
Trelane edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


First for the best webm from Star Trek ever.

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Threadly reminder to not engage shitposters, it violates the prime directive to interfere with the lives of undeveloped life forms.

>was Trelene a Q

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DS9 might grow on you really slowly, but it does really grow on you

Got any casual-but-in-make-up images?

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Looks like a fun video game

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god i loved this bitch, she vs kira were the best moments of ds9

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

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Q predicted this post

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First for based Admiral Janeway.

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absolutely based Dukat did nothing wrong poster

Yes, the rendering for the time was top notch, but the loop-de-loop was what surprised us all. Fucking beautiful, and fitting given the episode it appears in.

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Jeez that shit was a blatant star wars lift

Reposting for new thread:

>Wesley leaving for the academy and episodes where he's at the academy. Piccard playing the flute after his encounter with the beacon.

These are all references rather than consequences though. The episode stands alone and is not reliant on the previous episodes because they're afraid of alienating casual viewers, but it does make references to previous episodes to reward serious viewers.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most manipulative adolescent of them all? Yes, you guessed it: it's OP. In the first place, /trek/ is malformed. It's weapons-grade malformed. If malformed were architecture, /trek/ would be the Parthenon. To restate that with less grandiloquence, /trek/'s contrivances are not witty satire, as it would have you believe. They're simply the indelicate ramblings of something that has no idea or appreciation of what it's mocking.

I have the strength, ability, desire, and courage to deliver Star Trek threads on Sup Forums from their appalling ignorance. Do you? My only wonder is, How can /trek/ produce a new generation of sticky-fingered, puerile Huns whose opinions and prejudices, far from being enlightened and challenged, are simply legitimized and then turn around and shed tears for those who got hurt as a result? If you were to ask something similar about Discovery, it'd doubtlessly result in a large barrage of insults in your direction instead of actually addressing the question.

The facts are in: I still believe in duty, honor, and country. And I'm tired of /trek/.

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Oh shoot, I posted this in the other one. My bad.
In the episode Family the Enterprise is undergoing repairs after the skirmish with the Borg in The Best of Both Worlds parts one and two. I would say it's not only reliant on the events of the previous episodes but also a fantastic character building episode, of which TNG has many over its seven season run. It also dealt with Piccard discussing what had happened with the Borg, and from this moment forward you see his whole demeanor change when it comes to them (for example, the episode with Hugh).

Isn't that a new rendering though? DS9 has never been anything but SD.

that's a big mug

the classic

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To be honest I have no fucking clue. I found this by accident, and it's in far better resolution than I ever saw it in the DVD releases. Also it's widescreen, which the TV show wasn't.

Who knows...it still remains the best webm of Star Trek EVAH!!!!

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Lack of Kirk in here

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It's a guy who did a bunch to show what it would look like, maybe to add to his portfolio or as a hobby. I've seen the station itself and a few runabouts, but I can't seem to find the original source.

I think the clincher for me is that the characters just feel very much the same at the end as at the start. If they've changed, it's by quirks of the writers changing rather than because their development has led to it. Sure, they might change artificially (Wesley is a cadet now, eg), but they still have the same personalities and motivations in s7 as in s1 once you iron out the kinks.

I've gotta disagree with you my man.

Well it's been a few years since I last watched so maybe I'm just spoiled by ENT and DS9's character development (I watch ENT season 3 every year) so I'll keep it in mind when I go back and give TNG a rewatch. Thanks for the chat.

To some degree, but others less. Picard changes of course, but so does Data (gets more human every season, etc.), Geordi (matures with women), Worf (has kid, goes out with Troi). Perhaps Riker stays the most the same, after his brief situation in season 3/4 about promotions. Crusher also stays the same, kinda, though they tease about Crusher/Picard.

TNG has a very slow burn, but that's what makes All Good Things so wonderful to watch...it's like a quick accelerate, and then we shift back to normal trek for the end. ENT and DS9 simply shift gear and stay in that gear or increase...so a difference of sorts.

I must go to, so have a good night y'all.

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Only just noticed that sweet Troi cleavage.


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Hey, it was good talking with you too. Enjoy the rewatch!

Someone needs to add [BEETLESNUFF INTENSIFIES] to that

Worf changes a great deal. So does Picard and Data. Troi and Bev pretty much stay the same, as well as Geordi. Ironically Lwaxana probably has the best character arc in all of TNG

are the oddly polite weirdos who thanked each other and wished each other well before bowing deeply with hats off actually gone?


Worf changes but does he develop? The writers just threw him in when Tasha died and then figured him out later. Then they changed him overnight again in DS9.

Data also changes and I'd say he has the most or best development in the show. Picard not so much really, he mellows out a bit but without Generations it never really amounts to much.

Rare pic of Cardassian settlers handing out smallpox blankets to the squatters of Dorvan V. (c.2370 colorized)

And I hope y'all die in your sleep.

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Why does Pulaski get so much hate? I liked her character way more than I ever did Crusher

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>park a Galaxy ship on the front line
>"Just shoot anything that moves"

She is genuinely better than Crusher and serves as a foil to Data but she's not as pretty and doesn't stir your need for a mother.

