So what do you think his end game is?
What exactly does he stand for?
After the elections are said and done what is next on his todo list?
Assuming Hillary wins, he will continue to post her scandals and corruption for public viewing I think. BUT if Trump wins, what will he work on? Maling sure Trump stays loyal to his word?
I think he's a Trump agenda. That's why no Republican emails have been leaked. I hope President Hillary drones this faggot.
You're delusional.
He's influencing a US election and should be executed. All information from wikileaks should be disregarded as biased and therefore false.
Go do your research to know his agenda. Its not hard to read and watch him.
triggered shillbot, your job ends in 3 days
why did you even give this fucking shill a you?
well he obviously wants to make governments transparent, he wouldn't give up normal life so he could be stuck in an embassy for years avoiding killary instead of being with his family
off topic, but his face looks "off" and i can't figure out why
In the name of all that is good, fuck you.
>Execute someone for telling the truth about a person who thinks you should have a public position for the retards like you and a private position to actually act upon.
I hope the majority of your country isn't as stupid as you are.
GTFO THE BOARD YOU TARDS. The emails are real. Saying you want the truth hidden is like closing your eyes and ears and going 'ALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU'. JA will do what he always did. Work with people who leak secret documents from the establishment which works hard to hide them while fucking us common people. Expose some of the shit that is going on. If trump wins, after a short while he will do the same for him. That's what people like JA do. They see enemies of democracy and freedom everywhere and will always find someone to attack. They are paranoid. Have you never met such people? (And they are right. There are sociopath monsters in power everywhere you look).
He's the only true journalist left
Except he released documents about bush lol. Assange is just an agent of truth, pretty based imo even if he occasionally attacks people we like
>Except he released documents about bush lol.
He never released documents about bush in October 2004 right before an election?
You have to seriously start asking why this faggot is in coordination with Oliver Stone, Trump's campaign manager. Why has there been cyber hacks in the USA?
Why is FBI called Trump land? Why did Trump call for Russia to hack our country? This is high treason.
Good one Drumpfette, they are fake.
stop handing out (yous)
if trump does illegal shit and someone leaks it then assange will be on his ass.
but he isn't, so you figure out what that means, if you even can with your crappy test scores.
>Saying you want the truth hidden
Okay so it's now unreasonable for politicians to have private emails? Everything should be public?
Assange is a bigger patriot than the millions of drones who will cast a vote for Hillary and he's not even a fucking American citizen.
Because Russia is obviously not scared of the Clinton Foundation. Most politicians and upper FBI management seem to be in the Foundation's pocket.
experience shows the opposite.
my test scores are 99/100
You don't have to be American to be a Patriot of Truth.
Hillary is a traitor. She make deals with terrorists and want to bring refugees into your country for them can vote. And trust me, refugees will vote against your interests.
JEWlian ASSange has been outed as a pedo asset from "his" teen years in AUSTRALIA
He's a puppet and a closeted passive homo
That is a long discussion. In short, humanity would be better off with complete transparency. It would be weird at first but there are possible systems that can make it work out. (e.g. It would cost you reputation for spying on others, but if you wanted you could spy on anyone doing anything, even other people have sex or shit or w/e. Anf polititians and people with any power would be forced to be completely transparent all the time. We aren't ready for such stuff yet.) Now as for hillary.... any rational person knows this isn't what she was doing.
>that flag
>thinking your comment matters
I'm not even giving a (you) to you.
hurr durr - the content of the emails isn't important cause it makes Hillary look bad
you can have conflicting views about Assange - i personally have no problem with him releasing correspondence and documents of governmental affairs which often border criminality. Freedom of the press should have no bounds and it's the government's job to put in place better security to keep their shit confidential; this isn't fucking amateur hour
Fact is, Assange hasn't broken any laws; he isn't a citizen of the US so what he's doing can't be framed as treason and neither is there any proof that he's engaging in espionage for a foreign government since wikileaks is a bipartisan publication (they're not the sources).
Assange has already been found to being wrongfully detained and deprived of his basic freedoms by an independent investigation by the UN.
You're a fucking moron. End of story.
congrats, now raise the national average
someone please explain to me why assange's face looks weird i can't figure it out
You have 0 proof they're real.
You ask for "end game," you get saged and hidden.
I think it's his eyes. They look like they aren't symmetrical to his face. One looks slightly lower than the other.
I have zero proof there aren't two dragon dildos lodged in your ass right now.
Thanks for correcting the rectum!
Jews puppet like a trump too
12 December 2010
Q: (L) Our next question is about Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Is Wikileaks what it presents itself to be? A grassroots, document leaking organization formed by a bunch of activist hackers and so forth?
A: It was briefly.
