>"Pretty in pink" Mexican architects imagine Trump's wall
>The Estudio 314 architectural practice has unveiled its pastel pink plans to realize the Republican candidate’s border proposal in ‘all its gorgeous perversity’
>"Pretty in pink" Mexican architects imagine Trump's wall
>The Estudio 314 architectural practice has unveiled its pastel pink plans to realize the Republican candidate’s border proposal in ‘all its gorgeous perversity’
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How the fuck is building a wall perverse?
At least they accept they will build a wall
I thought there was going to be a train going along it.
>Mexican architect
I don't care what color it is, so long as it keeps Mexicans out
Tbqh I thought the retrowave vibe made it much cooler.
walls are only acceptable when they keep guatemalans out of mi country ese
t. paco taco vender
>Mexicans are so fucked up that they think building a wall is perverse
Yeah just make sure you stay on your side when you're done, Jose
Well they're the ones that'll be staring at it all day so
>Guys, the Right is doing stuff! What do we do?
>Did racism work? No?
>Did sexism work? No?
>Let's insult their masculinity again.
The sun shades are in the wrong angle.
If that wall were true, then it would be going from north to south.
Because illegal aliens take over $113 billion dollars from the US economy annually, costing the average taxpaying household $1,117 a year.
It's perverse because it literally derives them of the support they need to pretend they're equal to white Americans.
Building a giant wall between two states is wildly abnormal.
Exactly. They can paint their side whatever color they please. The deported painters will need the work anyway.
that's beautiful
>Mexican Architects
Pretty sure Trump will be in charge of building the wall. Mexico is just paying for it.
>Mexican Architects
dont care as long as it keeps illegals out
sure thing, paint your side pink if it gets you to build it. what the fuck are we supposed to care.
I really don't get it. Is this supposed to be insulting or something?
KeK approves of Trump's wall
>mexico will pay for the wall only if its pink and the train on top has a penis shaped engine
>America calls the bluff
>100 years from now people will make day trips to the Great Flaming Wall of Trump
Kek be willing...
Is this supposed to be some kind of "gotcha"? Who the fuck cares what color it is? It isn't being built as a tourist attraction.
Because they are erecting a wall
>mexican intellectuals
Who cares? It'll be covered by graffiti in the coming months.
Mexicans can take advantage of it an use it as a mount for solar panned. She wall will be pretty much a concrete line from East to West. It will be facing South, which means it will get a little bit if weaker morning light and all of the most intense South light. A vertical placement of the panels is space efficient.
>Too small
>not enough gold
>done since the beginning of human civilization
lol you're british, the only reason you're alive and complaining right now is because your ancestors built walls
So >>Mexican architects already started working on drafts?
I don't agree with color, but I'm fine they've started working on it.
>Trump wall
>Not golden with black accents (made out of chinese globalists and dindus)
Brown people are upset that they don't invent anything and make lots of butthurt exclamations when white people stop letting them destroy civilization purely for the sake of not having to look at white people & get jealous a niggerbrained manner.
>mexican architects
I don't care what color it is, I just want it to keep the illegals out.
They can paint their side whatever they want. I don't give a shit.
>Lives within driving distance of Hadrian's wall
>Calls wall building between states wildly abnormal
paint it whatever color you fucking want on that side beaners
As is their attempt to create a modern day version of the ulster plantation.
What is Hadrian's wall?
Good thing we're 2 countries then huh faggot.
Once they get past the landmines.
stop embarrassing us
People don't actually think the wall is a feasible idea, do they? It sounds nice, but c'mon. That shit ain't gonna happen.
Who cares what the color of the wall is as long as they are kept OUT OUT OUT!
>pastel pink
that is a strong, vibrant purple
and I like it a lot
nice luis barragan style
holy christ why couldnt the dutch have conquered your stupid asses is beyond me
oh yeah
Win win
The estimated cost to build the wall (according to left wing sources like CNN) is about 1/5th what illegal immigration costs your country in a single year.
