>be American
> don't own a gun
What's your excuse
>be American
> don't own a gun
What's your excuse
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be American
>Own non-American gun
Explain yourself
Look, I'm a big boy I have a gun.
Kill yourself with that.
Mental illness
Ah, some of us aren't responsible enough. I know I ain't. Maybe when I'm older.
This is an American only thread
No euroshits allowed
I don't own A gun.
I own LOTS of guns
That's a nice SKS you got there...
Would be a shame if it were to, I don't know, slam fire?
OP here
I'm a sucker for slav shit and wood furniture
Stay mad eurotrash
fuck off gook
nice SKS
I'm not American so it's a vacuous truth :^)
dont need one
I don't think I know anyone that fits that profile.
>that mosin
you made me cum
i'm really jelly of your gun laws
fuck off kebab
I'm not
>ywn be a citizen of the greatest nation ever to exist
>...unless clinton wins and I can paint my face dark, buy a fake moustache and wear a sombrero, then fly over to texas or smth and ask for dem gibs
no. but you can cry about it.
We should make this thread available only to those who have 50+ round capacity drums or mags.
I don't need a gun. I would happily let Hillary Clinton kidnap my child and do unspeakably evil things to him in service of her Lord.
Anything to keep that racist, sexist pig Trump out of office.
Turned 18 and I haven't had the time to drive all the way to Arizona for a decent gun show, I will soon though.
i'm a neet
>Tfw you own 4 guns but don't own any drum mags
I just don't see the point when I can buy a 10 pack of 30 rounders for the same price as one 60 round drum.
Good gun, now clean your fucking room.
I didn't used to think I needed one...
This election has changed my mind, though.
I'm poor. I really want a S&W 686+ but it's ~$700. What should I do?
Jew Jersey
Too expensive
Raus, Türken
Save up
>What's your excuse
No money to buy gun. No one wants to rob me because I have no money. Besides I look like a fucking psychopath that people & googles go out of their way to avoid me.
Felon. hopefully it will be expunged in 2 months. If the shit hits the fan I have access to 2 rifles, 2 shotguns and 5 pistols in the house however. they belong to my uncle and grandmother whom I live with
Sup Forums says I shouldn't be allowed to own guns since I'm not white (or asian)
>inb4 the Sup Forums is not one person meeme
drinking your tears atm baka
Roger that. I have almost enough anyways. My friend recommended an FFL for me. He says he's the firearms consultant for Criminal Minds show.
Which guns do you own Ameribro?
>Want M1 Garand,v
>live in NYS
How do I make this happen? This is the weapon I want. Not too caught up with the gun rights or SAFE act
I lost all of my guns in a tragic boating accident officer-eerrr user
>be white male in any country
>don't own a gun
What's your excuse? Even I can get a gun in germany
Puukko yourself Batbayar.
A felon can live with gun owners? Does your state not require registration?
Too lazy to get a hunting license
I own a glock 26, glock 34, ar 15, and a ruger 10/22.
If you want something cheaper than 686+ than the Ruger GP100 is a great choice.
Bud I do. Also, nice poorfag stripper clip fed 70 year old shit OP
>tfw I was a degenerate hacker at 19 trying to take money from the joos so I can never own guns now
Yes, as long as the felon doesn't have "access" to them. A trigger lock or a gun cabinet are sufficient methods to secure the guns.
You can't even get a 100 year old bolt action?
Kill urself my dood
>tfw I was a degenerate hacker at 19 trying to take money from the joos so I can never own guns now
Go on.
Too expensive, especially ammo.
>calls someone a poorfag
>doesnt even own a scar
Post more of cat.
Too indecisive on what I want to get, as I've never shot a gun and I'm too cheap/lazy to go to a gun range. Sucks, because I live in KY but know of nobody who owns land I can shoot on.
I just bought this bb gun yesterday
almost shot my eye out too
can I be part of your gunfag klub?
