>Dad starts talking about politics
>Saying how the white race is becoming less white
>Says he dosent like it
Pro Dad
>Dad starts talking about politics
>Saying how the white race is becoming less white
>Says he dosent like it
Pro Dad
My father is even more blatant about it and I never knew his true feelings until this year (I'm 29 years old).
He insults niggers like 1950s racist style... things that Sup Forums would certainly approve of. He thinks "muh raparations" is stunningly stupid. He thinks BLM is racist and anti-american and that the feds should either arrest or KILL all of them.
Up until this election cycle he's never said anything to suggest he feels like way. Fucking awesome.
Wow, your dad is a racist. How does it feel knowing your dad is 100 years in the past, user. fucking shitlord
Mine too. I'd say the same for the rest of the demographic.
Middle aged white men won us brexit, never forget that.
Why is it that white people having their own interests is racist? Seriously, just fuck off with this garbage.
>tfw you were falling for the modern feminist maymay as a teenager
>dad couldn't give less of a fuck
>mom teaches you why its bullshit
>80 year old grandfather thinks we should kill all niggers
>dad thinks we should kill all niggers
>mom thinks we should kill all niggers
> i think we should kill all niggers
this is why i love the south.
i love my family.
Because this isn't the stone age anymore, herr Goering. We're part of only one race, the human race. And if you can't accept that fact then all I can say is that thankfully there won't be much of you people left anyways
>Tfw I make racist jokes with my pappers
>Tfw we cannot even see a minority without making an accent
>Tfw nearly everyone in my family and in my hometown enjoys making racist jokes
The South rises (Oklahoma btw)
I'm from the mid-west and my family thinks we should basically kill all niggers. Quite nice user, quite nice.
I'm glad more white people are waking up to the fact that we need to focus more on our own interests instead of getting cucked and fucked everywhere we turn.
>tfw a few years ago my mom would get triggered when I'd say black people were more violent and criminal
>tfw now she listens to Stefan Molyneaux and others daily and can't stop talking about the dindu epidemic and how I should never marry a black
>tfw my dad resisted but she managed to finally redpill him
The world is changing for the better, my friends.
Mine too. And he's korean.
>visiting parents for the weekend
>mum asks me what I think about Trump
>'I like his style. I think he's a top bloke'
>mum goes off about how sexist and nasty he is
>start half arse arguing saying 'that's how blokes talk to each other mum'
>Dad chimes in and starts backing her up
>always knew he was a cuck but just never had it proved
Damnit. My own father ready to sell out his brethren.
Look at the crime rate of blacks vs whites. Look at the average IQ of blacks vs whites. Look at the employment rate of blacks vs whites. There are so many things that are so different about us. Blacks have a tendency towards degeneracy and lack of contribution to society.
They should be removed and isolated. America would thrive tremendously without blacks... it'd be incredible.
>we're the same race so you must like me
thats not how it works
Trump is pretty unfavorable among Muslims, so your story doesn't surprise me.
I'm 38 now. I've red pilled my dad on everything now. If he knew how to use a computer, he'd be an Aussie tier shitposter. He hates globalists, feminists, BLM, and LGBT degeneracy. He says America is going to hell. He's pro-Trump and warns everybody he knows "Hillary is going to let all the muslims in!"
Literally every other race has their own interest at heart. Africans, East Asians, Arabs, Persians but when white people do it regressive and wrong. Can you see the double standard at work here?
>white triggered father nigger
user, only the dredges of the lower class care about immigration amd being 'white'
Thanks to you whitey, you brought them in as slaved and have been oppressing them since the day they were whipped by the first cracker. The reason this is even still a thing is because you only care about yourself and not other fellow humans. So be quiet colonialist bastard, your time is ticking.
It is so
They didn't go around stealing land that's half way across the world. You owe them
Got a source on that? The published statistics and facts do not agree with your statement.
>Not knowing that blacks get special treatment in America for most important issues
>Not knowing black oppression in America is stunningly exaggerated
Implying they wouldn't if they had superior white technology. Look at how many times Japan and China invaded other nations. Again, superior Asian technology. Niggers never evolved past spear chucking tech.
people bought slaves to the BLACK PEOPLE that had them as slaves in africa, so whats your point again?
nobody owns anyone shit from things that happened thousand of years ago
>It is so
no it isnt, we will never be the same race gringo
If by special treatment you mean staying poor and getting shot when they're unarmed then yes I do know.
And to you black oppression is exaggerated because you have never been through it, you have no idea what it's like to be oppressed. You have no idea what it's like to walk out your door and not know if you're even going to come back, so maybe you're the one who is wrong here. Just admit it, its ok to not know any of these thing, just acknowledging them is enough
I don't owe anyone anything. You could use the exact same logic for any civilization that ran slaves (basically all of them) but you won't because you hate white people and try conceal it with a shroud of "social justice". All you're interested in is taking down people based solely on their skin colour. You're not fooling anyone.
