Toonami Ratings for 10/21/2017

Samurai Jack season 5 is marathoning this Saturday, likely to promote the complete series Blu-Ray that was just released while using Halloween as a cover.

Countdown, the next Toonami TIE, will start on November 4th.

Adult Swim is funding two new 6 episode seasons of FLCL. Set for 2018.

I noticed there wasn't one of these up, in spite of the ratings being out already. Same ratings as last week and those before, though Shippuden gaining significantly from Lupin and Outlaw Star dropping even more significantly from that is worth mention. I doubt it actually means anything, but that won't stop the lot of you from saying it is.

8:00 Dragon Ball Super (r) 735 0.24
8:30 Dragon Ball Super 736 0.29

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 940 0.43
11:30 Dragon Ball Z Kai 860 0.40
12:00 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 696 0.35
12:30 Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans 648 0.32
1:00 Hunter x Hunter 623 0.31
1:30 Lupin the 3rd: Part IV 541 0.28
2:00 Naruto Shippuden 632 0.33
2:30 Outlaw Star 427 0.21
3:00 Cowboy Bebop 427 0.21
3:30 Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig 385 0.19

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's last week's numbers as a reference:

8:00 Dragon Ball Super (r) 961 0.39
8:30 Dragon Ball Super 1167 0.51
11:00 Dragon Ball Super 933 0.46
11:30 Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters 842 0.40
12:00a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 638 0.31
12:30a Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 545 0.26
1:00a Hunter X Hunter 527 0.25
1:30a Lupin the 3rd: Part 4 440 0.21
2:00a Naruto: Shippuden 438 0.22
2:30a Outlaw Star 390 0.19
3:00a Cowboy Bebop (r) 342 0.17
3:30a Attack on Titan (r) 314 0.15

Looks like IBO S2 is the failure that we all knew it was going to be. Feels weird when a repeat at 8:30(!) BTFOs the whole block this week.

>Lupin the 3rd: Part IV 541 0.28
Zenigawa didn't deserve this

Also, based on the numbers, it looks like we have phases:

>block starts
>DBZ fans stick around for the first hour and then fuck off
>anime fans stick around until Lupin comes on, fuck off and then come back after, assuming that they didn't fall asleep

Truly, this is a sad time.

>yesterday was my berfday
>just wanted a comfy ratings thread
>remember ratings threads aren't comfy anyway
Oh well.

I didn't make one because SotB has not posted the full Saturday charts yet. Same thing happened last week, he may be moving his posts to Wednesday idk.

Oh and DST is airing the ATHF movie for anyone that cares

Just kill it, give FLCL to Adult Swim. Let's end this charade.

Daylight savings time? I'm dumb.

Yeah. Occurs next week, I think.

But that's not anime. it's better

IBO premiere: 12:30a Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphana 576 0.30 390

Looks like I was wrong. IBO is growing, but still disappointing for a 12:30 slot. We'll see if the trend continues.

That growth will stop, it got a tiny bit of momentum last week, and it gets killed this week. The next 3-4 episodes don't have a single second of action

These are actually good.

Oh yeah, Season 2 really fucks with the dialogue/action pattern until the 2nd half happens.

They really aren't, they just aren't as bad as normal

Is anyone going to bother being here this Saturday?

I got invited out to see some Youtuber, so I may not be, but there's always threads.

>I got invited out to see some Youtuber
What makes you so special? Or is it just some literal who?

Someone had a ticket and I get to go. I'm hardly special at all.

Anyway, let's just hope that 2018 fares better and that hopefully, we don't end up with another Gundam show. Three (technically two) shows proves that the audience doesn't like it.

I might shitpost a little but that's it

So the reason why Shippuden hasn't had a marathon is because Demarco is under the impression it already had one.

For the love of God nobody correct him!

Somebody correct him!

Okay, who deleted the last two posts in this thread?

Not that I mind them being gone, but still, that's weird that they just up and disappeared like that.

It's shitposting and spam finally being taken care of.

Seriously? I could've swore...didn't it have one earlier in the run? Granted, rewatching all of the Naruto vs. Pain fight without having to wait a week in between would be pretty good, to be honest, but still.

I, uh, posted a naked and improperly censored Sakura.

Im so happy she is back.

Seems I am the only one.

One Piece has better breasts.

too bad that was the only thing good about it in its 30 year run

I dunno how to feel about this upcoming week.

I mean..

I want to be there out of loyalty but then again god damnit another jack rerun

He will SAVE US!

don't really know where to post this, but I've got some old toonami recordings from late 2006 to early 2007, commercials, bumps and everything. Should I upload it somewhere? Is anyone even interested?

Post it again, properly censored. Sakura best girl.

You can make a Youtube channel and/or create webms.

Go ahead. Old Toonami is a treasure.

He should do both.

I've got the full 4 hour blocks, would it be better to rip it and upload to youtube, or to a filehosting site?

fucking Super is GOAT


I'm ripping a my recording from 10-21-06, will upload it sometime tonight, I'll post in the next toonami thread if this one's done.

Jojo's Bizarre Memeventure is so bad its not only killed the ratings, its killed the ratings thread too

Whats the name of your channel?

I care. Can they air the entire intro sequence uncensored now?


Only if we get something approaching a simuldub.

Ironically enough, barring the shitstorm of a R3, this would work, but Demarco would just rerun it twice for whatever reason.

Reminder that Super was, is and always will be a mistake.



Where you belong:

>larger than ryuko

Reminder that no one can save us besides the grim reaper freeing us from these endless Saturdays of mediocrity via the sweet release of death when he comes to finally claim the block.

