Man of Steel spends most of its runtime presenting Clark as a paragon of justice. He's a man who just wants to help people and do the right thing no matter what.
Zod serves as the perfect antipaladin counterpart to Superman, both because of his dedication to his people and the depths of his evil. He is an enemy that is impossible to reason with or detain.
The movie comes to its frantic climax with Zod, insane with rage, trying to inflict the most possible emotional pain on Kal-El that he can via incinerating a nearby innocent family. To Superman's impassioned pleas that the killing stop, Zod matter-of-factly answers: 'Never.' Snyder isn't afraid to make Clark Kent answer the ultimate question about how far he would go to protect Earth.
The neck snap was pure kino.
Man of Steel
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This movie is so fucking dull and stuffed so deeply up its own ass it doesn’t even look like a superman movie
>people like man of steel now
Always like this movie, it's so good. I love the scene where he's flying up through the beam under the terraformer too.
Not sure if trolling or not
It is dull. It's duller than Superman Returns
>current year of our lord
you fucked up kid
OPM is trash. It appeals to the same demographic as Rick and Morty.
>Superman is now an alien murderer
Fuck this shit, fuck Snyder's obsession for grim dark bullshit. This cunt would even use depressing heavy rain in a movie about Zorro.
His fuckin dramatic, dark "style" is probably why his poor daughter killed herself.
It's so retarded. He feels bad about killing this autistic raging asshole who just slaughtered thousands upon thousands of innocents and was a second away from zapping a family. I mean, Clark needs some fucking perspective. Maybe feel bad for the countless people you killed while you were slamming him into buildings haphazardly (were you not trying to kill Zod then..?). What would've been true kino if is he looked around and the destruction itself was what made him sad & defeated.
Oh and than we get fucking this
What a fucking twat
12 million down the drain
Was there no better solution to this problem?
He starts giving a shit about all the causalities in BVS, but than he also starts killing people casually who he could've easily detained. I don't even know. It's just all so bad.
>Maybe feel bad for the countless people you killed while you were slamming him into buildings haphazardly
today i will remind you
lol why didn't that family just get out of the way
>slamming Zod through buildings
>superman is the bad guy, not the government for having a spy satellite
>superman killing people in bvs
Damn, what’s it like being blind and retarded? Do you have to live in a clinic?
>anything as dull as Superman the movie remake
>please keep a close eye on me big brother
nigga u dumb
>man is being an asshole
>destroy his truck, income and livelihood, without thinking that he may have a family to feed
should've thrown him onto a pinball machine instead
Opinion discarded, contrarian detected
I'm not watching that
I don't care if ultimately it was unavoidable, obviously the world engine was going to kill off most of the people there regardless of Superman's actions. He still killed many despite the lack of choice. It was just such a dumb scene.
>waaah I can't believe I had to kill this irredeemable slimeball who wanted to kill all life on Earth
*he says on the corpses of thousands of families*
>slamming Zod through buildings
yes that happened.
>superman is the bad guy, not the government for having a spy satellite
I didn't say the government was the good guys. It's still 12 million fucking dollars. Where do you think that money comes from? This is especially true after the huge disaster in Metropolis.
>superman killing people in bvs
Didn't he kill a bunch of guys in the beginning? I specifically remember him ripping a guy through multiple brick walls. I just thought it was funny considering it was apparently a big deal to kill Super Mega Ultra Hitler in MoS.
>i'm not watching something that refutes my entire point
BvS was shit, Justice League was shit, Suicide Squad was fun shit but Man of Steel did nothing wrong.
The entire DCEU being run into the ground specifically because it 180'd from Man of Steel is proof that critics had no idea what they were talking about when they hated this film.
Rick and Morty appeals to people that watch Tonight Show. OPM appeals to the ascended.
>It's still 12 million fucking dollars
That's less than a penny in taxes.
My point isn't that Superman willingly killed people. He may've had no choice, and Zod may've controlled the flow of the fight completely, but there still obviously was death wherever they went. Not like that is relevant. His sympathies should be with the dead humans and not with the fucking nutjob who wanted to melt a family.
Just wasn't capekino to me. Like I said,
>What would've been true kino is if he looked around and the destruction itself was what made him sad & defeated.
Why not just grab him and fly up?
>trying to inflict the most possible emotional pain on Kal-El that he can via incinerating a nearby innocent family
The movie didn't really show that Superman cared much about people dying
Well, it's not as dull as the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>The movie didn't really show that Superman cared much about people dying
Seriously how fucking incompetent are you? The stupidity of the people on this board never surprises me.
Man Of Steel literally shows you Superman caring about believe people all the fucking time throughout the movie. Superman caring about his dad dying in the tornado, superman saving the people on the oil rig, superman saving kids on the schoolbus despite his Jonathan Kent beliefs, superman protecting the people in Smallville, superman protecting the people of Earth despite how they reject him etc.
Did you even watch the movie?
To me, it felt more like Superman just happened to be drawn into situation where people needed his help, and he was like "meh, whatever"
We don't really see him going out of his way to find people who might need his help.
It's just a decent but flawed movie. Not everything about it is bad, not everything is good. It had a lot of poorly handled good ideas and some outright stupid ones.
He would just look down instead. Brainlet.
>lois lane easily figures out superman's identity when literally no one else can including top government agencies
worst lois
She was the only one who had extended interactions with him, like in the alien ship.
>decide to follow a strange man for no reason
Truly the worst
>hottest man alive with super mysterious origins saves her from alien robot and uses eye beams to do impromptu surgery on her
>finds trail of witnesses to him being the nicest guy that ever lived in addition to being super hot and mysterious
And you expect a new writing woman to NOT follow him? Are you insane?
Just like the majority of MoS fanboys, that video comes off extremely desperate pathetic. You people realize this is a movie that was directed by a human being right? It was Snyder's CHOICE to show Superman killing thousands of people in Metropolis in a big dumb fight.
This is the same guy who showed Batman murdering people with a tank in his next film and tried to explain it away with him "not killing directly".
quick, show literally one instance of Superman killing an innocent bystander in the entire film
She initially followed him to the ship for no reason
Directors cut of BvS is legit the best superhero movie since Man of Steel.
>guy sneaking away at a secret base in the middle of the night
>staff didn't want her there, tried to keep her from going out at night
>implying she wouldn't follow him
I absolutely agree. It also shows just exactly what has to be on the line before he’ll go there.
BvS is a much better movie than Man of Steel.
But when Superman was killing soldiers and crippling Green Arrow in “The Dark Knight Returns,” you never said a word, did you Bat-fag?
Didn't Superman literally say he was from Kansas? It'd be better if the government knew who he was but kept silent abut it.
>12 million down the drain
Fuck off, NSA.
raw b8
Why didn't he just cover his eyes lmao
Metropolis gets leveled in the JL cartoon all the time but I'm sure most people liked that show
I'll accept if because A. It's not like he's mowing down Russian soldiers with his heat vision, he sinks all their boats and shoots down their planes. And B. Superman is a satire of the American Government in the 80's, intervening in world affairs because they acted like they were moral paragons justified in doing so. At the point of TDKR's release, Superman was universally known as the Big Blue Boyscout, Miller spends Supes' credibility making him a war machine. Snyder wants us to assume Superman is that good even though he spends the whole movie breaking shit.
Now you realise why grown-ups rarely watch cartoons.