>human beings are inherently benevolent beings who have the potential to be corrupted by religion
>human beings are inherently malevolent beings who have the potential to be saved by religion
Pick one.
>human beings are inherently benevolent beings who have the potential to be corrupted by religion
>human beings are inherently malevolent beings who have the potential to be saved by religion
Pick one.
Other urls found in this thread:
Atheists hold the same metaphysical beliefs most Christians believe in.
neither, are you retarded?
human beings are inherently bad and so is religion
Human beings are inherently nothing who have the potential to be nothing.
Damn, if I'm retarded you have even less work to explain it to me.
durrrrrrrrrr wat u meanings of words?
>humans are inherently selfish
>life analyzed as a game results in around 89% of humans working cooperatively and 11% working uncooperatively
>religion 'can' be an excuse for for those 11%, but it's probably not the only one or even the main one
both of your options are trash. benevolence and malevolence don't mean anything. we are inherently selfish (considered malevolent) but that results in the vast majority working together cooperatively (considered benevolent).
religion can be some of the time used as an excuse act uncooperatively or a motivation to work cooperatively.
I think therefore I am. I'm something.
>and so is religion
Why? Even if I create a religion that has one belief saying "Love yourself and love all :)"
it's inherently bad?
Homan been is bik ant stronk
Are one of the options supposed to not be trash? Says who?
>benevolence and malevolence don't mean anything.
>we are inherently selfish (considered malevolent)
>vast majority working together cooperatively (considered benevolent)
Don't mean anything?
Human beings are inherently benevolent beings that can be corrupted by many things, including a malevolent religion, and oftentimes only a culture based around a benevolent religion can save them.
Also the term human beings is debateable, as not enough research into the races and social theory has been established to really be able to group all kinds of humans in the same social capability level.
Benevolence and empathy are genetic and evolutionary.
Things like Christmas truces during world wars? You only see that in highly developed ethnic groups like Europeans.
But what makes people inherently good if not a metaphysical set of beliefs and ideas?
>Why? Even if I create a religion that has one belief saying "Love yourself and love all :)"
yes because it will make its followers weak and less inclined to slaughter invading muslims and other immigrants who threaten their culture, race, and values
It could be that, or it could be genetics, hence paragraph 2.
Don't start with moral relativism, because there are objectively correct moral standards for most big issues.
religion is just a silly fantasy invented to control people
humans are not inherently benevolent or malevolent, we're just advanced monkeys. we come pre-programmed with both good and evil tendencies.
>human beings are inherently malevolent beings who have the potential to be saved by religion....but would rather keep killing themselves
only answer
>human beings are inherently benevolent beings who have the potential to be corrupted by their instincts but blames religion because of inability to accept they are screwed up
false dilemma
I get it, you think the former typifies the atheism view of human nature, while the latter typifies the conservative/religious view of human nature. In a sense its true; conservatives have a tendency to think people are fundamentally malevolent or predatory. Even when the conservative is an atheist, the difference persists.
Probably because Christmas truces wouldn't exist is societies that don't celebrate Christmas
Having the ability to love yourself and love all has absolutely nothing to do with the disbelief in self-preservation and protection.
Perfect example of this is Christianity. Turn the other cheek until the slimes are raping your lands, then you take up a sword for God.
You're dumb.
Is that right?
I'm not saying one is right and another is wrong, these are the two beliefs of hard atheism and hard religion.
This. Human beings are inherently human beings.
I like this post.
are animals benevolent?
But what is inherently human?
This is what I believe. People seem to forget that humans are animals and all of our bad behaviors are also exhibited in the animal world as instinct in some way or another. We can keep these instincts in check with things like the ability to reason, religion, laws, etc... But they're always there.
Serbia isn't rare, moron
Check out Jonathan Haidt
Quite a few good books to elaborate on the issue in here:
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
They can't think if they are or not. They just are.
>humans are inherently violent beings who will do whatever it is to benefit their own self interests
bitte mein Freund
Self-oriented behavior that lends itself naturally towards reciprocal behavior. Becoming more 'moral' isn't about becoming unselfish, its about becoming more reciprocal. This shouldn't surprise you.
The Golden Rule isn't "Go give away all your shit", its "Treat others as you would want to be treated". And what do you think is the justification for such a rule?
"So they'll treat you as you would want to be treated"
Ethic of Reciprocity. Google it nigga.
>Atheists hold the same metaphysical beliefs most Christians believe in.
Such as?
>>human beings are inherently benevolent beings who have the potential to be corrupted
>This picture
>"The German Lieutenant was being 'guarded' by the British soldier."
Fucking bullshit.
theres your answer
your capacity of thinking is an illusion, we're a result of an environment, most people go on autopilot, overestimating their ability of controlling themselves or their consciousness
we just are
You shouldn't kill
You shouldn't steal
You shouldn't tape
Basically the classic "Do unto others"
These people are divided by things that don't or shouldn't even divide them when you boil it down. Superstition is the biggest bother to the average atheist, when in reality there's no need because Superstition isn't supposed to be taken literally.
Most Christians do take the Bible very literally, but when you look at the history of Catholicism and the Church it never used to be like this. Not at all.
I wasn't looking for an answer friendo.
Only white people can into empathy and theory of mind.
It depends on the person.
But the part isn't the whole.
I also like this post. This is a good post.
I'll correct myself: Most Christians I KNOW take the bible very literally. I'm unsure if I actually believe most do as a whole.
Human beings are greedy animals that build and advance their society in order to get more shit and they develop ethics and codes of conducts to manage society where the religion is the most primitive for of persuasion for the dumbest.
Human wants to eat more sleep and shit more comfy.
For that he must create.
Is the squirrel that stores more nuts than a squirrel who doesn't store enough nuts for Winter being greedy though?
Humans are either benevolent or malevolent due to factors in genes, culture and childhood environment, religion has the potential to corrupt a man or salvage a man. It's pretty simple.
Bible is just a set of ethical codes for the society of cavemen to function.
If people are stupid and wont listen, just tell them that sky daddy will punish them.
That's how you make retards follow ethics.
Smart people will do that either way because they want to live in a comfy society.
Both greedy but one is smarter
>human beings are inherently human beings who have the potential to be human beings by religion
I'd say one is self-preserving and the other is just shit out of luck. Greed is a human constructed idea, can't apply it to anything that can't comprehended it.
Even then what's Greedy? Most people would call the CEO more greedy than the worker. Why? Because the CEO has more than you, and that's just not fair!