Why does Hollywood keep trying to make this awkward doughy thing into an action star?

Why does Hollywood keep trying to make this awkward doughy thing into an action star?

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It'd be like making Josh Gaad James Bond.

The Hunger Games would have succeeded regardless of who the leads were.

She’s a good actress, she just needs direction.

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Because she's Reverse-Harveying herself into roles.

Maybe, but Jennifer Lawrence is the actress who is proven to have actually done it.

Some fat Hollywood Jewish bisexual pervert must have a thing for this plain faced cubby look. They were trying to make that other girl that had this look famous too. Don Johnson’s daughter. Or maybe they are all gay now so they don’t give a fuck what women look like.

Hunger Games was more a romance than a traditional action flick.

At least 55/45.

I'll direct her with my dick alright

Red Sparrow isn’t an action movie.

Because she'll suck your dick for a role and won't sue you over it later

She’s a very pretty woman, but she’s “ordinarily attractive,” if that makes sense.
In normal society she would be a very beautiful wife for any man.
I don’t know why she gets so much hate

JLaw is in a prized niche. Women think she is attractive enough to want to emulate, not especially attractive to men, hence unthreatening. Actresses in this bracket clean up with the female audience whose response to any other woman at all times is mostly to think about themselves.

Much like Jennifer Aniston, its going to look like she can open a movie, but in reality she can't. But never mind, she can advertise shampoo and cosmetics until the end of time.

I like her more since seeing her butthole

She’s every bitchy popular girl you ever wanted to fuck in high school, who knows she’s too good for you.

Yes, I’m projecting, but she has that aura about her.

The whole movie other characters were talking about how "sexy" JLaw is. No self awareness.

So you mean the ones that peak their Senior year, try to carry that wave at Uni, but petter out and settle because they are washed up and used?

She's the girl who put on a act of being really nice and polite when her girlfriends weren't in her class, but when she was with her friends she was a total cunt.

Like her whole "don't call people fat" then saying "I don't wanna bang Bale. He's fat."

Do you think she fucked Bill Engval to get her start in his sitcom?

I remember how the whole of Europe was laughing when she was cast for hunger games.

She supposed to be somewhat poor and underfed teenager, but somehow she was chubby as fuck in that movie, and had fat dripping from her cheeks as if she had just binged a week of McDonalds.

because like the rest of the world they know that she has a nice butthole

Bale sounds like a fat piece of shit

She looks so plain here like an everyday thot.

She's anorexic by Amerilard standards

>Red Sparrow
>Action movie

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