Don't let it happen.
Don't let it happen
Destroying the Neocon establishment has been the best breath of life for the GOP in decades.
woulsnt they be estatic that he destroyed the evil rethuglicans?
>faggot nu-male liberal jealous as fuck that trump did it before a single democrat came anywhere close
lol now what do you think about ron paul and george w
Dubs of truth, the shills cannot hide from Kek!
They want their controlled opposition Neocon cuckservative GOP who were ineffective and unable to truly defeat them.
They fear a GOP ready to go for the jugular and fight them at every turn.
>He took down the most objectively evil force in America after the DNC, you can't elect him, goyim! #NEVERTRUMP! Globalism Forever!
I'm surprised democrats suddenly love the GOP.
The RNC is half the reason this country is fucked. The DNC is the other half. Trump wins and they both die, paving the way for more parties and no more two-party system.
I understand people who want to elect trump. Most of them want to just have a voice in politics, less corruption. I agree Hillary isn't the best in that regard. But Trump's whole life is about making more money so he'd be even easier to corrupt methinks
And Hillary isn't? She's made blood money off so many things and is willing to kill to get it, that by default makes her over 9000 times scarier than Trump.
Behold, the British "male". Such an absurd "joke".
rare proxy
>1 post by this ID
What happened to the good old days of Obama and McCain, two great candidates?
Seriously America? 350 million people and these are the two best you could find?
What's with the recent influx of Isle of Man posters. There's too many of them to be proxies.
I'm sure (((Occupy Democrats))) is absolutely torn up about someone destroying the Republican Party. Fucking concern trolling twats are the most pathetic type of people.
Relax Hilary supporters, we're gonna win. Even though the polls showing us up, they don't track Latino, African American, young, or newly registered voters all that well. I expect a very, very favorable result.
I legitimately think that Trump is at the point in his life where he realizes when he dies all that money goes to his children and that's it, but a legacy is what lets you live on. Look at all the old men that suddenly become interested in donating to get their names on hospitals, museums, etc. Is it just another form of vanity? Maybe, but I think that Trump wants to be remembered for something more than just being a businessman, which makes me think he's at least sincere in his motives.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
It's when I see an OP like this, that I realize, I'm not the last Hillary supporter still lurking on this board. We're two now. :)
>beta faggot thinks he has nuclear codes
>But Trump's whole life is about making more money so he'd be even easier to corrupt methinks
That applies to pretty much everyone with a fucking job. Also fucking retarded considering Hillary Clinton is the one on the opposing side.
Fuck the Republican party and fuck cuckservatives
The GOP destroyed itself by being as corrupt as Hillary. Trump took the nomination without really trying.
It should be Trump v Bernie right now if Clinton didn't rig the primaries.