Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

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Kutcher Kino at its finest

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The ending is pure kino desu.

The movie is shit.

hell no

>Find a flaw
Amy Smart not sitting on my face

Shit on my dick...blood on my knife.

What did he mean by this?

i cant

Based. I say this to roasties all the time.

>Find a flaw.

the dumbest plot hole in cinematic history

Director's Cut > Theatrical

Nah you are m8

Had some pretty good highs. I would deff say killing the dog and the pedofile scenes were my favorite. Like seriously two of my fav scenes in any movie. Haven't seen the whole thing completely through since I was 12 or 13

I hate this fucking movie.

which ending though

lol I wonder if Ashton complained or if test audiences were so stupid they felt bad for him better ending for sure though

his reasoning why it sucked was more retarded than the movie

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hoooooooooooooooold up

the part where they thought it was so terrible that their friend became a NEET when it was becoming very common.

Nice opinion, wrong but nice.

There's a really good movie in there hidden under piles of shit. It's unintentionally hilarious in a lot of places. That baby ending had me in stitches.

that ending's fucking stupid because he wouldn't have the intelligence to even attempt to kill himself

2nd generation mexicans is the problem here, as always

This was one of my first favorite movies pre-getting in to Kubrick and Lynch and whatnot but I'm scared to rewatch it and find that it's horseshit

oh man youre in for a trip lol

Not going back to the same event more than once with the knowledge of what went wrong the last time you tried to fix it.

He had his same adult mind in every other time skip he did, regardless of age. Why wouldn't the magic work this one time when it worked all others?