EST. Whenever Florida is called... unless the RUST BELT SURPRISE materializes.
0.5% will trigger an automatic recount in most states tbqh
Cowtits Mcgee
Wisconsin and Minnesota red? Are you high?
The Electors cast their votes on December 19th. There will be a joint session of Congress on January 6th to count the electoral votes and settle any outstanding controversies. We may know who won after that.
back to geography class you go
It's not a great system, but its a fuck of a lot better than a popular vote system. Inner city dindus and welfare moms would decided every election.
>count the votes
you just don't get it, do you?
good god this is hot
Wednesday, ealry morning Central European Time.
That is literally patented, and protected under copyright law, no-one is allowed to know. Goodtimes!
>a fucking month thanks to pick related
>tiranny of the majority
Nah. It's Miriam Gonzalez
Found it
100% of tallied votes put in for Jeb!
>count the votes
Democracy is a dicatorship of the majority. Minority groups only get stuff if majority allows it.
EC makes sure of proportional power.
This way, Dems can't invite 500 million illegals to commiefornia and vote for the democrat, thus nullifying everyone else's vote
we already know Trump has won.
>posts a naked kike
Sup Forums in a nutshell
You're both fucking complete and total morons.
It'll take weeks, if not months, to get the final tallies (contested ballots, late absentee ballots, and so forth), but sufficient numbers will likely be counted by late evening Tuesday. It's possible it could drag into the early morning hours, but since Clinton's a lock for the West Coast states, and most of the Rocky Mountains/Great Plains states are sparsely populated (meaning we already know who's going to win one time zone and it won't take long to count the other; i.e., "political geography"), I doubt it'll go on much longer than midnight, despite how close the contest is.
HAHAHA this is the funniest shit, my retarded university is going to hold an election night watch party from 5am to 8am cet, when the election will already be over.
we use computers to vote. we know its rigged but the ellection is closed instantly.(im implying the american ellection isnt rigged, lel but we atleast have 30 parties)
do you mean 12am ?
She's a spic. And if you'd kick that out of bed you're a humongous faggot
Representative republic fuckwit
2012 election was called at about 11:15 PM ET when Ohio was projected an Obama win, more than 3 hours after Ohio's polls closed. By that point, all 48 contiguous states' polls had already been closed.
No chance of it ending by 9 ET. We're going to be in for a long night.
Hugh moungus wot?
Thanks for the answers guys. I forgot for a moment how the US system works. Have some German tits.
IF Hillary wins Weiner could become a secretary of texting dick pics.
I want to hold an election night watch.
When should I wake up? In GMT+2 please
>Be in olde tymes
>Wake up in sturdy hand made house
>put on top quality hand made working garments
>eat bountiful breakfast consisting of meat that was hunted for, fresh bread, fresh milk
>Open door leading to vast open field full of crops that need tending to, animals that need feeding
>Be greeted by this with a kiss on the cheek
>"Work hard today, my love"
It makes me so sad.
I can't believe a fucking leaf understands the point of the electoral college better than so many of my fellow Americans. For fuck's sake.
The presidential election isn't a popular election, it's a series of what are basically 50 governors races all at once.
>how is it a fucking democracy
Constitutional Republic
sauce please