Let's take a break from the cancer that is the US presidential election and speak our minds on the countries around us.
Turkey: I love your high resistance to radiation
Greece: I like how you piss off the krauts and the FYROMs
Romania: greatest ally during ww2, gave back Dobrudja
Serbia: based kebab removers
ITT: We say what we like about the countries bordering ours
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump will win. You cannot escape our election.
Canada: hockey is awesome
Mexico: your food is awesome (everything else about you is SHIT)
>numerical symbols confirm
At least follow the rules, amerifat
Gringo get out
Netherlands: like us, but better
Germany: like us, but better
France: we're not like them
Luxemburg: bank district that got its own country
This is now a get thread, praise kek
+1, gave me a chuckle, mano
Wait someones door is in two different countries?
america: ................... I dunno I got nothing
You guys are good at losing weight
We buy your Lumber and Syrup you would be poor without us fucking tree niggers.
you buy their oil too
who cares, they are buffer zones for when the jerries get silly ideas.
>having to share your land with other countries
Canada, you have cool healthcare and most people I've spoken to from you are honestly pretty chill.
Mexico, you have some nice food and you haven't been that mad at us for stealing Texas like a bunch of pricks that one time.
Netherlands: your food sucks
Germany: your food sucks
Luxembourg: uhm...
France: youre non-white
Our country is a giant moat, no neighbours
>Refugees BTFO
>Higher per capita GDP than USA
>1000 years worth of coal
>So much iron ore it would take 1000 years to mine it all
>enough coal seam gas to meet our needs
>shitloads of oil and gas on northwest shelf
>Tough population immune to spiders, snakes and blue ringed octopus
>revolving door of young wealthy intelligent international students who want to ride white cock, I should know because I married one
>4 pillars banking system means nobody is TBTF
>having to share your land with people from other countries
Norway: You're alright, you've got some beautiful nature with them fjords n shit
Sweden: You dun fucked up. Only good thing is snus.
Russia: Cheap gasoline from you guys
Estonia: Cheap vodka from ya guys, ya'll like our little cousins.
qt grills
funny accent but pls get your shit together and maybe we can make Great Romania again
thanks for being slightly poorer than us, really helps with the national "dignity"
I admire your passion for kebab removal and overall patriotism
good food
Tfw island
Canada: I had my first kiss in Quebec, so I associate a happy memory with you.
Mexico: you've provided some of the best dishwashers I've ever worked with
>Luxembourg: uhm...
piss off, Juncker
>France: Country in great decline
>Luxemburg: Tax haven that should be rightfully annexed wiped of the face of the earth
Belgium is pretty ok, your government seems to be even shittier than ours though; the same as with your migrant problems.
Great Pubs and Catholicism.
Northern Ireland is our clay.
Who delivers that house's mail if it doesn't have a mailbox?
>>revolving door of young wealthy intelligent international students who want to ride white cock
desu I love summer time in part because it's an an endless turnstile of fresh backpacker meat
there's a mail slot in the door
good luck sending them a letter
look at the mail slot at the door
c-c-c-check 'em?
France: You people have a very beautiful country
Portugal: fuck off moors REEEE
Belgium : Your chocolate is good
Luxemburg : Your chocolate is good
Germany : Your chocolate is good
Switzerland : Your chocolate is good
Italia : You share our passion for wine
Spain : You make a great holiday destination
UK : There is a sea between us
Mexico: age of consent is 12. My dad bill and my
Mom Hillary love that.
oh boy, ok
Netherlands: Pretty nice place for vacation, cheap beer, dude weed
Belgium: Your beer is awsome
Luxembourg: I.. don't really know?
France: Good wine
Switzerland: comfy
Austria: good food
Chechnia: Liked Prague very much, people are pretty nice, too
Poland: nice people, also doing construction work pretty cheap
Denmark: Also nice for vacations, pretty comfy country
Slovenia..... hi.
Croatia get your shit together, and without electing some radical extremist light/left wingers please. It's painful to see you like this.
Serbia. Please don't start another war. Please?
Romania, stop being cunts and give autonomy to Székelyföld. We can totally be friends, Coända and Kármán are great examples.
Ukraine. Hang in there buddy.
Slovakia..... Yeah there's a lot of bad blood between us, but V4 stronk.
Austria, i heard you like us now? Sorry for saying that you only ever dragged us into bad things. We can be friends if you want.
french countryside is pretty fucking comfy
germans (actual germans, not """germans""") are pretty cool people
a poorer switzerland, but people are much nicer
southern/central food is very good, also appennini are god-tier for summer hiking
our inbred cousin, but we love you brehs
>Losing a war to the Emus
You get 22 refugees bulgaria.
>The border goes through someone's house
Are they belgians or dutch?
Also, Spain is pretty neat, I like their old churches.
But they can't top a cathedral made out of bones.