>Implying they wouldn't if they had superior white technology.
They did infact have access to superior white technology a lot in recorded history. They just always absolutely destroyed it instead of using it.
Similiar to how right now, today, in 2016, niggers are raiding white farms in zimbabwe and destroying the farm equipment instead of using it. Now they're all starving down there.
My dad is smart enough not to say things like that out loud. So good luck with him getting fired.
>tfw my father always struck me as a turbo-liberal
>he'd lecture me when I was 8 and made fun of black people in walmart
>got really mad at me when I was 13 and called my neighbour a fag
>went on a rant about how some of the nicest people we knew were jews when I called my teacher a jew at the end of highschool
>tfw 25 years old now, talk to my dad a lot still
>he now goes on about how he hates trudeau and is moving to USA if Trump wins, and goes on with how it's hard to work with people from different cultures who can't speak english
>from the south
>Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandfather thinks we should import them.
Thanks for ruining the U.S, should have picked your own damn cotton.
past, present and future, baby.
most people feel this way deep down, they just dont allow themselves to think it
>tfw my grandfather was really racist to the core
>literally collected nazi rock, punk and metal
>was the reason I made fun of black people, called my neighbour a fag, and my teacher a jew in the first place
>always made fun of me for watching moonrune cartoons as a teenager, would always refer to dragon ball as "nagasaki boy" when i was watching it
>said he'd rather die before watching canada go to shit (he was a nationalist to the core)
>he died a week before trudeau got elected
You don't get it, these people have been OPPRESSED by you whether you know it or not, you dismissing their issues doesn't make you not at fault for them. The fact that you dismiss their claim is oppressive enough, and they should be taken seriously. If an unarmed man gets shot, it's not right to say, "well he was a nigger so he was a criminal who cares". There's a little thing called human rights.
We may never be the same race, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to connect with each other. Also if white people didn't buy slaves, then the blacks in Africa wouldn't need to enslave their own people, just another way white people ruined Africa. by the by.
Pop always tried to give everyone a chance but I know for certain hes not fond of (((bagel)))
Mom bakes cookies and walks the dog twice a day, she wont entertain in any of it
Brother plays along sometimes when I argue him to the source but he is inevitably blue pilled
I find the existence of negroes tragic in the sense they will eternally suffer no matter what is provided. Anyone who endures their presence will also suffer. White people just need their own space, we need to regulate our own in a stricter fashion. We are infuriated so much because we are an all or nothing species.
>"nagasaki boy"
Muh sides
>If by special treatment you mean staying poor and getting shot when they're unarmed by other blacks
Really, when did I oppress anyone? Tell me how I have personalty oppressed anyone. Oh wait! You can't because I haven't.
>ask dad why he doesn't own a gun
>says "i'd rather someone else shoot me than have to live with the guilt of having shot someone"
My dad is a labourfag based on his upbringing and educational background and I catch him saying right wing shit here and there. These old school labour voters are a different breed to the millennials that are voting for them because they love brown cock and feminism. He's basically right wing with socialist tendencies. I love my dad.
Well, you're white, so based on the color of your skin, you're guilty of the crimes of others.
Sounds like racism to me.
This is my point. It's a sick mindset held by sick people.
There's a bunch of funny stories involving my grandfather and animu
My father told me that when he was in his mid-late teens and watch robotech and various 80s animu,, my grandfather would always rant on about how the japanese deserved to be nuked in the middle of episodes and not stop ranting until the credits, every single episode.
My grandfather was a fun man to be around.
I all out of arguments, I don't know. Give me more (you)'s, It's how I live. They're all I eat, give me more, now.
user they enslaved them on their own, to serve them, or you think slavery is an invent of white people?
>but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to connect with each other
totally, just stay in usa and I stay here, minimal respect for each other isn't bad, and trading deals are fine too but trying to turn a group of countries in a big entity that must share the same rule and ethics is what I'm agains, don't want gringos here trying to force their shit just like how I don't want argies going to other places trying to force their culture on a place that didn't ask for them
and Obama, fuck off with your military bases from here
>Crazy faggot runs in your house
>Rapes and kills your wife and son
>Robs you
>As you are laying there beaten to the point you can't get up, with your wife and son dead and raped. And your shit getting stolen by some psychotic meth head who needs drug money
>you start to think
>he walks up and shoots you in the head
>the last thought that goes through your head is
>Atleast I'm not a bigot
My Dad is pretty centrist and he hates both sides. But the other day he suggested to me that I be sure to marry a white woman and not race mix. I told him I've already decided on that.
Racist grandfathers are Elder God tier.
