Can't argue against this.
Can't argue against this
>same sex
>their children
Same sex couples literally cannot have children.
What a dumb meme.
Why did you guys take amanda knox?
Why did you guys allow facism?
Why did you shitpost?
Statistics from the Netherlands I think have shown that they are worse parents than single mothers, and single mothers were for very long time known to be the worst parents on earth.
Never. They were too busy molesting them and trying to convince them to partake in faggotry.
She was accused of being involved in the homicide of another person.
gay adoption is a very effective way to find childs for the pedo rings, those pedo-satanic politicians pushed this meme very hard for their own pleasure
dubs don't lie
Would you rather grow up without a father or a mother?
Wait until Muslims become the majority in your favorite (((diverse))) countries, they LOVE this shit.
That's cool an' all, but you can find thousands of articles of straight parents molesting and even killing their kids. Guess nobody should be allowed to raise kids.
How do you guys do police work over there considering Cosa Nostra run everything? Do you just point and say "guilty" then they are shot?
Has there ever been one?
>their children
>selection bias
It's like two straight guys raising a little girl. LBGT people are degenerate AIDS monsters and genetic dead ends for the good of our species.
Sally Kohn wrote an article about how disappointed she was that her daughter was growing up attracted to boys.
gay couples aren't meant to raise kids since they can't make em in the first place.
Fucking bitch.
But why increase a child's chance of being mentally poisoned and raped by faggotry? All for the sake of 'diversity' and 'progressiveness'?
Not to long ago, maybe a month, when that journalist said they wanted nothing to do with their straight daughter who wouldn't become a lesbian.
>They literally blur out his face so you can't see how much he loves it.
Nice try heretic.
Everyone knows fags are pedophiles of course they wouldn't disown there sex toy
Eh, I'm against gay marriage, but gay adoption seems pretty reasonable desu.
Not as good as a straight couple, but miles better than an orphanage.
those of us who live in states where "single" parent adoption (GAY) were permitted in the 90s already know how dumb gay adoption is.
I was involved in a charity that disproportionately hired gays in the 90s. so many lesbians wanted little boys and girls and specifically talked all the time about raising them GAY. The flaming GAY types i never understood I just assumed they wanted to suck boy dick.
>same sex couples
>having straight kids
Does not happen.
Show me a straight "MAN" who comes from homosexual parents and I'll show you a guy who enjoys being pegged.
>so murderers are bad parents right?
>when is the last time a murdering couple disowned their children for being non-murderers
If it's immoral it's immoral.
I find it funny that biologists even try to push gay-parenting, when we know that kids turn out better, all other things being equal, with traditional parents.
What a dumb argument. It is not normal to have a reproductive behavioural disorder, nor should a child ever be submitted to an upbringing where they are indoctrinated to think it is normal. Mother and father are required and such set-ups deprive the child of one or the other.
The mafias only "run" certain things and in certain places of the peninsula.
Justice for cases of homicide isn't one of these things, especially when no one from the mafia is involved.
the one lesbian couple and son combo that sticks out. They were raising their son to be a blue haired lesbian. dyed his hair, had him wear dresses and taught him to scream "this is my normal"
Tranny here
Trannies and fags, and especially dykes, shouldn't be allowed to adopt.
I can't even imagine how many psychoses a child would grow up with if I were its primary caretaker.
There are more straight couples who desire to adopt children because the mother can't have their own to go before you consider gay couples.
every time i see two 'men' and a boy this is the first thing that comes to mind
We have an Aids epidemic since the gay marriage referendum got passed
Really made me think
how's that working out for you?
Not bad. We can get hormones over the counter here. As in most countries where Big Pharma doesn't have a vice-grip on our doctors.
Never because being straight is normal
you are going to get BTFO'd
Yeah, straight couples should always have the priority imo.
I wonder how kids raised entirely at an orphanage fare at the chart. Maybe I was wrong.
Homosexuality is mental illness, animals get them too.
Surrogate, adoption, or kidnapping
>implying there's a difference between the latter two
Fag adoption is literally just legalized kidnapping.
>Yeah, straight couples should always have the priority imo.
Look at this close-minded bigot
desu, I dont want my daughter to be boy crazy. But also I want grandkids. That lesbian just doesn't want her daughter to be a dick expressway.
I'm gay and even I think that gay men who want to adopt boys should at the very least be thoroughly investigated and monitored before hand, especially with a look at the internet history, somehow without letting them know. Worst case, not allowed to adopt boys at all. I've dated older men before, who once I got to know them had straight up pedofile tendencies. As for whether gay men are more likely to be a pedophile than straight men I don't know, but stereotypes exist for a reason...
""""""""""""""""""""their"""""""""""""""""""""" child
They just force ther kids into homosex, lol
I choose not to play your social stigmatized game of choices. I'll fuck you in the ass, then your entire family in the ass.
Call me gay or whatever you want, but you all just got fucked in the ass. You're my property now.
anondyke here. think its best for kids to have straight parents.
the kid looks so happy
Only the third time this has been posted lad
>people that want to fuck little boys not gay
m8 of course pedophiles are mostly gay
>actively trying to turn their adopted children gay in multiple instances
>pedo rings
>oh but they can totally be good parents you bigot
Unless they have their heads on their shoulders (almost never happens with LGBTQDKTJMEME people) they can't feel entitled to have children as if they were
>tfw conservative jew
FFS cant these cunts just become Unitarians
this is starting to spread here
the fucking british ambassador here had nothing better to do than join a pride parade and pose with the szekeler flag on another ocasion
good thing we hate him now.
Romania yes!
When's the last time a straight couple molested their son?
100% real everyday happening
This very much
It was real in xer mind. were saying? not a good idea...not even once
Does anyone have a link to research indicating pedophilia among gay couples who adopt?
And fags molest children to a larger degree, what's your point?
Little girls get molested too. Also like to add that one of my friends who was molested by different men several times, at least 3 times( don't even know how the fuck that happens, he thinks they specifically targeted him because he gave off a gay vibe), they were men who were married to women. Say hey on the bright side at least this way the suspected pedopholes are easier to find.
i think this new lifestyle of being exclusively gay is kinda new.
even in roman times they would fuck little boys and other fit men but get married to women and have families after.
this degenerate gayness is probably the prison effect.
if unable to fuck women you will fuck other things including men.
was going to post this exact image
>Last time a same sex couple disowned their child?
The moment they put it on Hormone Replacement therapy because it didn't fit their sexual standards.
What if I'm bi but don't want to marry a dude. Can I raise a family then
What if you jump off a bridge?