Sup Forums
It's fucking over.
And with this, Dems have won NC.
Sup Forums
It's fucking over.
And with this, Dems have won NC.
I told man! NC is blue
One thread says he wins, another thread says he loses. At this point I'm not listening to anyone until the end of Nov. 8.
lol its up, but they don't know for who.
Trump is the one bringing new voters, not Hillary
>believing Clinton has inspired record breaking voting
>Population grows in 4 years
>Turnout is higher due to shitfest election
I don't even know why I bother to respond to these shitty bait threads.
These are the new CTR strategy. Don't believe anything, just vote.
Trump clearly has the enthusiasm advantage. Hillary literally can't draw a crowd. How is she going to get people out and voting?
NC is still a toss-up, but I'd hedge my bets on Trump.
>vote is up
>oh but we don't know for who
>vote was up for this day
>oh but don't pay attention to the other days
MSM is at the point where it just says randoms numbers and stats followed by saying that Hillary is winning regardless.
You aren't even trying.
i disagree. i think they are voting for trump, not hillary. this is a good sign.
Salty, Trump cuck?
Screencap this. She's taking NV, FL, and NC.
Why are they not breaking it down demo/repub/independent? That's what actually matters. Are the democrat #'s being pushed down compared to previous years.
I voted early in NC and didn't vote there in 2012 (NJ originally). Oh, and I voted early for Trump.
> not showing republican and independants
Early vote in NC is mostly blacks and young people
Added to the collage for Tuesday.
>Early vote in NC is mostly blacks and young people
lmao, the black vote is down 10% in NC from early voting. Obongo couldn't even beat Romney.
It's over, you lost. And we have all of your names. We're coming for you when it's all over.
Trump is the one bringing new voters out, yes... to vote AGAINST him.
things we know:
>early voting is up
>youth/black demographics tent to vote early
>all signs point to youth/black demographics having lower turnouts than 2012
>yet early voting is up
monster vote confirmed?
Wrong you dumb fuck. I've never voted for any shitty party member, D or R and could've voted for Bush/Gore. Not only did I vote the first time for and because of Trump, I also motherfucking donated too.
horrible horrible bait
consider using your free time for something else more worth your while
voting against another candidate has never been a terribly effective motivator; people usually just stay home
Please post the collage on Tuesday, I'll be waiting.
>from 2012
Hillary Clinton is not Barack Obama.
Live in NC and voted for Trump. I'm doing my part
kys CTR shill
NC population grew by 15.9%? Those guys fuck! A lot!
They don't release vote counts until election day retards