Are we having a pizza party tonight??

1HR 15M to go

Other urls found in this thread:

don't forget the cheese pasta and the hot dogs non buns por favor

wtf is this?

I'd join, but I'm booked SOLID for a party in your mom's pizza.

Just your usual Saturday afternoon party preparations.

Pizza and Beer ready folks

heres some cash bros

my election isn't ready yet, can you send some blueberries to help me out?

clearly you did not receive the secret invitation

Should I order pepperoni pizza, or cheese pizza?

I'm thinking I should get some breadsticks too. Would that be a good idea?

wtf is this shit

low on the blueberries, could probably send you some grapefruits tho

Is there hotdogs or just pasta?

>tfw I'm having an early night
sorry lads I won't be joining you

Some would call it "literally nothing"

we do it all.

the pizza
the pasta
the cheese
the hot dogs, no buns plz
follow it up with some nut sauce

And here I was hoping for Haitian walnuts.

don't worry, we'll make sure there are some left overs for you

i hear the pasta from christmas is still good in march

Don't forget to bring some hot dogs :)

This is happening

get the breadsticks without the hair, and make sure your pepperoni pizza (wtf you're into that?) isn't gay.

i got u bre

>pic related

i am sorry for my delays and absences in communication. i will make it up to you with this divine blue cheese i know you will love.

Guys, I know, you are fucking jealous. While you fapping in a here, someone gonna takes a pretty new cheese pizza tonight.




>$1M+ annual income
>upper echelon
>career politician
>no escargot
>no caviar
>no kobe beef
>only cheese pizza & hot dog non bun

Oh fuck yes

How long til 10 GMT ?

so sorry sir, we are out of the cheese pizza

i hope this will suffice


Wtf is GMT?

its 5:08 EST right now


Was there an eMail about nut sauce?

yall need to learn some google

the earth does not revolve around the sun, it revolves around GMT

10 GMT = 10 Gay Mexican Time = 6:00 PM EST

50 mins man

GMT=greenwich mean time
=Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

yes, i think the molestas said they were bringing their special nut sauce




5 shekels this LARPer is dropping a rick roll torrent

Go to Sup Forums podesta no one wants you

What are these videos supposed to entail?

only REAL men know the powers of the sauce



I'll publicly shit myself downtown if I live to see Hillary Clinton in handcuffs

Can someone explain to me what that is?

per the request of user i have included this related image

I'll eat my cum on webcam

OP is this the same guy as this thread?

if so, where'd you get that screencap? who said it would come out at 10pm? hope you're not larping.

I think the other thread mentioned it was a bitcoin address. Either that, or it's an encryption key for authenticity (?)


everyone does that

so many larp threads today, at least its /comfy/ in here

Gay aussie

These trips say you'll be doing that around 11 gmt



One suspects you do that already

November 5th leaks

Can anyone verify what the NYPD said about going public today?

They placed an ultimatum on the FBI... right? I saw a screencap post about it.

Anyone else remember the primaries and these artists were going to drop something crazy about Trump and it was just a thing to buy drumpf hats or something

It's nothing.



> artists
Ya but this time it's
> 400 lb autistic hackers



I guess those are some videos of Hillary Clinton eating pizza

Won't this literally be spamming CP? How the fuck is that a good idea


Inb4 she's literally eating pizza for an hour

i bet it's literally hear eating pizza. Like having Pizza Hut for lunch or some shit

Pepe John's serves up the freshest

I thought they were just going to post the proof to tie Clinton to the Pizza partys?

Man, I hope so. I don't want to see children getting fucked by Clintons

Blur out the nudity, but leave enough to make it obvious ol' Billy Clinton is doing it.

i dont have any links... for all i know i am been trolled

do you really believe anything that is on the internet is real¿

Honestly if they can release proof she was tied to it, and prove Pizza/Hotdog is code for CP. Clinton would be finished.

>Probably nothing though

>would rather see Americans getting fucked by Clintons

A video would cause serious civil unrest.

I can't wait to see the CTR fags. Fuckers got me banned for posting the name og their faggot leader. And I especially can't wait to see the Hillary Clinton reddit page. Holy fuck those queers are delusional.

If this does end up being real and shit goes down, I can't wait to see the libs mentally backflip trying to claim their innocence

tick tock
tick tock

Honestly I hope someone leaks proof of her ties before we elect a child molester..

I have a few friends I'm just dying to hear:
"Hillary is not the lesser of the two evils"



As much as I'd like to believe this... it's Alex Jones.

Watching it now.
>Fuck its Alex Jones
bored so I'll still watch it.

Post your best Bifs Sup Forums

Kek, show dubs if it's true

We need a /comfy/ thread theme.

Kek, show me dubs if this is the big one.

take me to never never land before its too late

>10PM GMT: Pizza is delivered
>11PM GMT: CNN Breaking News: Bill and Hillary Clinton just commit suicide. Found dead at home.

>pic related

>11:00PM GMT CNN Breaking news: Obama makes CP legal!

2 l8 jabroni... dey dun gon goofed alredy

>pol falls for another LARPer AGAIN!

I feel like this is an alternate reality.

I can't believe what has already been released... it's insane. We're truly approaching one of the greatest political happenings of all time...

> grandpa, where were you when Hillary Clinton was exposed?
> *takes glasses off*
> *peers ominously into the distance*
> shitposting on Sup Forums.

am not believed enough to summons