>tfw redpilled dad has become purplepilled over the years, as if its just too much work now.
for (you)
Totally agree, Argiebro. To each their own
wow really makes you wonder how people of color would think systemic/institutional racism might exist when positions of power are held by people just like your white-ass father. fuckin cracker
>Idiots that call niggers violent animals despite being no different
>Proceed to dream about violently lynching and killing them just like they violently kill and attack people
>Proud of their parents for being degenerates like them that act the same as niggers and then turn around and laugh about it without realizing the irony
Honestly, people like this need to fuck off.
Folks like you are why Trump is losing. Idiots like you and David Duke that think that he's "Just like me!" because he actually loves his country unlike liberals. That's the thing, despite what people say Trumps campaign is not about hatred, burning niggers and spics and anyone that doesn't think like you. No, it's about love of one's fucking country and taking that country back for anyone that's a patriot. If you contribute to society and aren't a degenerate, you're an American. Period.
As hard as you try to convince yourself, not everyone in the world is as ugly as some of you are. Even on Sup Forums you have people that are rational and understand this. Radical SJWs are no different from Radical Stormfags which are no different than radical Islam. You're all the same group of retards fucking things up for everyone else because you can't pull your head out of your ass for a second.
TLDR; Are niggers a problem? Yes.
Is mass genocide like an edgy 12 year old the answer? Gee I dunno. Seems quite niggerish actually.
He contradicted himself a lot though, he collected nazi memorabilia and legitimately believed hitler did nothing wrong (he did do nothing wrong), but goes on to hate the japs for whatever reason desu. When I got redpilled 5 years ago I even pointed out in his copy of mein kampf all the good shit hitler said about the nips and he called it propaganda and in some cases even said that "Hitler was probably drunk". Hilarious man.
my driving instructor starting going mad about pakis yesterday, saying how he never apoligises to pakis on the road and theat their all bitches for getting insulted about being called pakis :D didn't r8 him b4 that but now he legend
You're mostly right, but for example deporting Muslims from the EU is a good idea. They don't belong here. Doesn't need to be full-on genocide though.
this is why I kinda like when BLM chimps out. it brings these feelings out
>Mum is a huge normie and knows noting about politics
>never voted before
>Comes up to me and says she is going to vote for leave in EU ref
>Ask her why
>"More and more people are coming here and it's too much"
>Tfw a normie wakes up.
I am in full agreement, deporting is non-violent and simply enforcing your boarder. If they attack first then sure, respond in kind. However, if there's a minority of them that are decent, assimilate to European culture and just want a better place to live, let a few in as long as the majority stays white and true to its roots. All things in balance.
low quality bait
How did he feel about Burgerland?
>tfw anytime you talk politics with your dad it seems like he's more ashamed of you than anything else
He had a lot of banter aimed at the burger but it was mostly just banter. He legitimately thought we burnt down the white house, i've told him it's the british but he justified it with "it was men from the canadian colony and the colony was called canada so canadians burnt down the white house".
Based Dads ITT
So proud user
Closest my Dad has come is saying he and my mum want to move to a 'white neighbourhood' when they retire
>Dad talking about election
>Mentions how democracy is failing
>"Maybe a dictator is what we need."
My dad NEVER talks about politics.
>mom never cared about politics
>suddenly does with this election cycle
>sees women's percentages with Clinton and all of the assault accusations out of the woodwork against Trump
>firmly believes womens suffrage was a mistake and women should have never had the right to vote
Most people what to live whith their own anyway, even if they don't say it.
An yet, you gave them a (you).
>tfw my dad says more Sup Forums shit than I do
Kind of funny really.
This, I sometimes wondered why I supported Trump. Yeah I hate Hillary and despire the current system, but am I just supporting a cause I cant grasp. Personally me I don't care what white people want to do. Though if I a black man meet a girl who happens to be different from me and we love each other. Well things happen, but if you wanna be with your own thats fine. I want him to win because I'm pissed off at a lot things, but tone this shit down a bit so he can win.
>be mixed German
>be for the white race
>mum talking about how she doesn't like how there are so many non-Germans in this country
Xe has a point
You are literally your own worst enemy and irrational anger is the culprit
>Radical SJWs are no different from Radical Stormfags which are no different than radical Islam
As much as I agree with your overall sentiment I disagree with this part, at least to some extent.
Radical SJWs go out of their way to destroy their own country. If they don't like their own country they can leave and join one of the many Muslim countries they don't seem to have a problem with. Radical Islamists go out of their way to destroy other countries. If they don't like other countries they're free to stay in their own desert shithole. Radical Stormers go out of their way to try to save their country because they don't have any other alternative to go to.
Do I think there should be a genocide? Maybe as a very last resort, but in a perfect world I would rather they were sent back and stayed in their own countries or in countries where they would feel much more at home. Otherwise you're causing unnecessary tension, and in some cases physical harm, for no other reason except to try and realise a dream that's simply dead before it's even started because it's literally impossible to get there without a huge amount of bloodshed.
It's a simple question of "does the good outweigh the bad?" and the simple answer to that is "no".
>white race is becoming less white
Like potato like son