How do we solve this problem fellow anons?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
You need to start actually taking your autism pills instead of lying to your mom about it.
>arguing with women
What did you expect, exactly?
>arguing on social media
Good points.
>has social media
norman pls
>expecting anything less from leftist scum
>99.999% of women
>capable of being your friend
You should know better than this by now. It's a hivemind that loves to point out when someone goes against the herd.
>"Omg everyone user is like so racist and closed-minded and stuff! Let's show how tolerant we are by shutting him out and making anyone like him a social pariah! R-right g-guys? Haha!"
These guys get it.
>>when they go low, we go high
When? When have they ever taken the 'high ground' this election?
They slander and name call all the fuckin time.
Ask her why she's not in the kitchen
Who's this Julia bigshot? did a whois lookup on her website and apparently she lives on a riverfront house in Beverly hills.
(go on godaddy whois and search juliavericella doht cohm for those wondering)
Hahaha that's probably daddy's house. Nicely done user.
user, I'm not going to tell you how to act or how to talk
But your comments there were very passive-aggressive, which is typically a female argumentative tactic. It turns people off, and associates with weakness.
It's better if you instead confront her directly, or simply not worry about her.
"I won't change my mind, if that bothers you unfriend me."
Or maybe something like "Stop plugging your brain into the TV screen and maybe you'll start coming around to reason."
Say something confrontational, confident, unapologetic. These are typically masculine argumentative tactics, and although they aren't always the most logical, they project confidence and strength, which inspires respect.
>having fb
>posting name of person you disagree with
>blocking out your own
The alt-right needs more like you.
haha, surprise suprise the trust fund kiddy wonders why people vote Trump
Don't argue with girls faggot, problem solved
The bashing the media thing just makes you look bad, even if youre right.
You sound like a faggot desu
Arguing on social media is a lost cause. If you can't talk to them in person you will never change their mind.