I've never seen him so shook. Is it really happening lads?
Slow moving right-wing coup
Other urls found in this thread:
he's connected to pedowood, that's why he's scared
Maher used to be so based. Totally red pill. Jesus, he had a whole fucking show in the 80s called "Politically Incorrect"! What happened to him? Did (((they))) get to him? Or what? Blackmail?
well shit...thats what I was JUST wondering in post above
Bill Maher was never good
God, the disgust I feel towards these "people"
HBO = TIME/Warner = $$$$$ to Hillary
> be bill maher
> be libertarian
>except for literally everything but pot
>it's a coup when the candidate I donated money to could lose
What an asshole. I once respected this guy
Watched the whole show.
He was drunk and scared shitless.
They are going all out kek
best troll since Oprah
>muh russians
Hope this nigger is ready to hang from the FUCKING rope. Piece of shit kike.
He's our guy
Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew
Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared JewScared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew Scared Jew
Maybe he's been cooking spirits, too.
i can't wait to see his november 11th show
Is an election a coup?
If a cou is an exchange of power, does this mean some force opposed to 'the right,' say 'the left,' is in control of the country?
Is Bill Maher not the media? If so, is he doing his job with this?
Can a show be a comedy show if it isn't funny?
You do realize said coup will never succeed right?
Good will triumph over evil in the end, and Sup Forums, you're not the good.
Little things like this confirm that Trump is doing something right.
>why, whhhhyyy can't the dishonest media EVER report things against the right wing.They are literally handing Trump the election with their biased reporting
He's a kike, my dude
Guess again. You Marxist, devil worshiping faggots are going down.
Witness the panic has set in.
Why is he so scared about this?
I doubt he's important enough to go down with them
Well he's right about one thing. We've reached peak insanity. It's just his side spouting McCarthy that are the crazies.
Because the media bias subverts democracy and constitutes a left wing coup, they're using powerful persuasive misdirection to blame us so we can't complain.
Don't fall for it.
He probably have something to hide, like most (((liberals))) and knows he'll be drain with the swamp.
What a fucking liar. Lord God please let Trump win so I can bathe in their fucking tears forever.
Maher is a liberal at heart. He only has small glitches that makes him not race-bait too much and his opinion of Islam completely against the liberal view (that it is a religion of peace, etc). Other than that he's just another globalist.
>Good will triumph over evil in the end, and Sup Forums, you're not the good.
Keep believing that you commie faggot.
>He's a Jew
No. Fucking. Way.
>media do your job report on it!!
>everything is fake and Russian
>Asagne is a sexual assaulting psychopath
>its insane
>muh reality
Never mind media is almost entirely shilling for Hillary already and push this narrative like him.
Never mind all the confirmed leaks and the fact there is literally nothing suggesting they are fake.
Never mind all charges against Assagne for sexual assualt where actually dropped because the woman admitted she was lying and he never was diagnosed or did anything "psychopathic"
Its insane how blatant the lies have become. They are really desperate.
That's hate speech. I'll call the rcmp
I seriously hate this guy. Maher calls Trump a whiney bitch who can't take criticsm. Years ago Maher was slapped with a lawsuit by Trump for talking shit and spreading lies about him. Ever since then the guy has had it in for Trump. Poor Maher can't stand it when people punch back.
He's a Jew. They always think another shoah is around the corner.
Oy. Fucking. Vey.
But HE is the media.
Fucking athefag Jew.
>Lord God
thats not how you spell Kek
This election has flipped everything. The Democrat party is racist, and war-mongering, and destroying democracy, and liberals have become the new Alex Jones, pushing conspiracy theories about Russian hackers, coups, impending dictatorship, and a rigged system. It's gorgeous.
Holy 7 dubs of truth, pedo Maher confirmed.
FBI user confirmed gayer than Hoover
What's worse than Maher are his followers. I know two stunted creeps who worship this guy. They think they are a part of the "elite salon" that his show hosts. It's pathetic.
