Who believes this guy anymore?
Who believes this guy anymore?
"they let you do it"
No one, just look at
>"without their consent"
Wait what?
>OP has never grabbed a pussy.
You some kind of queer?
I hope when Trump wins he executive orders everybody to grab the nearest pussy. MAGA and fuck you OP
and than complain bout it later. but he is right. women throw themselves at money, at stars. trumps just being real
Is Occupy Democrats even a real page? They just posted this. Between this and the OP image, surely no one can be that delusional and believe lies that hard. They just peddle them as propaganda, right?
>trump is evil because he likes pretty girls
>quotation marks
>not a quote
Zero persuasion
>they let me grab them [without their consent] -- bracketed words added by CNN for journalistic honesty
He was explaining that a wealthy, powerful man can pretty much do what he wants to them without protest.
Watching effeminate men and feminists sperg out like this isn't a reality is fucking laughable.
I have no doubt he did some shit that may have seemed improper at times. I've fucked up before too. And I don't have half his ego. But I don't deny what I've seen with my own eyes about women. And its not that I hate them. Lets just not fucking lie to ourselves.
However, I don't think he raped women, or defended pedos & rapists to a point where they avoid justice. I don't think he funds terrorists, or wants sovereignty to die. Hillary and her husband have done all of these things now. We have the documentation.
>Tfw if Trump is elected, my country won't be the main target of terrorism anymore
>Muslims will hate the US so much for electing trump, that the US will become the new main target
>tfw trump even wants to abolish the inspections over the iran nuclear deal, essentially allowing iran to develop nukes, and make all muslim countries hate america at the same time
So trump wants muslims to hate america even more while allowing them to develop nukes with no inspection. truly a genius, amiright?
>putting quotation marks around something someone didn't say
>it's a liberals misquote Trump again episode
what he actually said is that they give him consent to anything . . . . the exact opposite of what you are twisting it to
Israeli gets attacked besides bottle rockets?
Not that you shouldn't after giving Syrian "rebels" Israeli arms.
>while allowing them to develop nukes with no inspection.
Wow so desperate to stop them developing nuclear power and therefore selling their oil.
Plus side:
Muslims nuke anywhere in the west, America takes the entire Middle East off the map
"I want to send the US military into the middle east and cost us an another expensive war"
"The US goes into the middle east"
"Wrong. I never told the US to go to the middle east."
why do americans suck up to politicians so much they believe blatant lies coming out from their mouths?
occupy democrats is for the severely libtarded. you have to suffer from some kind of massive retardation in order to believe that shit.
occupy democrats also says anti freeze tastes great after you drink a few liters of it. maybe you should try
but he lies about women.
Thats different than a lying woman user.
>The sexless virgins tell me what to think
"I COULD grope women. They let you do it, when you're rich and famous."