Iberian Risk!
>No rerolls
>Include bonuses in name field
>No metaplay
>No whining
>No ceding
Iberian Risk!
>No rerolls
>Include bonuses in name field
>No metaplay
>No whining
>No ceding
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nuevo Estado Franquista
>Bealeric island with the city
People's Republic of Catalonia
Any color
Grand Duchy of Basque
Roughly where the basque county is
Kaiser Wilhelm
Roman Empire
any color
Portugese Peoples Republic
Dark Green
Hey fellow comrade
Let's start! Year 50.
fuck i did it in the wrong order, it makes sense though
>trump corp
Take city, then sail to the east coast of Spain
Take Seville
Fill west in a beeline directly towards gold
Kill sand niggers
what about me man?, at least put me on the north, also if I can roll, go south
Do I own my actual city? If not take Bilbao.
Expand in all directions.
based finbro
Am I too late?
> Nationalist Iberian Union
> Madrid
> Purple
Fill Catalonia, spills expand along the coast
Correcting bonus, spills go to the west
Fill more Portugal!
Game full
Sure comrade
If I can roll go south
Condado Portucalense
Blue/orange/any color
Year 100!
Attack and fill gold
Take Lisbon, then fill more Portugal
Fill Vigo
Fill Catalonia, spills expand along the coast
I take Madrid and then move north.
Counter the attack
Butthurt zach incoming
spills fill al of the southwest
Gold btfo? 8 is 3 tiles and I rolled first
attack and fill kaiser willhelm
Keep on expanding!
Keep sailing to the east coast
maybe another time
I have four tiles boy. It stays the same
Year 150!
Attack willhelm
continue attacking kaiser
Attack and fill gold
BTFO Wilhelm
Keep filling up some Portugal
Rolled first buddy. Your dubs serve no purpose.
Yeah baby!!!
1 spill
Francisco killed him, what do you want to do?
Expand along the coast
Keep filling northwest
Spill goes along the west coast
expand towards that island above me.
Move into the east coast and expand
Launch attack and annex NIU! Defend if attacked.
Sure, just don't grab anything more than the 1 t you have in Portugal.
Year 200!
expand east
Expand north
>tfw I got 2 palis and they dont affect here
Fill more Portugal, spills into Spain if possible.
Thanks lad.
Keep on attacking NIU, spills to take Madrid.
Sail to the island east of islanders
continue towards mallorca
>off by one quints
Take the remaining bealeric islands, spills moving west on the mainland
fixed bonus.
Let's see who got quints
Year 250!
>yfw Trump hasn't taken Murcia yet
take the last big island, leave the small one, expand west on he mainland
Sail to the east most island of Islanders
Rolling to expand North-East, without touching Basque.
Expand to the west. Reinforce borders in the south and east. defend if attacked
I don't want to fight you
Fill Spain
eliminate that orange faggot. take murcia afterwards and continue towards mallorca
Fine. Ill leave you alone. Nap?
PPP, I will not attack you, keep filling Spain
Fuck, I've gotta go guys, sorry.
Year 300!
Note to Aurelius: since you were landlocked, you sailed to France to go to Aragon.
Fill the gap in the east
Fill inland i also break my allience with portugal
Destroy Islanders and defend, reinforce Portuguese borders.
take mallorca.
spillls goes into taking orange territory on land
Defend if attacked, Send a ship to Mallorca and conquer it
Alright, changing names since it's been 100 years since my people got here, if someone aldready got Aragon, reinforce, if not, move there
Not Mallorca, I meant the island that trump corp controls
fucking hell
Looks like we've got a full-on war just for an island territory. Oh, and OP, you taking anyone in, or accepting new players?
Portugal is gone, you can take over him.
Year 350