Goyim don't fucking piss us off again

If you don't go out and elect Trump I swear to fucking God Almightly I'll personally add a contract to mossad and engineer a new 9/11 on your cuckold Soros loving asses

Don't fucking tempt us
We funded and arranged a surgical "Islamic" strike on gay Hispanics in the middle of tossup Florida to make him win.
The one fucking thing we hate more than getting gassed is making the goyim waste our money

Other urls found in this thread:

google.at/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=jFIeWOyZEsiG8QeRr7bICA&gws_rd=ssl#q=ed morrell astral projection

Yes sir, Mr. Goldburgshekelstein, sir.

Fuck you dude within 24hrs the ((media)) could win the election for Trump. I know ur larping but this is true regardless.

That kaballah black magic is all in hillarys favour.

Please do not activate your Somali cells tomorrow at MSP as I will be in attendance. Shalom

jesus fucking christ
if stupidity was money you'd ALL be jews


I hope your Zohar channeled the right demon and Trump wins, but I doubt it.

>implying it isn't the other way around.


I know it might sound weird to your savage abo mind but we don't have any sway over demons
we, or some of us rather, can reinforce the sphirot which are God's conduit "pipes" to physical existence, since God must keep a barrier called klipha between us and him or God's direct presence would incinerate a physical body on the spot
basically kabbalist jews are magic plumbers, demons are entities that we don't have any ability to directly interact with

i love jews and trump. make israel and america great allies again.

>demons are entities that we don't have any ability to directly interact with


>One needs a conduit to the Eternal Entity that created all of this

you're either retarded or full imbecile

kabbala is torah.


2deep4u muslim

shalom aleichum!(salam aleikum)

>demons are entities that we don't have any ability to directly interact with

that's because the demons are the gods of the gentiles you jewish rat

satan and his demons will destroy you

Has anyone you know had a DMT breakthrough, and if it exists in 100s of plants globally and our brain has receptors for it, it is to be sampled.

Also no abos in NEW ZEALAND Chaim, and thank you for the information.


you're a special aren't you?

You would need Solomon's ring to do that.

Holy shit
Well, Kek is a demon
You all worship him but we allow it because for God knows why he seems to want Trump in office
And it's not even a direct conduit, its a collection of conduits that lead to other conduits in a branching network that has God on the other end after literally 10 filters


we can't exist on the same plane of existence or even an adjacent one to God, we would immediately be physically obliterated and absorbed back into him

Well, I was going to vote for hillary because I've heard she is a woman, and trump is a racist xeroxphobic biggit.

But, you are our greatest ally, so I can vote Trump so we don't get another holocaust.

If God is behind 10 proxies, can he post cheese pizza without getting v&?

O-OY VEY GOYIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLS NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ctr ur a souless debased faggot


also I think the cunt totally looks like Madam Mim

pic for comparison

>we allow it because for God knows why he seems to want Trump in office
>we allow it
hahahah, not even jews can stop meme magic.
only god can.

also what do you kabbalists think of astral projection? i heard it has something to do with it. i practice it sometimes but haven't looked into the kabbalah yet

I don't know. I never delved into it beyond some basic common knowledge
as superstitious as it may sound, there's a reason only adult men that already have children to carry the family name are traditionally allowed to learn. It can easily cause insanity, and has happened many times before

checked, you mean learning kabbalah could cause insanity? is the knowledge available to the public? i think i could look up some translations.

or is the even juicier stuff locked away? has it been known to cause insanity in modern times too? what are the benefits of learning it?

i'm interested in this kind of stuff, like out of body experience, astral projection, which is where people say that the soul leaves the physical body. not sure whether it's just hallucination or real but the stuff is really interesting.

this here for example. google.at/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=jFIeWOyZEsiG8QeRr7bICA&gws_rd=ssl#q=ed morrell astral projection

ed morrell who was subjected to torture and could leave his body and describe real life events that he shouldnt have seen.

