Post your best European hate meme.
I'll start.
Post your best European hate meme.
I'll start.
shameless bump.
Yet Frenchies call you simple-minded if you tell them that
>Brexit got cucked
I really don't wanna be that guy, but sadly, I don't think they even reach the 50% mark to be honest.
Sorry m88s
Is this not how things are supposed to work?
56% (that number includes middle easterners and north africans)
>Germany in 2016
We make these threads because we are crying out...crying out to warn you fucks to stop it. YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE. EVEN WITH TRUMP, WE ARE STILL DEMOGRAPHICALLY KEKED. BALKANIZATION IS OUR ONLY HOPE NOW.
It's 56% now.
>this is what "american culture" looks like
What is this shit? If we are to survive as a race, we need to work together. What did WWII achieve? Weakening white countries for the kike subversion.
Next time we will be allies against the Turd Wordl hordes.
>a fucking drawing
Man you guys atleast got the ''tools'' unlike us. Why not use them? I know I'd be gone a long time ago if I had acces to an ar or some shit. Probably better that it's illegal here tho.
Pic related. First look at yourself, before you judge other m9.
>the disgust in that nigs face
Dude, that chick is not British. She's probably just posing for some fb pics to show how much of a ''good person'' she is.
Like the upper thigh?
I appreciate the use of the fountain pen tool on paint. Nice meme.
>Americans think its okay to feed this to their children every morning
God, my dick is hard every time i see those cuckold memes.
I wish i had a nice blonde-haired wifu so i could share her with a black bull.
I bet that child is adopted.
>American gyms
It's a meme article you dip.
dont you realize that you have all these pictures because americans saw these people and took pictures of them
Top kek
At least use a real article m8.
implying it isnt faggot
i eat a massive bowl of reese puffs every day and im fine
That's fucking awesome
Kek, wanted to post these but nice to see they're already here. Anti American Defense Force as reliable as always!
Don't ever speak to us cool countries again.
Jewish propaganda.
The only thing about this image which triggers me is Germany having better banter than the UK.
Yeah but your blood is like 70% maple syrup already moose
Kek, I have to admit that one is kinda funny tho.
Oh, excusez-moi my freund.
Good. You don't lack self-criticism.
This one is British. Britbong even has claimed copyright.
Nothing wrong with that
Historically the church produced alcohol.
You maybe thinking of that other religion of peace that does not like alcohol.
I was talking about having a church in a strip mall
I'm an athiest and I think that's one of the most degenerate things I've seen
stop replying to slide threads
no you fucking idiot. thats why americans deserve future balkinization.
whoa. ppl here dont even know what good nutritious food even is.
wow what a bunch of insecure faggots. yes i like my skinny arms either but i dont have the audacity to complain about it to management.
5 Trump coins have been send to your tax free account :-)
yes strip mall culture is about as corporate and soulless as you can get. actual malls may be temples of consumerism killing this planet and the soul of humanity but at least it tries to be something. the stone floor, vaulted glass ceilings. it has a vulgar beauty to it. Strip malls are worse than vulgar they are boring.
Yous should add DC and Puerto Rico
Who the fuck puts Slovenia into anything other than most EU maps?
I've never seen or heard of anything like th is before but that's fucking sick. I wish shit like that happened at my Wal-mart.
All those countries have a cross in their flag. Coincidence? I think not. Tricolours are for normies REEEEEE
Thanks for joining us tonight, dutch bro.
maybe in the south, but not here in maine
96% white
I am up listening to Alex Jones live and shitposting feels good man
No. Stop that. You don't even get to make fun of the yanks anymore, Germany.
Get your shit together.
Can't wait for that Wednesday victory, can you?
Tell me about your country. Are you from there?
>maybe in the south, but not here in maine 96% white
How does it feel putting your tax money to cleaning up after chimp outs and dishing out gib-me-dats
How is that any better?
Too much filter and pill shilling for me.
uk would be 91% white minus london
Embarrassing. I don't really pay a lot of taxes because my family is rich, but I'm embarrassed for the rest of my country.
I have never had a civilized conversation with an aussie on Sup Forums. I had a friend who lived in Bankstown, maybe you've heard of it?
Nothing beats this classic
No surprise.
All I know about bankstown is its next to punchbowl (YouTube Trent From Punchy if you haven't before)
I'm from Queensland and don't often go to Sydney
>northern Ireland
w2c jacket
Hi, dad.
It's a big place. You can't expect it to be 90% white when it's the shining jewel of the world.
Here's a map of the black states
Oklahoma is grey because of injuns.
Thing is it's not even European countries that do the whole "you're not white" thing.
Nor is it the US, it's fucking South America that does it the most.
The Anglican church doesn't exist in america....
It's called the episcopal ever since the revolution.
>I don't think about you at all
>Starts a thread about Europe
American intelligence, everyone.
I don't think you understand the context.
yet somehow the middle spurdo resonates with me far more deeply than anything else.
>maybe in the south
>tfw the south is as White as its ever been
In 1870, South Carolina was over half black.