Q: (L) You say it was briefly; that means it was probably co-opted fairly early on. So, can you tell us if Julian Assange is an agent?
A: This is a question that you have already answered.
Q: (L) What I mean is, is he consciously an agent?
A: To some extent, yes. But remember programming of both the human and 4D varieties.
Q: (Perceval) Is it true that he had that meeting with the Israelis to agree that he would not release damaging documents about them?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And what is the objective of this Sideshow?
A: You guessed it this afternoon; preparation to accept global control. Or so it is planned.
>18 posters
>page 1
Don't look saged or hidden to me friendo.
You have 0 (zero) evidence they are fake.
>hurr durr - the content of the emails isn't important cause it makes Hillary look bad
Its not important because its fake.
>you can have conflicting views about Assange - i personally have no problem with him releasing correspondence and documents of governmental affairs which often border criminality. Freedom of the press should have no bounds and it's the government's job to put in place better security to keep their shit confidential; this isn't fucking amateur hour
Hes an outsider influencing a US election, that is fucked up.
>Fact is, Assange hasn't broken any laws; he isn't a citizen of the US so what he's doing can't be framed as treason and neither is there any proof that he's engaging in espionage for a foreign government since wikileaks is a bipartisan publication (they're not the sources).
Hes going to be tried as a foreign spy/hacker.
>Assange has already been found to being wrongfully detained and deprived of his basic freedoms by an independent investigation by the UN.
Let us have him we'll have a fair trial.
>You're a fucking moron. End of story.
No you.
could be it but definitely not in op's pic, he's tilting his head
now that I think of it he looks really sad all the fucking time, I don't think I've ever seen a picture where he has a different expression
makes sense given the circumstances
yeah prep that bbc white boi, just like that. good sissy cuck
I disagree. If you take everyone at face value, you'll never be able to make a compromise.
Politicians making deals is something that has to happen behind close doors because people misunderstand what's going on. Like if a deal is made where one politician gives up something they wanted in order to get something else through, and vice versa for the other politician. It would look really bad to the public if they were able to see the whole dealmaking process.
If 100% transparency is mandated, it means politicians can never give up anything they want to do, or that is according to their values, in order to make a compromise. So the system would get extremely inefficient, extremely gridlocked, where politicians spend the whole trying unsuccessfully to push what they do, without being able to make deals.
In short, secrecy is ESSENTIAL to get shit done in politics. And what wikileaks is doing undermines the whole system, the way the democracy works.
He's saving the children, and that alone is righteous.
The burden of proof is on the ones releasing hacked documents from a foreign state. What makes you think Russia isn't editting those?
His end game is opening eyes.
He stands for the full truth, not whitewashed truth.
Who knows, probably outting all the middle east shit or the chinese stealing shit.
Or he could keep going with this arc, there are a lot of connected players.
he has nothing to lose at this point. He could be droned any time now.
Whatever happened to that interview that he was supposed to do with RT?
What makes you think they are?
This man is your friend. He fights for freedom.
he makes money selling info. Thats it, there are no morals here, its all business. if he was an ethical person he would make all info that comes at him free, and would let the people decide what is fake and whats not. But i cant blame him, he have both more cards to play and money to keep him alive.
hes dead, dip shit
I get what you mean(i think). Prolly because he is paranoid as i said.
He is the type of man that will always find something wrong or something that annoys him and try to do something for it. Seeing enemies everywhere etc.
I don't need proof. The very people who wrote these mails didn't deny anything. If EVEN ONE of these mails was proven to be fabricated, all of them would be called into question.
Why the 'alleged' senders of these mails said nothing? Because they know all the mails are true. As for me and what i believe as true, i have my own way of assigning probabilities on such things, and till today the most rational approach is to consider the e-mails true (from all the weak and strong indications).
i am an outsider influencing the election right now. everyone is.
1.) Hacked from an outside source.
2.)only things of Hillary being released this close to election.
3.) Hes states trying to influence the election.
Of course rhey're fucking fake.
What Assange doesn't realize is that, if he fails to provide the leak to knock Hillary out, he will piss off all Americans that are glued to his Twitter account. He will lose their support entirely. That's invaluable to him.
If he really cared about corruption and changing the world he would have released everything he had. Hes just another person with another agenda that doesn't match ours.
1. No one who the emails are about claim they are faked or doctored.
2. Your point?
3. No shit, if she gets into office she's claimed the first thing she's going after is Russia. That's the end of cataclysmic level event. Both sides will eventually use their nukes. No shit he doesn't want that happening.
Not even gIvins this dumbass post a (you).
>Assange has already been found to being wrongfully detained and deprived of his basic freedoms by an independent investigation by the UN.
Wait how is he being wrongfully detained? Last I heard he was voluntary staying in an embassy to avoid arrests.