So how's watching Cowboy Bebop again?

Pretty fuckin sweet. Certainly one of my favorite episodes.

>grandpa dies
>nobody gave me (You)s Saturday night

"Sup Forums is love"

You can just show up for the generals without actually watching the show, user. I'll be here but I know I can't sit through another run of SJ S5. Just gonna watch some G Gundam in the meantime. Hopefully HGfag will be around with a game or two for this weekend.

>third highest ratings
>killed it
nice meme

That's wrong though.

Sup Forums hasn't been love since mid-2014. Not to mention that Toonami general is a shred of its former self.

Your best bet is to hope that the death of NeoGAF will cause the posters from their Toonami general to spice up these threads. But that might cause even more problems, so who knows.

The mods are trying to silence me. They can try all they want, but I'll still be here every single week to give everyone a friendly reminder that One Piece is the best selling comic book of all time, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!

>barely did better than Naruto filler that aired 2 hours later

Fucking finally, based mods. Now that I know action will be taken, I will report your garbage every single week

Has Season 2 been given a confirmed release date or...?

You think there's any Kirito x Ryuko art?

Another week,another thread is always looking for more Toonami recordings.

Send them an email at either [email protected] or [email protected]

mmmmmmmmmmmm ryuko's gassy butt

Nope, the marathons we've gotten so far are
>Fourth of July 2014: Space Dandy (advertised as a marathon, though it was only three episodes including the premiere of season 2)
>Labor Day 2014: Attack on Titan
>Memorial Day 2015: Kill la Kill
>Fourth of July 2015: Dragon Ball Z Kai
>Labor Day 2015: Michiko & Hatchen
>Halloween 2015: Akame ga Kill
>Thanksgiving 2015: Parasyte the Maxim
>Christmas 2015: Dragon Ball Z Kai
>New Years 2015: One Piece
>Memorial Day 2016: Samurai Champloo
>Fourth of July 2016: Hunter x Hunter
>Labor Day 2016: One-Punch Man
>Halloween 2016: Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans
>Christmas 2016: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
>New Years 2016: Dragon Ball Z Kai
>Memorial Day 2017: Samurai Jack
>Fourth of July 2017: Attack on Titan Season 2
>Labor Day 2017: Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters
>Halloween 2017: Samurai Jack

No buts it's confirmed to get another studio which will ruin it

Christmas 2017: Samurai Jack
New Years 2017: Samurai Jack

There was also the Cowboy Bebop marathon on December 28, 2013 and the Beware the Batman Blowout on September 27, 2014.

fuck you demarco reads these threads

i am demarco

as needs to make their money back on sj somehow

Hopefully klkfag is next.

>marathon night after Odyssey releases

Honestly yeah demarco did good


Since we're in perpetual TOONAMI IS DEAD mode, when are we getting this piece of kino back, plus Sentai has the license and would gladly let the faggit air it in the 3 AM slot

weird to think that was Jason Spisak

is this SAO? they are taking turns attacking like an RPG

Not soon enough

No, it's the best JoJo Part.

I thought it was supposed to air this year.

Yes, I'm also going to require some clarification here. To me, it's always been that Satsuki is known for dat ass while Ryuko is known for dem tits and for being best girl.


Even grosser. You creeps better leave my waifu alone. Especially you .

That's a very lewd expression. Why does it turn me on so much?

good luck, thread

>believing clickbait
It only got announced earlier this year, and is probably slated for 2018. Unfortunately the staff is completely different and it's by a different studio. It's like somebody wished on a monkey's paw or something.

here's the link to a broadcast from 10-21-06
I'll upload what I I can when I can. See you in the next thread.

>This video has been removed because it is too long.

Yet, Youtube will let you upload a 3 hour plus video. You might need to break it up into parts.

Well, I tried, I'll probably get on that within next day or so. Or maybe just host it on a google drive.

Do you think Senketsu gets mad at her for farting inside of him?

no it's the show /tg/ deserves but will never get despite it fitting the criteria. If the back end of the block is going to be old shit, might as well get some quality stuff on there so we don't have to suffer through a million HD Bebop reruns

>This video has been removed because it is too long.
This is a thing now? Is Youtube really promoting braindead 2 minutes and under shit because the children they are trying to catering to have ADHD with the attention span of a goldfish?

But didn't Production I.G help produce the first season? I wouldn't call that a "different studio", even if Gainax isn't involved this time.

Madhouse is the one who produced the first season but they had a fuckton of freelancers from BONES.
season 2 will have the same staff but a different studio and director

Oh, you were talking about OPM.

Disregard my comment, then.

Who cares, he's dead now.

the absolute madman

Reminder that everyone needs to watch this SJ marathon or else they'll have to rerun it a third time to make back costs

How about we just take Toonami out back and finally put it out its misery

>they'll have to rerun it a third time to make back costs
You do realize they re-run it because it's something CN owns and costs like nothing to air right? Or do you genuinely believe that reruns = show is a flop? If so then Spongebob and Teen Titans Go are the biggest failures in history to the point where they had to be shoved in almost all of their respective channel's timeslots

You're talking about FLCL, and all Production I.G. did was the coloring. Gainax did the story, the animation, the character design, and direction. Not only that but they had some of their best, most legendary staff working on it: Anno, Imaishi, and Yoh Yoshinari all worked as key animators on the show as well as doing storyboards and design work. None of them will be working on the sequels.

The only godlike animator from the original they have a good chance of getting is Masahiko Otsuka, since he's worked with Production I.G. before.