What are trump's current odds of winning the election?
What are trump's current odds of winning the election?
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bad, everything is against him. He has only KEK but he is not strong enough.
Breddy good senpai. Breddy good.
I'd put it at 3/1
The odds are picked by jews to discourage voting. Ignore them.
pretty high. The rural areas tend to have higher voter turnouts per capita than the urban areas.
Blaspheming against Kek is no way to put our Emperor on the throne, Hans.
my digits
Silence, nonbeliever. Our lord Kek is the very embodiment of strength.
my last two digits
Clinton won long ago.
he has never once been ahead of her, only even
It's over we were never going to win. None of our pol conspiracies will ever come true. She's never going to jail, she's never going to get assassinated she is just going to win and Luke every election before some people will be happy some will be upset. Life will go on as nor.as there will be no civil war. Even if Hillary got zero votes and there was a video of her killing and raping a baby she would still win. There is nothing anybody cab do about it she is going to win no matter what and it has always been that way. We have been blinded by our own community it's over and has always been over. We look like the new bernouts it's sad.
looks like it's over for drumpf
literally zero
chek em
Unchecked from relevance, leaf.
Trump will win!
I don't get hill shills. They keep posting poll data, Drumpf is finished and shit like that, expecting Trump supporters to be discouraged from voting for him.
I mean, they need to be more empathic. They will still vote for Hillary despite her candidate being a known warmongering criminal.
So why do they think them posting polls and shit will change the mind of a trump supporter?
my digits are final
35.2% chance
Clinton leading by 1.7%
Welp. Its over for Trump.
seems like a 50/50 to me
Big League
If KEK is with us who can be against us?
0 to roughly 15%
jews detected
I actually think that he's gonna win with 1 or 2 bonus states.
The same chances of user losing his butt virginity to a Vietnamese trans...so 100% and beyond
Based nat has him at 35%
Wait till you niggas see this turnout. It's all you're going to be talking about in 4 days. We're going to swamp the polls.
Cap this.
I'd say about the same chances of the cubs winning the World Series :^)
checkin those sweet, sweet trips
100% He will be elected president,
he will abdicate and give the presidency to his Vice President when his wives charges of sexual misconduct and such are brought forward.
He and almost EVERY RUNNER UP in the Republican Presidential Campaigns will become Highly Respected Cabinet Members of the New Presidents politics. Hilary will lose, not because of Emails or such. Just that she will stop trying because the act has gone far enough. Six months of Trump as President at most. Watch and Observe.
>None of our pol conspiracies will ever come true
>pol conspiracies
>come true
>88 get
What did Kek mean by this?
Low, considering that election will be rigged and Establishment has united against him.
However, I still believe in miracles. Politically speaking, Trump was a nobody last year, and to ascend to a major presidential candidate you can tell you can't trust in probabilities anymore. Only in miracles.
Make America and the rest of the western world great again.
4th reich confirmed
Bout three fiddy.
dumb kraut
My last two digits represent Trump's chances of winning