The equivalent would be saying its inhumane to charge and arrest a rapefuge for a crime the moment they step foot on your soil.
but almost nothing short of video of hillary raping puppies will scare people off. hell, even the admission from cf saying that they illegally took $1M from Qatar didn't do anything
well yes, because there's always going to be corruption
it's not like he spins a wheel and picks something to report against, wikileaks relies on whistleblowers to give them documents to leak
so you could argue that the whistleblowers are paranoid and shit because they're the ones that gave the emails out
also why would he report based on "muh feelings" if people want him dead for it
So many mistakes in your view i don't know where to begin. Firstly i must say i respect it, but you make many errors imo.
1) With complete transparency the politians will have to fight for the people's acceptance into being elected. After that they will be able to make many decisions the public might find controversial or poor. But it will have a political cost and make them lose support.
2) After a while the people will get used to this. A polititian who only does what the public wants will very very soon fail to satisfy the people. If you do what everyone wants you will soon fail miserably in macro economics and other stuff (in short you can't only take short-term decisions). The public will soon understand that and self-organise, that is they will automatically take into account the fact that they misunderstand.
3) After some more time passes, these obvious inefficiencies that you point out will begin to disappear. More capable and less sociopathic politicians will take hold.
4) I don't understand what my point of transparency has to do with compromising. Please elaborate.
5) Instead of people trying to keep secrets which brings corruption and total inefficiency of capitalism as it is today, we will have new inefficiencies which however are much healthier if you think about it because of their better future prospect.
6) I don't think thats how democracy works and/or we don't have democracy now. So WL doesn't undermine democracy. In fact it promotes it.
he's a hero
the truth matters to him more than anybody. deal with it
>it's not important because its fake
care to support your baseless your argument?
But let's entertain your thought that these documents are fake - if that were the case why would Clinton claim they were hacked? Notice that news publications and even intelligence agencies haven't claimed that the documents are fake - only that the breach came from "muh russian hackers". In the 10 years that wikileaks has existed, not once has correspondence they released been proven to be fake. They vet all their sources. And if that were the case, i don't think the US would be so vehement in their will to unlawfully persecute Assange.
>he's an outsider influencing a US election, that is fucked up
what a stupid argument. Me expressing my opinion on this forum is influencing the US election. Just because it's election season for a soverign state doesn't mean that press is suddenly deprived of its freedoms - unless of course, you want to become China or Russia
>tried as a foreign spy/hacker
I wonder what evidence they'll muster - maybe it'll be as laughable as the rape case in Sweden to which he "raped" multiple women in Sweden over his 3 week stay.
>fair trial
if it was a fair trial, he'd be tried on an international tribunal - not on US soil. The UN already found him innocent so i suppose that doesn't suit american interests.
>the truth is biased and therefore you shouldn't listen to it
assange an aussie hippie cult baby
wow, it's nothing
He has always been open about his agenda. His agenda is to expose corruption in the government. We live in a world where governments intentionally keep things secret from the people, things we ought to know, and his goal is to act as a counter force to that.
this tbqh fampai
Did it all for money & fame.
That's why he never released Hillary's emails and only gave use Podestas.
That's how you know he was working for Hillary.
He's literally their decoy.
It's how Hillary got the emails out but only selected ones.
Fucking Assange is owned by Soros incase any of you didn't know this. Literally OSI owns him & the embassy he's hiding in.
We all got fucking played so bad.
Well you did I figured it out & started looking into Assange.
See cause i'm smart I know all about him, he really is a pedophile & a rapist (THE SAME TYPE OF SCUM YOUR HUNTING DOWN IN PIZZAGATE) but he really did rape a girl see picture, thats her..
He is anti-establishment, and he will work against Trump once he sits in power, you better get used to it. Remember when Liberals loved him when he exposed the Afghan war, and not HATE him now that he exposes Hillary?Hopefully Governments learn to behave better in fears of being exposed.
He is an idealist, wanting to make governments accountable and transparent, but sooner or later he is going to slaughter your sacred cow.
I first fell in love with him in 2010 when I read this quote from him:
"I enjoy crushing bastards."
whats a huckleberry?
ok m8 \_(0.0)_/
The top item on his to-do list is to get the fuck out of the Ecuadorian embassy. Hillary will NEVER let him leave. Trump might let him walk.
If you actually want to know google an essasy he wrote 10 years ago called "Conspiracy as Governance"
Also watch the Cypherpunks episodes of the RT show he used to do.
>behind close doors because people misunderstand what's going on
Hilariously one of the biggest bits or received wisdom of the twentieth century. Total bullshit.
If you have a general policy of telling everyone what you're up to and why you're up to it, there's an overwhelmingly greater chance of your plans going well.
Saw your flesh apart. For I command it.