So we can all agree that this movie is worse than the new two?

So we can all agree that this movie is worse than the new two?
>Harrison Ford doesn't wanna be in the movie, acts boring instead of his old self (and no being on ice has nothing to do with this, it's never hinted at)
>Some questionable acting (Hamilton is great though)
>Finale has too many point of views. Should have been Vader vs Luke and Han/friends vs The Empire. Compare it to the long epic fight in the last movie
>The whole Jabbas palace arc is dumb. Lukes plan is to send everyone in one by one, have them captured then just as they're about to be thrown into the pit R2D2 thats conviniently not locked up shoots the lightsaber at Luke so he can kill everyone. Why not just kill everyone at the Palace?
>No sense of urgency. Han isn't going anywhere and The Empire isn't up to anything big

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no faggot, all the new shit is still worse, even the faggot ass prequels you think are good.

Lol no you have Down syndrome

>>Harrison Ford doesn't wanna be in the movie, acts boring instead of his old self (and no being on ice has nothing to do with this, it's never hinted at)
You what my dude? Harrison Ford acts sarcastically in Jedi. It's amazing, one of the biggest treats when rewatching. Every line comes out as 100% ham.

t. Sequel Trilogy shill

Fuck off mouseshill


Compare this
with this
And don't give me bullshit like "It's because he had character development" because his delivery completely changed without the movie itself hinting at it in anyway and he's stated himself that he didn't even wanna do the movie.

>So we can all agree that this movie is worse than the new two?
cut your fucking throat nigger

Han is the best part of the first two movies. He's a gunslinging joker who wants to take charge of his own life. In the last movie he's a stumbling idiot just along for the ride

Ah yes, this really shows how logically and with no bias you guys look at the new movies then shout out

no one gives a fuck about you kiddo take it back to redd it or just stick to your shipping general

>Why not just kill everyone at the Palace?

Because Instead of following plot points to their logical conclusion Lucas decides what kind of stuff he wants to be in the movie and then awkwardly connects the dots after the fact. He thought the Sarlacc pit was a cool idea (and to fair, it kinda is) so he planned the escape around it even though it made no sense.

SW is full of awkward, nonsensical moments that exist just so they could throw in one more cool thing that didn't actually need to be there. Autism giveth and autism taketh away.

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RoTJ is the patrician GOAT star wars

All who dislike it are kikes and nuwars soyboys

Now kneel.

But Lucas didn't direct it. That's probably why some of the acting is so bad. Maybe Marquand wasn't good at directing actors in the little details

>No argument
"W-well I just kinda feel like it, you know. . ."

The Luke/Vader stuff is pure kino

The rest is a bit lame BY ANH/ESB STANDARDS

ROTJ overall is still a million times better than nuwars

The prequels are better than nuwars as well

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Marquand was actually hired for the reason that he was a character director

All the Luke/Vader stuff is good for sure. Which is a shame that there's atleast 2 useless pointso f views in the finale. Less time for Luke and Vader. Or I guess how they meet is kind of lame. The last time they met Vader cut his arm off and revealed he was his father. And now they're just walking around having a polite conversation

>Harrison Ford doesn't wanna be in the movie
Just like TFA

>Finale has too many point of views.
Just like Empire and TLJ

>Why not just kill everyone at the Palace?

>>No sense of urgency. Han isn't going anywhere and The Empire isn't up to anything big
You know he's not the main character right?

Are you fucking retarded?

I've long believed that ROTS is better than ROTJ but there's no way in hell ROTJ is worse than TLJ.

>Why not just kill everyone at the Palace?
Luke might have been planning this with R2 in the throne room but Jabba surprised him with the Rancor pit. Luke was never a master at planning.

no wonder these cock suckers keep posting this rubbish, you retarded faggots just can't stop yourselves taking the bait.

It goes: ESB > NH > RotS > FA > RotJ > PM >> CW >>>>> LJ

TFA Ford was as dead inside, yes. But that's just current year Ford in general.

>Finaly had too many views
TLJ had 2 points of view, it didn't take away from anything relevant like Return of the Jedi does

The same way he just butchers everyone at the ship. It was his plan to just kill everyone, he was very capable of it.

>He isn't the main character
Who, Han? I never said he was. I said there was no hurry to save him and there was no hurry to stop the Empire

But the looks the allies exchange at the pit and how sure Luke is of himself implies that all is going according to his plan

Lucas was the writer and executive producer, he made all the major decisions regarding the story, Marquand was just there as a hired hand.

Tlj was pretty good

It might've been the backup plan. Afterall, the nod is sufficient to send a signal that they are escaping NOW. As for the assuredness, I always considered that part of Luke's RotJ character and he is like that because he mastered the Force. He doesn't fret when the Ewoks are about to cook them either.