Would an Iron Giant sequel have consisted of the rest of the alien weapons showing up to finish the Earth off?

Would an Iron Giant sequel have consisted of the rest of the alien weapons showing up to finish the Earth off?



When Pacific Rim hype was high, some people joked that Pacific Rim was the sequel to Iron Giant.

Well in the book he fought off an alien space dragon

But the book had a kinda whimsy tone

>he fought off an alien space dragon
Like, one attacking Earth with explicit purpose, or just one out on about?

Either they would have to raise the stakes with more robots or aliens, or have the giant bond with a new kid.
Either way, I'm glad there's no sequel

Was this scene always in the movie i don't remember it

>have the giant bond with a new kid
>sequel takes place after the Iron Giant was forced to watch Hogarth die of old age
I don't want this.

It was cut from the original version and remastered for the new signature edition.

Basically, the Iron Giant in the book was buried under a hill and he came out one day and not long after, the moon cracked and eventually it hatched open and something came out of it, and it was a dragon as big as the Earth and the Iron Giant's like, "I can withstand more heat than you." and the dragons' like "K, prove it" so they heat their bodies up a bunch and the Iron Giant proves he's more heat resistant and the dragon is forced to fly around the Earth and sing for all eternity.

Ohh... Okey then

The implication for me in that deleted scene is that the Giant is some sort of elite Navy Seal motherfucker who was scouting ahead. Can't help but think the rest of 'em were on their way and the Earth got BTFO regardless of his actions and character development. That's probably why they deleted that scene.

The book's retarded, just avoid it at all costs.

>dragon is forced to fly around the Earth and sing for all eternity
So, more like a mythological take on the sun?

>one human makes alien contact and sees the unstoppable army inevitably coming from the depths of space
Somewhere out there there's a script of Hogarth becoming Commander Shepard.

Not really. I neglected to mention, the dragon flies around the Earth at night, singing a lullaby that puts everyone to sleep. The story's weird, and to this day I have no idea what the fuck its message was.

Is the Signature Edition out on blu ray yet?

Get Adi Shankar on this shit.

I don't want a sequel, but I wouldn't mind a short. Maybe an adult/teen Hogarth going on a quest to find the giant. Maybe he has the screw in a shoe box and he's using it like a compass. I imagine it just being a little five minute story.

So basically an epilogue.

>Iron Giant
>Ferrous Collosus