>having to super glue 3 different tiny countries and part of someone elses country together to be relevant
Lebanon: basing a country around love of pine tree air fresheners and Iran's cock was bold move
Syria: basing a country around Mad Max: Fury Road was an even bolder move
Jordan: setting the irrelevancy bar so high must've taken a lot of non-effort
Egypt: had some cool shit thousands of years back and has been steadily crumbling back to dust ever since
> fuck beaners
> fuck cuckdeau
Canada get your shit together so we can be bros again.
>is a non country
>had a non border
adds up
the netherlands and belgium have a weird border
>that little secret of the netherlands inside belgium
>the completely isolated part of the netherlands inside belgium
>Being the remains of a British prison colony.
>Lebanon: basing a country around love of pine tree air fresheners and Iran's cock was bold move
>pic related
Jordan is cool though.
I actually want to go travel to your two neighboring countries some time.
United states: a lot of black ppl. Oh and president is a satanist. Other than that would visit again.
>canada: they actually pay to access healthcare in the US
women can be hot. don't care for men
>We say what we like about the countries bordering ours
>UK : There is a sea between us
kek'd hard
how the hell is the u.s election cancer you open border loving cuck piece of shit you talk like a fucking liberal
Spain is pretty cool. Which we would have conquered it back then. Having the whole Peninsula would be sick.
From my experiences, having worked with spaniards, I don't like most of them. Seem too arrogant to even learn another language besides their own.
They come to Portugal and make no effort whatsoever to speak Portuguese.
>get ejected from the first world
>create civilization in the harshest conditions
>lose all your terrain and sovereignty to flightless birds
It's no shocker you're all alcoholic shitposters.
Canada: You streets are really clean
Mexico: You have good beer
Canada used to have a strong ethnic identity
Canada: You gave us RUSH
Mexico: Tex-Mex is a gift to the world.
Slovakia - like a smaller brother that thinks he's tough
Poland - smoewhat a friend, they export shitty goods
Germany - the country should be broken up and language forgotten
Austria - green faggots
You have no idea about the indian enclaves.
There is an enclave in an enclave in an enclave.
Like... the city and surrounding regions across the border to Bangladesh belongs to india, but one village belongs to bagladesh, but one field belongs to india again.
I heard a great theory once, that Mad Max is actually not set in the future, but is about what average australians are like if they get lost in the outback for over 12 hours.
I've been there recently,
the king's car museum was nice, Petra is a lot smaller than I thought, the rest was fairly boring unless you're into off-road roadtrips, but I can do that stuff at home so meh.
Everytime I look at the wordmap, Russia seems to be a bit bigger
>You have no idea about the indian enclaves.
I just started reading about them
Mapmakers are idiots. I could have been one. Give this NEET a job
You are just imagining things
We are country of peace
>the rest was fairly boring
I'm all about that stuff.
Might go to egypt too, though they are less stable and more expensive.
>be mapmaker
>"accidentally" make both countries smaller.
>make both countries officially adopt your maps as correct.
>claim the unclaimed region for yourself
Or just do the alternative and get a couple thousand people to move to a small place with extended autonomy, become natives, and take over the legislation.
I dislike all existing countries.
>Turkey: I love your high resistance to radiation
Crown Royal and Jose Cuervo
you dislike Uganda?
we don't have open borders, niggerfaggot
ok, magyar, you keep the rest then.
Canada: I love Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Maritime Canada best Canada.
Mexico: Some of your food is really good and white Mexicans are really nice people.
Ireland are like family that moved out. It sucks. United British isles WHEN?
England: Wankers
Ireland: Cunts
Wales: Sheep shaggers
Norway: Orkney and Shetlands want you to annex them.
Iceland: Irrelevant
Ukraine - hope you will defeat you decease.
Belarus - thank you for sanctions' products.
Kazahstan - are you exist now?
Finland - your products really make the sence!
Norway - love your country so much, most of all Lofotens' islands (great fishing during the summer).
China - too much pollution at the border.
USA - yes we have border.
Azerbaidjan/Georgia/Armenia - great people, not bad in business.
Baltic countries - you can be very angry about the past, but infrastructure left to you is great, after SPB will have few more terminals, it will be a really end of your history and EU will shit at you.
Remember, fellas, mother Russia is ready to welcome you in union, and lead you to the real future, uncommon, uncertain, unpredictable, it will be great in centuries, or it will be great in it last bang. The choose on you side, fellas.
>Namibia: Friendly blacks, germans and afrikaans people
>Botswana: Pretty chill place and the people are also friendly
>Zimbabwe: Filled with a bunch of cunts who ruined their country or did nothing to stop it from getting ruined and now run away to here and ask the same white people they chased out of their country for a job with a smile on their face, I always tell them to fuck off
>Mozambique: Beautiful country but full of the most ignorant and incompetent blacks on the planet who fucking come across the border to kill our animals and sell them to the Chinese.
>Madagascar: I dunno what the fuck goes on there, apparently white people also live there.
>Lesotho: A monarchist shit hole and a corrupt state who does not give a shit about its people.
I've been to China and you should see the maps there
Chinese maps have moved a lot of borders, mostly to make China bigger. Quite a lot of islands (including Taiwan) are marked as being part of China.
