This man has single handedly opened the gates of the incoming storms.
Democracy isn't working anymore. 51% simply doesn't cut it any longer.
What will rise out of the ashes, Sup Forums?
What will replace "democracy".
This man has single handedly opened the gates of the incoming storms.
Democracy isn't working anymore. 51% simply doesn't cut it any longer.
What will rise out of the ashes, Sup Forums?
What will replace "democracy".
It's over we were never going to win. None of our pol conspiracies will ever come true. She's never going to jail, she's never going to get assassinated she is just going to win and Luke every election before some people will be happy some will be upset. Life will go on as there will be no civil war. Even if Hillary got zero votes and there was a video of her killing and raping a baby she would still win. There is nothing anybody cab do about it she is going to win no matter what and it has always been that way. We have been blinded by our own community it's over and has always been over. We look like the new bernouts it's sad.
1 word answer
Now fuck off
Enlightened dictatorship
pessimistic fag, go hang on a tree
Protip: If you lose a democratic election, it means that your ideas are not shares by the majority of the population. It proves the system works.
You guys focus on imaginary narratives instead of looking at real issues.
Here, have a real issue:
If Trump will get elected, he will abolish the iran deal (he promised to do it, remember?)
Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.
Trump = Nuclear iran, open your fucking eyes Sup Forums
Abolishing the inspection over the iranian nuclear program is literally gambling on the future of the world.
it's a direct nuclear threat to american and world security.
Just stop and think for a second:
Do you want muslim countries to have nukes while trump is president?
Do you even understand how dangerous this is?
Trump = Muslims with nukes
The blessed rule of The Immortal-Emperor of Man.
nice copypasta jew
i'd rather the middle east get nuked than hillary get in and nuke everywhere else.
really makes me ponder
where can i read more about the iran deal and the consequences of abolishing it?
An overpriced gaudy hotel?
2nd time i've seen this shit CTR pasta script.
Fuck off kike
Technocracy. At least it is the next civic.
So you're saying if 9 people each vote for total of 9 votes, but that 1 guy votes 10000 times, his idea is the majority?
I honestly feel the same way. I'm hopeful as fuck something will come out of all this shit but let's face it, the whole world is against Trump and there is no possible way he can win. We all know the voting machines are rigged, the media is in Hillary's pocket, and the majority of America has no fucking idea what is actually happening. We are inside our own bubble and on Tuesday we are going to be fucking crushed. It sucks, but that is reality.
A monarchy hopefully
People like you is the reason why these things happened in the past.
can't wait
retards. there is a difference between democracy and a democratic republic. say what you want but the founders of america knew what it was like to live under a despotic asshole and so they tried to make a country where the rights of the people would be protected. that's not the same as a "democracy" where it literally can devolve into mob rule, just because an opinion has a majority does not make it right.