See the difference?

See the difference?

>dealing with racism
>gets elected by racists


>waah people don't like Obamacare and wall street bailouts

wow this just switched my vote. Fuck Drumpf, Im with her now


I'll stand on the wrong side of history with Trump and eat some cheetos

>This man saved America

>unprecedented racism
Oh yeah, I can see the coons who tried to escape the cotton fields hanging from the tree in the town square right now.

This, after months of similar images, this one has taken the wool away from my eyes. Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>Occupy Democrats

Trump is a racist piece of shit criminal and anyone who votes for him should go play in traffic.

remember that time obama saved america?

me neither

enjoy those insurance premium hikes

Race relations in the US are at their worst in decades thanks to his administration.


hmmm I dunno about u guys but my third eye has just openened now i'm a #cruzmissile

>This girl saved the world, alone, while carrying more loads than everyone around her.

you guys know no one here believes the propaganda.


At this point anybody using this word seriously is the same type to use "triggered" and "privilege" seriously.

>this girl destroyed it

>Unprecedented racism
>Elected twice

All good things flow from Der Fuhrer like rays of the sun

Is the People Happy? It is Because of Thanks to Der Fuhrer.. wait I mean Dear Leader


>unprecedented bigotry
wtf I love slavery now

subjective, honey buns

Since the CTR shills gave up on life I can't tell who's being ironic and who's not.

>allowed more riots to happen
>instigated said riots, by getting involved in a case before it was finished
>continues to let blacks be unemployed while wanting in more immigrants


This fpbp

>white triggered niggers to Make Amerikan Great Againk

Obama - the most honest, transparent president ever! I hope he gets the Supreme Court position. Just what this country needs after the Bush years.

Saved America from what? Nerd Virgin.

>"This man disgraced America."

You can't say that BEFORE you know if he's actually elected or not, and BEFORE he's even in office.

He might send America into a path of less racism by putting more money and jobs into the pockets of poor blacks and Hispanics

You're a goddamn moron if you would even consider voting for Trump given his record of racism, sexism, bigotry, thievery and all kinds of other shit. I get it though, you kids just have to be edgy or life has no purpose. Get a fucking clue junior.

This is too perfect


I am pretty sure Obama is guilty of riots that started after his speech regarding trayvon Martins death, about respecting court judgment, even if it is not right.

>sexist, bigotry

it's cute you say that like it means something

Convinced me

I'm a Citibank missile now


If America was so racist we never would have elected Obama in the first place. We didn't elect a black president just so we could discriminate him. Just how dumb is Omar?

That picture implies the racism Trump is promoting is marginally worse and all new from the racism Obama faced

Or whoever made it doesn't know the meaning of "unprecedented" and just thought it would sound better.

I got more

10/10, CTR.

I think they will, they don't want to live in a world where Hillary has even a chance of becoming president.
And of course, you know who.

Wait I am confuse

So Obama is running?

thanks Obama

Go back to California

Is there a Correct the Record edit of that boxart?

Obama wants to give votes to illegal immigrants so they can replace you. Illegal immigrants will vote only for their own interests, they will have lot of kids so they can vote against your interests.

Seriously, why are you so cuck? it´s more important to say you are so tolerant even if that will ruin your children´s future?

Not that I know of, no.

manolo no soportare este comportamiento racista. Denunciado a mi foro de anarcofeministas. Ala, eso te enseñará

yeah one is a lie and one is an exaggeration

>bobama sabed amricac

I really hate when the liberals talk about "obstruction." The fact that the other side presents some resistance and doesn't let them do whatever they want, they consider that to be a horrible thing. They actually think that it's the Republican's job to roll over and let Obama do what he wants, instead of maybe debating or presenting opposition, you know, like an opposition party.

I've never seen the USA this divided. It was pretty stable before Obama.

I know a couple of berntards who unironically believe that the GOP only opposed Obongo's legislative agenda because they are huge racists who didn't want to work with a black man.

>implying that the Obama administration hasn't been race-baiting the entire country for years now

low-IQ shills at it again

gonna be great raw doggin' your wives after Trump takes the presidency