>Are you registered?
>Who are you voting for?
>What's the word on the street/at work about the election?
>What are you doing to help your candidate?
>What are people you know doing to help their candidate?
>Are you registered?
>Who are you voting for?
>What's the word on the street/at work about the election?
>What are you doing to help your candidate?
>What are people you know doing to help their candidate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hilary will win. Trump will lose.
This here is probably the most likely winning scenario for Trump.
tfw from Pittsburgh and voting for Hillary just to spite Sup Forums
>Voting DJT
>Ignited intense disgust of HRC among family members as last ditch effort to squeeze every last vote in favor of DJT as possible
>Ignoring the concern trolls because idgaf
>Im in the real estate business, so even if HRC wins, her tax increases on the middle class are going to result in more sweet, sweet $15,000 sherif auction foreclosure properties for me to flip
>I win either way
>Prefer for america to win tho
>north carolina
Kek agrees.
Tfw from Pittsburg and voted Trump just to spite you
You guys focus on imaginary narratives instead of looking at real issues.
Here, have a real issue:
If Trump will get elected, he will abolish the iran deal (he promised to do it, remember?)
Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.
Trump = Nuclear iran, open your fucking eyes Sup Forums
Abolishing the inspection over the iranian nuclear program is literally gambling on the future of the world.
it's a direct nuclear threat to american and world security.
Just stop and think for a second:
Do you want muslim countries to have nukes while trump is president?
Do you even understand how dangerous this is?
Trump = Muslims with nukes!!!
Let's not get blackpilled just yet.
Now, we know Nevada is probably going to the Clinton column. Even less likely is PA moving to the Trump column.
However, let's see what would happen if that were the case:
254 Clinton
284 Trump
So what are the best ways to Turn PA over?
>Northampton County, PA here
>I think Trump's odds of a surprise steal in PA are better than most people think
>At this point everyone is full of hot air on both sides
>We'll just have to vote and see how this shit breaks down
Yup, Hillary, Trump's an idiot, phone banking, chilling out and not panicking over this FBI stupidity
Adams County here, voting R. Cant wait/
Texas here
Make this state stay red you fuckers, we need you
>we know Nevada is probably going to the Clinton column.
the fuck are you talking about
NC fag here. Why do these areas vote blue?
Das cool m8.
Kek Iran is not a direct threat and is basically a Russian protectorate. Sorry that they fuck with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis as proxy fighters, but that is a secondary issue for me. No wars for Israel. A better foreign policy is to stop feeding into these Sunni Shia proxy wars, while having the US and the RF keep their protectorate states and proxy groups in line.
Meanwhile, your country has unauthorized nuclear weapons, making the MidEast one false flag or miscommunication away from glassing each other.
You furthermore omit the Obama/HRC funding, arming, and training of groups either affiliated with AN, ISIS, and AQ, were easily overtaken by them along with their equipment, or simply sold their shit to them.
>Blue NC
>Blue NV
>Red PA
That puts each candidate at 269, Republican congress breaks the tie for Trump.
Thanks man, you're a true patriot. If HRC wins, I'll be writing my reps and losing some of my guns in a boating accident, but still am pushing for a DJT victory.
I am a Canadian living in Philly. Everywhere I go there are Hillary signs and I even walked through Chink town and Chinks were taking group pictures holding Hillary signs.
But here's some good news: I walked by some fag advocate group pushing for Hillary and I asked the girl working there if from her canvassing efforts going door to door she expected Trump or Hillary to win.
Her answer: She thought it was extremely close and a good chance Trump would win.
Take that for what it's worth
What a stupid fucking looking state
I hate Pennsylvania
724 here, I've seen more Aleppo Man signs than I have Hillary
what would happen if i showed up demanding to vote on nov 8? I'm canadian but I have a PA driver's license, bank statement with PA address and SSN.
Would they let me?
Temple University here, someone just come and end it
/717/ Lancaster broooooooooos
We are going to once again be the MOST RED COUNTY! WE ARE GOING TO DO OUR PART!
Boys and girls, PA WILL be the tipping point. A win in PA means a win for TRUMP and a WIN for AMERICA.