i'm reading up on it, i just learned that meditational kabbalah has strong parallels to meditation in buddhism. seems like they discovered those methods of meditation and OBE independently of buddhists. the theoretical stuff is interesting but the meditative kabbalah seems to be where the real shit happens, out of body experiences, meditation, i like it.

especially because that makes kabbalists sort of like the buddhists of the middle easts.

thanks chaim.


it's kept locked by some rabbis, some cheap seminars teach about it but only some meme-tier theory
anything that has any physical or metaphysical effects is part of practical kaballah however
this isn't some hermetic dungeons and dragons shit game dude. I personally know a gut that tried looking into it as a remedy after getting shell shocked in Lebanon and the visions he started getting caused him to kill himself a few months later. I don't know if he snapped because of it or the war, but I'm not taking any fucking chances with myself

holy shit, sounds like those are some powers not to be messed with. that makes sense.

i stand corrected, practical kabbalah is where things are getting even realer.

i'll keep that in mind, although i was always fascinated by knowledge, i'm doubting whether i should tap into this myself.

Aha, or maybe your angels(Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael) are someone else demons.
You see, it all depends of point of view..

Or better yet, don't talk of things you have no clue.

maybe i'll just stay at the meditative kabbalah, so the link you sent me is basically the full extent of the kabbalah?

thank you mate.

I have no idea what you guys are talking about but I searched up some Jew terms and this link came up.


Apparently the Jewish shamans predict a Trump victory.

>the visions he started getting caused him to kill himself a few months later.

Judaism is a Satanic religion, "kabbalah" is Satanic witchcraft tbqh.

shut up you sad excuse for a kebab seasoning, an angel of God isn't a demon because it's not an independent entity
it's literally an extension of God that has even less of a middleman factor between God and themselves than God and ourselves
that's why when man who turns away from God it is labelled a sin and a bad event, but when an angel turns from God it's considered a cosmic error and disaster of cataclysmic proportions

the only way an angel could be seen as a demon would be if God himself is an evil and corrupt entity, but that's ignoring the factor of reality's own creation would goes against the concept of demonic nature, IE never create, only destroy and devour

Want to reach the next level? Jews can't reach it because they don't realize the trinity. Goys can but it's a heavy book. Kabbalah for Christians. You will know what the president will do.



like lucifer? i feel kind of uneducated because i didn't take the time to read the old and new testaments yet.

what's your background?

>mfw this isn't LARPing

I'm just a jew
we have mandatory biblical classes here

basically demons and devils are supernatural entities that aren't bound to God. Specifically, devils are "elder" demons, enough to have a name that's explicitly mentioned in the bible like Ashmedai the king of fire demons or Lucifer himself. That's why devils never stoop so low as to possess us lowly men, but always appear in person

Either way, either demons are bound to a great devil, like the fallen angel Lucifer AKA satan ("Satan" itself isn't truly a name but an adjective meaning "enemy" or "adversary") or are entirely free to follow their own plans, in some way as men are
unlike men, even independent demons have a strict nature to follow, however. So they will only "choose" to commit evil acts in the case they gain some access to physical reality since they don't naturally dwell here. Angels, by contrast have no free will. They surrender it to God the instant they are spawned

oh, almost forgot
thread theme


interesting, i plan on learning hebrew or aramaic to understand these kind of things, once i have more sparetime. right now work is getting in the way.

do that, but don't actually consider any form of conversion unless you REALLY fucking mean it

Unlike politicized herd control shit like islam converting to Judaism actually requires a lot of fucking effort and study. It involves something like a 3 year course plus a written test and shit

i don't think i'll be converting but i think it's always useful to have spiritual knowledge.

In case i do, i'm aware of the effort it requires.

>implying satan worshippers will let you win
>implying יְהוּדִים don't have a YUGE weakness

Everyday I say thank you Israel for being my greatest ally against the American menace.

Please accept this 77 carat block of gold as thanks.