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She's ugly and shrill.

Based Gul Evek wrecking the "natives" (read: terrorist scum).

Preparing to dump my entire rare images folder. Please keep the thread bumped for the next five to seven hours while the images are sorted.

How high are they?

She had her moments but for the most part she gave off a humorless school intendant supervisor vibe. Her presence on the screen seemed like wasted time for much more interesting characters. I can think of dull people in my real life that are more compelling than her.

reminds me of this .gif

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No I'm still here bitch, I dunno about the other guy.

coffee is disgusting

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t. Yang

There the warp factor 9.9 of high.

I've only just spotted that cigarette.

>it's the Garak goes on a date with Janeway, talks about 'making contact' with aliens and tries to strangle her because he has daddy issues episode.

Andy Robinson did really get typecast. JEEZUS.


I must go to, so have a detestable night y'all.

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Finally, they're gone. Who was the most compelling character on Discovery? I'm going with Saru. He was powerful, yet vulnerable, and wicked strange.

I'm not gone and I hate STD but I agree. Saru was the only truly Starfleet character on the series, though his 'I can sense imminent death' thing is total bullshit.

Is this actually related to Columbo, like she's his daughter, or just a really lazy name?

I must go to, so have a night filled with spooky nightmares y'all.

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>I'm not gone
You're welcome to your opinion, of course. I say you are gone.

>Wasn't Columbo's Wife Played By Kate Mulgrew?

>No. The official pronouncement of everyone associated with "Columbo" is that the character played by Kate Mulgrew, in the series initially called "Mrs Columbo," was married to some other cop who happened to also be named Columbo.

>"Mrs Columbo" was the brainchild of NBC entertainment president Fred Silverman, who hoped to carry on a little of the "Columbo" mystique without Columbo, soon after "Columbo" ended its NBC run.. Richard Levinson and William Link regarded the idea as heresy, but Silverman said he'd do it without them. "The magic of Columbo's wife is that you never see her," Levinson protested.

>The "Columbo" creators wanted no part of the concept, but they urged Silverman that if the show had to be done at all, a suitable actress would be Maureen Stapleton. Fred Silverman refused, insisting that Mrs Columbo would be young and gorgeous. Link and Levinson stormed out, and the talented but miscast Kate Mulgrew got the role.

>Mulgrew's Kate Columbo was a part-time reporter for a pennysaver newspaper, who often found herself engaged in crime-solving.

>Peter Falk was blunt: "It was a bad idea. It was disgraceful."

>The show ran from February, 1979 through December, 1979. In that short time, the show underwent several major overhauls and had four titles, going from "Mrs Columbo" to "Kate Columbo" to "Kate the Detective," then "Kate Loves a Mystery."

tl;dr she's a woman divorced from some other cop who happened to be named "Columbo" because (((executives))) wanted some ratings magic from name recognition.

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Computer fire phasers on this cryptic yet tedious faggot who I know is responsible for that autistic STD rant about 15 posts in. Authorization Dukat five one one six green.

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How do Starfleet officers afford shore leave on non federation planets?

Nice kicks yeoman.

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Replicate the locals currency.

Wouldn't that be terribly illegal?



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Reminder that Captain Maxwell did nothing wrong.

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It was just a test bro.


did you photoshop kirk and spock faces or it's like that?


But they dont get paid

friendly reminder to not reply to voyfag or ban evading autists

this movie's aesthetics were 10/10

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But is he able to tell a warbird from a vor'cha?

I enjoy the peace and quiet

Only Bridge Commander has ever come close

Yo, did Wesley crush that? It's unfathomable just how hot Denise was back in the day

I honestly feel she is a forced McCoy genderswap. Muldar did the best she could with what she had but what she had to work with wasn't very original in my opinion.

Pretty much

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But it was slso incredibly expensive

Ridiculously based based poster.

it shows. and its fucking beautiful

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Not disagreeing. I enjoy it immensely, we had the uncut 3+ hour version on VHS as a kid.

this was the first time i watched it since my teen years and im amazed

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I have the Director's Cut DVD, but they cleaned it up too much in my opinion

It's a beautiful film, but the wormhole scene, the uniforms and the fact that it's just a fancy version of Changeling just kill it for me.

well good thing I torrented it then. now on to the second one.

also, the story was simple and on point. i liked that a lot. plus , "v(oya)ger" and its sentient robot planet somewhere in the galaxy really dwarf all other threats in trek desu. good stuff

I'm glad they never made the Borg/V'Ger connection canon. Would be neat to see the denizens of the machine planet.

Uniforms were pure essence of 1970s aesthetic.

She was too good for Trek.

They were, but I much prefer the 60's aesthetic of the TV show.

>I'm glad they never made the Borg/V'Ger connection canon
oh boy. another bullet dodged. sometimes it feels like the trek we got on the screen is just the product of a constant exercise in dodging bullets.
well maybe its too soon to say that, since std isnt over yet. there's still a lot that can happen in the future that will resemble digging out a corpse just to shoot it at point blank range.

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anyone remember this wacky episode where a new life form evolves from the ship?

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I like that one quite as bit actually

/r/ing the Malcolm greentext for my wife