Let's gooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
probably colleges or something
Erie here. Voting Trump of course and like any other place in PA Trump signs are fucking everywhere.
Trump =Muslims with nukes
>Tfw if Trump is elected, my country won't be the main target of terrorism anymore
>Muslims will hate the US so much for electing trump, that the US will become the new main target
>tfw trump even wants to abolish the inspections over the iran nuclear deal, essentially allowing iran to develop nukes, and make all muslim countries hate america at the same time
So trump wants muslims to hate america even more while allowing them to develop nukes with no inspection. truly a genius, amiright!?
fuck off we're full
Sweet meme magic brah.
Go to Conservative Treehouse and volunteer to drive some Amish to the voting booths. 100% Trump voters.
North East Philadelphia here. Crestmont farms, everyone here voting for trump, but we are a very affluent neighborhood. The surrounding neighborhoods look skewed towards trump. Signs on a lot of lawns, only Hillary signs I see are on medians.
Hispanics are 40% Trump
Might as well get a proxy, ya Jew. nobody is going to listen with that flag.
Same here, the only Hillary signs have been put up by local dem operatives. 724 also.
I'm also NE philly.
I think so.
What the fuck is with the blue Nevada meme I've been seeing the past few days?
Hillary basically pulled out of there.
Bridesburg here...all trump
>tfw SEPTA strike still ongoing
>Philly nogs won't make it to the polls because the buses and subways are down
Kek is truly /ourgod/. Those union guys just need to strike for a few more days...
I'm registered and voting Trump. In Philly, sorry for the niggers and yuppies, hopefully they don't vote.
Early voting is tending toward HRC, unless you have evidence otherwise.
On it. I have huge respect for you TX bros, a lot of family and friends in Houston and DFW.
On the off-chance you're not a troll, what do you make of Clinton's foreign policy?
Rust belt areas.
Not the type that would benefit from Clinton's Open Trade and Open Borders. Most of the Union guys I know are against that shit, but are afraid to vote Down-Ballot-R.
they won't unless the dems will buss everybody in
Oregon Democrat
The one right in the middle is Penn State.
While I am surprised the strike has lasted this long, I can't imagine it going into election day.
Strike over on monday for sure.
I'm at Temple too. CS senior. I really hope this city doesn't fuck the election.
No amount of democrat-owned buses will be able to offset the transit strike if it continues through tuesday.
Aren't they pausing their strike on purpose for Election Day?
Go away kike
Another NE Philly guy here. My neighborhood in Rhawnhurst is pretty solid for Trump.
Driving 150 miles from the city to the country I saw the following presidential signs:
>1 for Trump, 4x8
>1 for Johnson, 3x6
>1 for Hillary, 2x4
If you go by this, Hillary is going to win because no one gives a shit about republican values.
>Early voting is tending toward HRC
And she's down from Obama in 2012, including Hispanic votes
I was in school in Philly but now I'm back home in Delaware on rotations here. What's the situation look like around inner-city philly? I haven't been in the city since late September, but when I was, I didn't see any Hillary support whatsoever. No signs, no bumper stickers, nothing. Completely different than what the place looked like in 08 and 12 when there was visible obama support everywhere.
The city asked them to pause the strike and they said no.
>Philadelphia Suburbs
>Hillary propaganda in schools and workplaces
>Trump signs and supporters everywhere
>Voting Trump Tuesday
I live in PA, it is much more heavily Democratic here than usual. Trump supporters are more vocal but more people support Clinton than him. I live in Chesco and it's probably going blue.
The Paris Climate Accord just took effect. over 200 countries have agreed to reduce carbon emissions in an historic agreement - everyone are uniting to save the planet, including China:
Reminder that trump wants to ABOLISH the paris climate accord and put the planet in danger
Oy veh, an Iranian nuke!
Where are you located? I know a few other ne guys that browse pol
Let me see your pen0r
There's a lot more Trump signs but that's because the Clinton supporters are more quiet.
>Are you registered? voted first time this year in primaries plan to nov 8
>Who are you voting for? trump
>What's the word on the street/at work about the election? my local area is red im 99 percent sure but i live in central pa
>What are you doing to help your candidate?
not a lot just voting and spreading memes on twitter
>What are people you know doing to help their candidate? nothing really just voting
>In State College, so yeah, pretty much blue around here, though there are a lot of poorer people in the town that support Trump.
