>Be American
>Be 400 pounds
>See doctor
>"Your morbidly obese sir you should looking into losing a few pounds"
>American's never lose anything!!!
God Bless America
>Be American
>Be 400 pounds
>See doctor
>"Your morbidly obese sir you should looking into losing a few pounds"
>American's never lose anything!!!
God Bless America
>Patriotic American not ever giving up, even if too fat and lazy to stand, still doesnt give in until he gets his soda.
This is why we win wars.
>This is why we win wars.
unless it's against vietnam or kinder eggs
You DO realize we can buy them here?
Not that I'd expect much more thought from a dumb limey with a failed empire.
Too bad we beat you
you couldn't even win 4v1 m8.
and we completely raped you in 1812 lol
And we could completely rape you now
Well, that's not QUITE accurate. We're ready for round three anytime, freindo.
Also nice id lmao i just noticed
>we could
you're literally a non-white nation with a kenyan president and banned foreskins. you're going to wipe out yourselves in a few days time.
Hate to play devil's advocate but he's right America
Sure about that? Last time i checked our military made yours look like a bunch of skinny faggots, even if our president is a nigger.
>be South African
>gorge on koeksisters and braaivleis because muh heritage
>get heart attack
>South Africa drops from 5% to 4.999999% white
SHut up you south african fuck you live on a continent of niggers
Calm down achmed
Haha aaaah... The good life. You should really try our food mate. It'll change your life
All your fault bra. Your consistent Jewish ball-licking has been fucking up this world for to long now.
Atleast we could keep our niggers in place 1/10. You have yours aping out with 10/1 odds. What's cutting?
you forgot
>votes for trump because even though she's on disability, she can't bare the though of Ahmed being assigned to wash the folds of her fat.
>implying this was an accident
This man wasn't falling, shitlords, he was doing a highly sophisticated "shelf sweep" maneuver in which the mobility scooter is accelerated and put into a 2 wheel skid while the occupant clears the shelf of whatever he/she/xir is after.
Recovering from as severe a list as this brave soul has risked isn't a matter for the faint of heart.
Ha! I see it now! such finesse. Such Limber maneuvering. America has brought forth yet another brilliant sport for us not to bother participating in..... Bravo Bravo
I lived amongst them for 20 years. Those... americans in the mist.
A fascinating species no doubt? I here everything's big there. No jokes. Like I was told coke cans, burgers like just literally everything's bigger there.