I kind of wish I had bought one. I just thought it was novel at the time but it's pretty obvious they're dead serious about it
Canada: Stay cucked, hat.
Cuba: Proving that 1950s American cars can last forever.
Bahamas, Bermuda: Fun stuff, m8s
Ruskiland: We don't really think of you as a neighbor, but you are. Then again, I don't live in the part of the country where I can see Ruskiland from my house.
That's what I alluded to with the no mailbox thing. Which country's postal service delivers it?
I dislike them all, because all are too big to truly easily convince the populace to adopt a new mindset and ideology. Meanwhile if 4000 people of similar mindsets went to the Falkland isles (maybe some big investment and big project) and got falkland island status after 10 years, they could with 99% majority take over the country, declare wider independence from the UK, but allow them to fish here in exchange for protection, and just set up an actually functioning system, and allow anyone who likes that system to come over there.
>you keep the rest then.
Fuck no, i wasn't rolling for doubles with a picture of merkel.
stop. i can only be this angry.
Fuck i need to calm down or i'm gonna break something.
The PRC and what they've been doing with the taiwan shit is just so infuriating.
Sweden: I love your forests and you are friendly when visiting Denmark
Germany: Cheap candy, beer and booze from border shops, great roads and cool cities
Poland: Top qties, slav programmers stronk and you seem pretty cool.
Krautchan: shit sense of humor and borderline autistic bc how organized, hard working and production oriented you are. which are good things.
Holland: I mean I feel more related to you than to Wallonia
France: there's elements of resistance and revolution brewing, I can feel it, make me proud
Should probably have included Noway: you guys are bros
>anoither trips
This get thread is out of control
>Mexico: Some of your food is really good and white Mexicans are really nice people.
Those are called Spanish I believe
what am I looking at, rufag?
intermarium when?
12 points
Love the people
Love the cities
Love the flowers
Love the bitterballen met mosterd
Love the Efteling
Vrijhaven Groot-Nederland when?
10 points
Love the food, currywurst
Love the beer, it's better than our own
Love the cities, from Aachen to Berlin
Absolutely love the girls. Lived in the rp-area for some years, absolute top-tier white girls with low self esteem.
Going to Germany as a Belgian is like playing on easy.
Fuck France.
Bulgaria: based bros, basically the same peoples as us but different language
Serbia: never fought us, kebab was removed
Hungary: when they clear their mind of Trianon, magyars are pretty dank
Moldavia: Lil bro romanians, love them even if they sometimes don't love back.
Czechoslovakia: Nice countr(ies), good industry, nice gun laws in Czechia at least
Poland: Greatest ally, wish we will be allies once more and take a stand as eastern european powers
Russia: Helped us in our independence war, dank weaponry
>forgetting Best Korea
For shame, comrade.
Cananada, we really couldn't give less fucks about you faggots. Mexico, good god that place is a raging shit hole.
United States: their politics are so retarded that it's better comedy than a sitcom
Greenland: A frozen, irredeemable shithole of alocoholics and future suicides. That's the nicest thing I can think of about Greenland
America is a vast pool of shit with diamonds sprinkled throughout, and those diamonds are very breathtaking (talking about cities and natural beauty)
Canada, I like your country, visit quite often, very nice
Mexico, never been there, but I've heard its a good and cheap vacation spot?
gj on sticking it to the (((man))) in regards to immigrants
the accent of your females makes my dick warm, also dem plitvicka jezera, is that what garden of eden looks like? I liked the shit out of you 2016 euro song
nice, comfy, mountain-es landscape, I wish you become a rich county and become the comfiest place on earth and I hope you uncover lots of secrets of the universe in your pyramid, I feel it in my bones that there is something there
ty for having us over the summer
big ass coast, must be very pretty, also some big ass mountains, the new zealand of balkans
ty for persevering against the turkish menace, we may have had our difference but god dammit we are still slavs
ty for being the only neighbor against we didn't make war against
I don't like anything about the countries bordering mine.
>let's take a break from things that matter to actually talk about my insignificant, little country!
Do it on your own board, Irrelevantchan.org
Dank ass food and pretty cool music, other than that you spics smell like shit and need to fuck off.
Hockey is neat.
We have a border? Or you counting Transnistria as Russia?
This is now a Trump thread!
Canada: Trump doesn't live here.
Mexico: Trump doesn't live here.
You're quite right.
100% this
I wish we were just part of the Netherlands instead of being a pathetic non-country
Hungary: Viktor the based, standing up to bolsheviks, pushing back the roaches
Bulgaria: enduring against the roaches, figthing the roaches alongside us, based medieval empire
romania: eternal bros, always the best
fyrom: not killing us during the 1990s wars
montenegro: they are serbian
Bosnia: half the country is run by serbian republic (bosnia is a federation between bosnian serbs and kebab), also easy to remove
Croatia:cool punk bands, cool architecture and humor
albania: ...........
USA: not gonna lie, burgers are good
Greenland: not a complete shit hole
Russia: cool accent.