Lol Russian agent
Watch the Bill Maher show on mute. Watch every arrogant asshole face he and his guests make. You will want to pet these people. Try it.
Kek'd n' check'd
this is just a preview of the tears that will be shed when trump wins
will be pretty fucking epic
I have two coworkers who fucking worship the kike. They are both in their early 40s and their girlfriends make at least double what they do. Hardcore beta progressives.
>He fell for the >MUH RUSSIA meme
Not just a jew.
A scared one. kike.
There's been a slow moving leftist coup since 1965.
Jesus Christ, he's totally blind to the fact that the media has sucked Hillary's cock since they won the primaries, hell, before than even, it just wasn't as abashedly anti Trump.
Pedophile/cultist, no other good explanation.
>"documents forged by Russia and tweeted by the Trump campaign as if they're real"
Donald, please, you're killing my sides here.
>"Republicans are trying to elect a sexually assaulting psychopath"
>Republicans are trying to elect the perfect puppet
> "This is a comedy show and I'm going to keep it this way."
I can't remember that this guy has ever made me laugh until he said that.
It warms my heart to open a video / tweet and all i see is people naming the (((enemy))).
Right Wing Pepe squads are very important.
I wonder how it feels for them? Probably like a normie feels when you call him 'Racist'.
Good I hope so. People need to hang.
This guy is a low life piece of shit. He's projecting Clinton horrible deeds on Trump. I just don't know where to begin with, his statement is so full of shit and cringy.
he clearly has something to hide.
>mill baher
>relevant in the year of our lord MMXVI
why do people still watch him
>respecting kikes
oy gevalt!
Do Your Job
The Goyim Are Waking Up
I love it when Sup Forums turns against their former Gods.
You guys are like a banana republic with constant coups.
This is stupider and more paranoid than the shit Alex Jones says. He claims the leaked emails are forgeries made by the Russians but there's no fucking proof of that. He's making up shit and is hoping dumb liberals will take his word without doing any research into his claims.
I guarantee there's some dirt on this guy. If he seems this sleazy in public I can't imagine what kind of sick shit he's done in private
I never liked maher
Witnessed. Maher will be in handcuffs before the week is over
>Sup Forums
>fans of (((Maher)))
Take a (You), you gave so many.
>a few Maher lovers make threads on /pol
>everyone on /pol automatically sees Maher as a God
He somehow has less proof than Alex Jones for his claims. Actually he has negative proof, as the NYT itself reported there is no evidence of links between Russia and Trump
Spot on.
He should be shook, he is a smug elitist who's part of the establishment. He knows no matter how the election goes his comfy is fucked.
always do the opposite of what jews say
Soundtrack for when the right wing death squads kick in his door
If the comedian says it, it must be true.
Literal McCarthyism with even less evidence to back it up. For all the years liberals are supposedly spending studying about things McCarthyism this they seem incapable of applying the meaning of it to real life.
How can they be so blind? So easily manipulated? I guess they want to be.
>Media do your job
>Russian lies
Where did it go so wrong.
Frankfurt School.
Fucking christ, you sniveling kikes really do not ever fucking stop with the fucking constant revisionist inserted bullshit do you?
(((Maher))) has always been burnt in effigy like the kike he is here, you fucking newkike. WHERE the fuck do you think you ARE?
90s Maher, irish catholic libertarian that was critical of both parties.
00/10 Democrat cock sucker that just wants to smoke pot, more welfare spending, and ban everyones guns but his.
Amazing. The leftist universe and the rightist universe have now completely segregated. It almost isn't possible for people with different opinions to talk to each other because they are so polarized, and convinced that the other is being lied to.
oh and i forgot. Maher became a democrat cock sucker after he found out his his mom was really a jew.
is that from another thread or is that oc?
He never "changed" he just doesn't have to pretend anymore
> hillary is not the devil
> muh reality
This is getting serious now.
This is how civil war starts
oc, you have permission to steal my meme