Our country doesn't win anymore...
Our country doesn't win anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
The decline of our country...
Our negotiators make terrible deals
Our negotiators make deals that can not be fulfilled
If I'm elected President...
Give me 4 years...
Believe me...
I swear to you...
A total and complete shutdown of muslims
Annihilation of the jews
I'm going to open up our libel laws so we can sue the media
The media will have their lying mouths shut
Get fucked CTR
check em faggot
Do the pledge...
You have proven your loyalty to me many times over...
We will win
Sieg heil
And we will win
Sieg heil.
Is that comic supposed to convince people not to vote for Trump? Looks fantastic.
And we will win.
Sieg heil...
nice filename
We are going to make America great again...
We will rise again...
the end
thank you
mfw hope this is happens
were you trying to make a point there?
Where is the father? He must be off fighting in a jihad or maybe already became a martyr when he massacred a bunch of gays in a club or unbelievers in an office party right?
So, are you trying appeal to us? Or "disgust" us?
You're still going into the oven next year.
You realize where you're posting right? This'll increase support.
That commercial gets me hyped
How stupid do you have to be to compare Trump and Hitler and let Hitler talk, if he talks is over for you, you will be heiling victory in no time
>showing pictures of a strong Germany made up of a unified German people
Tell you what, if you're going to keep posting pictures, why don't you post some of modern Germany? :^)
Lesbian muslims?
>Tell you what, if you're going to keep posting pictures, why don't you post some of modern Germany?
Wait that was afganistan.
Wait, wait sorry that one was Iraq.
Alright, here we go.
Somebody have the banner of "For America"!? there are hands and rigth "November 8".
Shit, no, that one was London.
OK, here we go for sure this time. GERMANY.
>liberals call out trump for "fear-mongering"
>make shit like this
When your best defense is an 11 year old comment about golddiggers you kind of have to frame everything as literally Hitler.
>hurr nationalist socialist has "socialist" in it so that must mean it's commie
I too remember communist Germany.
Wait, no I don't, that'd be retarded.