Why are liberals using child actors to push their agenda now?

Why are liberals using child actors to push their agenda now?

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why is she not wearing shoes?


because school shootings are out of control in burgerland

Too bad the shooter missed these fags.



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why do people wear ripped up jeans? It looks fucking stupid.

>We want the Sup Forums Audience

>Why are liberals using child actors to push their agenda now?
jewy appeal to emotion techniques + they share the same mentality

Attached: election_night.webm (480x480, 2.54M)

What did he mean by this in this (((interview)))?


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>bullied kid comes back and shoots up his former school

Front center reminds me of the Marvel writer.

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You know what kills more people in the united states than rogue maniac shooters?
Gangbangers and "average" criminals with guns
You know what kills more people in the united states than gangbangers and "average" guncriminals?
Suicides with guns
You know what kills more people in the united states than suicides with guns?
Car accidents
You know what kills more people in the united states than car accidents?
Heart disease directly linked to obesity

On the grand scheme of things that kill people in the united states, rogue autists with guns and antidepressants make up like .005%

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party of 5 reboot looks shit 2bh

all of their classmates dying is the best thing that has happened to their careers

reminder that right wing attacks are mostly projections, in this case they love using kids as props so they project this mentality to the left.


I mean you're not wrong. But these fucking kids are still pathetic. How about if you're going to use an anti-gun cover, you feature a prominent, educated, anti-gun person instead of some dumb kids?

Why are Rep*blicans so scared of children?

3 examples in 16 years?

I was with you for a bit, but you had to bring antidepressants into it...

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>Heart disease directly linked to obesity
Yeah it's not like anyone in the US ever campaigned against the dangers of those things.

>listen to these indoctrinated children who have been thoroughly coached by leftist thinktanks and media associates tell you why the Second Amendment needs to be eradicated

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>On the grand scheme of things that kill people in the united states, rogue autists with guns and antidepressants make up like .005%

Oh ok, better ignore it then

yeah but which is easier user taking all the guns or spending money on healthcare

Hi NRA shill

No seriously, that girl not wearing shoes is actually pissing me off. What the fuck are they actually trying to do? Make a joke out of foot fetish shit on a serious topic? Or are they actually trying to lure weirdos who are actually into that shit?

they do shit every so often

Military spending and tax cuts for the wealthy

People should just eat more burgers to prevent heart diseases!
They shpuld also just drive faster so they spend less time on the road so car accident are less likely to happen!

El Goblino..

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you let me know how the AR-15 forced seizure program goes