It's totally feasible, but you're right that it ain't gonna happen. Will be one of those things that starts four years into his presidency and gets postponed for years. I can already see it happening. Even if it's not Trump's fault.
check out the Israeli perimeter fence between Israel and the West Bank
walls work
It's not, just (((globalists))) and nation-wrecking shitskins and liberal cucks complaining about walls.
The only way it could be stopped is if the entire executive branch has its' funding stripped by congress.
>advocates for worlds largest prison
>watches as rich people flee, leaving poor people in greater numbers
>doesn't realize walls are two way streets.
James please, don't you have evil villians to kill?
>Ha, there will never be a wall gringos
>Well Mexico will never pay for a wall
>Well Mexico will never paint the wall in your desired color!
>Mexicans actually think anyone would care about the colour
>done since the beginning of human civilization
Stupid ideas were common in the past.
That wall was a military device. If the US wanted a line of army watch posts, what is the wall for? Just use a fence.
The barriers in the West Bank are labour saving devices. They replace Israeli checkpoints with a wall. Mexicans are not bombing, shooting and stabbing US border control agents.
>every time there was a major breach was because some Chinese douchebag thought he could use the barbarians to his advantage and literally opened the door
I fucking hate chinese warlords.
>An actual wall
>Not deadly laser fences
as long as it keeps the spics out
you could just go around that shit man
I'd be ok with that as long as it's only on the mexican side, it would humiliate them more
The wall will not keep anyone out, when the US government and industry are so busy shovelling them in.
there are so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to begin
Too small. It will definitely need to be seen from space
Laser fences are very expensive and you still have to protect the whole interior of the base with concrete plates to protect you from underground invasions.
Fuck yeah, Tiberian Sun was awesome.
Can we have some sort of "stations" on the future wall?
Like an area to set up shop with our 30.06 and shoot illegals as they try to cross?
I'd pay good money to come down to Trumps wall and shoot illegals. I'd pay upwards of $500 to the Trump corporation if they allowed me to set up shop on their wall and shoot illegals as they tried to cross.
I'm sure millions of other fed up white Americans would as well.
Wall would pay for itself in no time.
Considering spics breed out of control faster than cockroaches, there will be no shortage of mexishits to shoot on Trumps wall.
Mexicans know that 200 yards in front of the wall will be a mined no-go zone, right?
If beaners think the Wall is going to be a canvas for their gang signs and banksy-tier shit they've got another thing coming.
>Can we have some sort of "stations" on the future wall?
Border posts.
>I'd pay good money to come down to Trumps wall and shoot illegals.
You could go a few miles into Mexico and shoot people. Would anyone notice?
>You could go a few miles into Mexico and shoot people. Would anyone notice?
good idea...
I'm sorry but correct me if i'm wrong; are they trying to say "Your concept of building a wall is ridiculous so we're going to depict it as pink to make you think it is ridiculous"? I see absolutely no problem with a wall being pink other than it might be a waste of money if the building supplies aren't pink.
What game is this?
More hypocrisy from them left
They are grasping at straws at this point. Catch the Nate Silver thread.
That's some lazy ass photoshop.
With you on this, I thought pink was an interesting color for the wall, would probably be more interesting than brick - cunts would go to see the big pink wall .
Double points only American side is pink and Mexican side is covered in goatsie.
>Mexicans are not bombing, shooting and stabbing US border control agents.
I know where you are trying to go there kike but first you are absolutely wrong there, second U.S. border control agents control the fucking U.S. border inside the fucking U.S. and keep the Mexicans out, they are not somewhere inside Mexico keeping Mexicans in check and harrassing and attacking Mexicans for a living and pretend to be victims.
Haha they made it pink
Comedy gold
>they are not somewhere inside Mexico
US border control agents routinely deport people into Mexico. Those people then walk back into the US then go home for the most part.
>keep the Mexicans out
I don't know where you are getting that idea from. The vast majority of the US border agencies work is letting people through the US-Mexico border.
Pink it is then,
Based Sheriff Joe Arpaio makes spics wear pink underwear, therefore the wall shall be pink.
Spics BTFO
Do you really want to have to look at dirty mexicans on your pleasant train ride?
Come on, have some class.