>polymer lower
Wow if it is a non violent offense like that you should be able to own a gun, also vote
>hacked a few banks
>my partner told on me after getting caught himself
>FBI couldn't find enough evidence to bust me
>they had my buddy wear a wire on me while we hit another bank
>got v&
>did a few years at a federal minimum security prison
>got out
>couldn't find a job, even burger places wouldn't hire me
>started two businesses
>both have worked out well
Boring story really. Don't want to dox myself (again), so I can't give out too many details.
It was a federal offense, so I'll never get my gun rights back unless President Trump pardons me. There is an application process through ATF to get your rights back, but Congress has explicitly prevented the Treasury from funding it since 1994.
I can vote though. NC allows you to register as soon as you're off probation.
Clean your fucking room you degenerate
>Be Mexican and Black American from southern california.
>Get AR15 for under 1k.
>Buy tons of ammo
>EMP bomb goes off
>Cartels and other illegals swarm across the southern border
>Illegal tries to get into my home to steal my shit
>Shoot at him with my ar15
>Spray all 10 rounds because I'm scared shitless
>Illegal shoots back at me with his fully automatic AK47
>Run out of ammo,try to reload
>Illegal rushes me and kills me and takes my shit too
What do Sup Forums?
>I do such badass shit with my guns like going to the range and bench shooting 3 times a year I'll just shatter something made of plastic
I have a history of suicidal tendencies
lern2shoot, carnal
Move somewhere where you can have more than ten rounds and less cartels maybe?
My wife's friend blew his own head off and so she hates guns.
I don't care enough about owning one to get one for the home and wouldn't bother carrying one around.
Plus I'm worried about my kids ever getting their hands on one somehow.
You have good taste
literally, too poor
>spent $500
>first gun
>started a thread on /k/
buy more than one gun, negro
If you just got a gun you could take care of both problems by just shooting your wife and kids.
>Be Canadian
>doesn't own a SKS or a Lee Enfield SMLE
Must be some inner city pussy.
fucking autorefresh!!!
damn you moot
>be 19
>not old enough for a handgun
>in a decent neighborhood
are those bracelets waterproof? what if you take that shit off?
Have you tried running a powerful electromagnet across?
Is the KRISS Vector nice?
We can get long barrel, non-automatic, versions of it up here.
>have enough money to buy top tier ar
>buy shit tier ar and three pieces of slavshit
Typical /k/ommando
That doesn't happen unless they're not cleaned.
is this good enough Sup Forums
They're waterproof. Mine wasn't a GPS version, it was the rfid one that just registered when I was within a few hundred feet of the the device they installed at my house.
They are put on in a way that you can't get off without cutting the band that goes around your foot. The band has a wire in it that causes the device to stop working if it's cut. Also, I had to check in twice a week at the halfway house and they visually inspected it there.
LMT isn't a shit tier AR my dude.
Sounds like you've had one hell of a ride.
You call that a weapon? Its only good for deer faggot. Get a fucking machine gun, then talk to me.
I lost all of my guns and ammo in a tragic boating accident.
I don't have a CCL and am too scared to carry with one in the chamber so it's kinda worthless for me to own one
It's called getting a safe bud.
I helped install this one at my cousins.
It was certainly a fun ride at 19 years old. That's me on the left.
>not a weapon
>can kill things larger than deer
>invented and manufactured as a military arm only supplanted by the AK47.
>same cartridge
>better accuracy
>slam fires for lols
If you're physically and mentally able it's a good idea to have a long gun for home defense, at the very least.
>spending gazzillions on ar15 platform
m8 we're not all rich and spend thousands on a gun
I sold all mine to a guy named Mike, in Canmore.
Can you walk into pawn shop and buy a handgun without a permit?
You two dress like women's tennis players in the 80s
I think owning a gun would kill me.
Check out cmp? My neighbor has a garland and I'm from Long Island..pretty sure the m1 is safe compliant
Only if your state allows that, or the pawn shop owner is sleazy enough..
I think I remember you. You had a huge arsenal. More then the average joe.
How come you dont like shotguns?
I live in a libshit home with my parents and I go to community college full time while tutoring part time.
Don't let liberals fool you, a permit is only for conceal carrying a firearm. All you need is your drivers license when buying a firearm.
>tfw kriss hq is 50 minutes away from me
feels bad being a poorfag