>Absolutely nothing
>I think my mom helped out a "Women for Hillary" thing or something. Not sure otherwise.
>be me
>be in PA
>be in a college and people are not even really in to politics
>saw Trumps signs a lot in campus and some Clinton's in towns
>CTR volunteers running everywhere to urge people to vote for her
>just "those election is so bad"circlejerk everywhere among girls
>guys secretly supports Trump but seldom talk about it
Rabbi Schikelsgruberschnacht
johnson is really a big deal i think
Inner city shows no support for any candidate, but there was a good amount for Bernie months ago. Also, some people at Morgan have Trump signs in their windows. The most signs I see are for Hillary in the rich areas just outside the city. Couple people have Trump signs in my neighborhood in the NE.
>New Jersey sinks into ocean wat do?
PA pop is
Phil county pop is
I think Philly might be a lost cause, but we can work on gaining Rust Belt guys from Pitt and Allentown on board.
>TFW I will no longer be mad when a horse shits on my car hood but take it as a symbol of pride
Early voting results+polling
What's SEPTA's endgame though? Isn't their union run by nogs?
Is this brinkmanship to threaten HRC vote if they don't get their way?
I'm from PA.. but I'm wondering is Michigan more likely to go red than PA? or vice versa?
I live in westmoreland county. It's about 80/20 trump maybe more? I think we have the most amount of conservative votes in the state.
PA is redder than michigan
you can i think
Good. Obama took over every college campus in 08
I'm near rhawnhurst.
few block from rhawn and castor
Fuck off from this board, you cum guzzling, indescribably stupid faggot. The day you filth get skinned alive and dipped into acid will come soon enough.
>On the off-chance you're not a troll, what do you make of Clinton's foreign policy?
Not who you're originally referring to, but I'm more concerned over pulling out of NATO than the no-fly zone. Also concerned with Trump's ability to negotiate with leaders outside of Putin. Which, even then, is probably going to boil down to Russian appeasement.
I'll also admit that it's one of the policy areas that I'm least informed in.
I'm in one of the small Hillary zones. Word on the street is that Trump support is rising on the d/l.
Only just starting to become kosher enough to display Trump gear. I helped by giving a sly look to the first time I heard people discussing it amongst themselves in private.
the spics have ruined nevada.
it will be blue.
colorado red much more likely based on early voting trends
PA latino here. Me and my whole family are voting Hillary.
My parents usually don't care about politics, but they asked me to drive them to the polls and help them vote against Trump.
Rcp average has him +2 in NV
Sorry for triggering you you swiss faggot. I was just answering OP's questions.
Turn the narrative. Don't let it be a "Hillary zone".
Their biggest weakness is their herd mentality. And the SEPTA strike. That's a pretty big weakness too.
Drain your battery.
Tennesseefag here
>already voted
>students and professors at college have grown fearful ("H-he can't win r-right?")
>nobody at work/outside of uni talks much about it
>submitting essays about SJWs, memes, and the merit in right-wing political ideals
>wearing MAGA hat around campus to trigger lefties
>college professors shill her all they can while still staying somewhat on topic
>Trump supporters are nowhere to be seen except in bumper stickers, signs, etc., which are p prevalent though
Democrats always win early voting though. Not a guarantee of them winning nationwide. I'm voting Clinton but there is an outside shot of Trump winning if he can get a massive turnout in Pittsburgh to make up for his losses in the Philly suburbs
both suggest him winning Nevada
Live in Butler County, from Cambria County.
Mostly everyone I know from both counties hate Hillary. Idk if that means they're voting for Trump or not, but I haven't even seen any Hillary signs around. TONS of Trump signs though.
It's getting to the point where for the republicans to win at all requires so much to go right.
I have a feeling we will be having Democratic presidents for a very long time.
Once Texas gets enough spics to turn blue this country will be finished.
The judge declined to issue an injunction to force them to stop the strike on Tuesday. They're going to try to change his mind on Monday:
He isn't winning Nevada.