Post cartoon characters you have respect for, or find inspiring.
>worked for years in shit positions >put up with Bojack, partly because she wanted to >started her own company >Is one of the few members of the cast that is an actual "go-getter" >Is a representation of the "New Hollywood" that will be relevant in the next 5 or so years
>Is a representation of the "New Hollywood" that will be relevant in the next 5 or so years
That's a hope that maybe will pass.
Heck now with it all coming out people have been thinking Shia has lost it due to some of that abuse.
Christopher Parker
>wants a family >wasted her entire life away working instead
Connor Myers
Oh, right
Juan Sanders
Since it's the theme to durrtext...
>ugly af >strong without spinach >gets the girl being ugly af >nervous, has alternate thoughts always cautious >strongest toon there is with spinach, boxes worlds dude >"eat your greens kids" without the corny advertising or brand inserting
Inspiring growing up with part of my jaw missing.
Nicholas Hall
>Mr.Peanut Butter gave Diane a giant D
Owen Butler
That's especially odd consider Popeye's jaw is like 80% of his face.
Lincoln Stewart
I feel like that's a huge likelihood.
I feel a lot of sympathy for those Nickelodeon and Disney Channel child actors. I'm sure a lot of them have gone through tons of shit.
Jackson Lee
Popeye is just a pure of heart guy
Chase Miller
>steals it from Bojack >like how his show stole from Horsin Around
Gavin King
>>strongest toon there is with spinach, boxes worlds dude Who are the strongest toons out there, taking all their feats into consideration? Would Mickey, Bimbo, and Bugs be up there?
Henry Fisher
Yea its a given pretty much nowadays.
I think some are finally coming to understand that NDAs don't cover criminal conduct so their abusers no longer have teeth.
I mean its shocking the breadth of folks that have been abused.
Jayden Gonzalez
When has Bimbo ever been a character that commits great feats? Other than maybe joining the Illuminati
Jackson Gonzalez
Its insane how much corruption has remained in Hollywood. Has it always been this way? Even from the Silent Era?
Angel Mitchell
He killed the big bad wolf by beating the shit out of him, he defeated a wicked queen (turned her inside out), and he can tear brick walls apart.
Joshua Barnes
I'd rather her be my mommy that I can also stick my dick into.
Sebastian Ross
C'mon back to the thread when you're a little less drunk Bojack, even if that won't make much of a difference
Levi Edwards
Do you have a link to the big bad wolf cartoon? I don't think I've seen it yet.
Michael Johnson
there are horror stories even from Judy Garland on the set of the Wizard of Oz.
Julian Watson
>Its insane how much corruption has remained in Hollywood. Has it always been this way? Even from the Silent Era?
That's a big fat YES on all accounts. I daresay it was even worse back then. Read up on some of the backstage stories on the filming of The Wizard of OZ. One actor had to be replaced cause the fumes from the make up nearly killed him, the actors that played the munchkin's were barely paid at all, and Judy Garland was treated like shit despite being in the lead role.
Hell, for the filming of The Conqueror, that John Wayne bomb, they decided to film downwind of NUCLEAR test site; which resulted in many of the cast and crew getting cancer.
In one scene of the film "Heaven's Gate" you can see a horse get blown to bits. That was a real horse.
In the Twilight Zone movie, Vic Morrow, alongside two child actors, was decapitated by helicopter blades.
I just remembered, didn't some people die of during the flood scene in the shooting of a film about Noah's Ark?
Caleb Nelson
thanks m8
Jonathan Harris
Hell, before the Hays code several movies featured orgy scenes that were actual orgies, and they did not give a shit if the actors involved consented or even knew before they stepped on set that day.
Liam King
A little, but it got really bad before and after WW2, and it rapidly got worse from there on out.
Kayden James
Well that explains Film Noir
James Wilson
Robert Young
Princess Caroline is a true representation of a strong female character none of that grrrrrr I am a cunt with no consequences shit.
Landon Kelly
Your life has a limit.
I'd say she's done pretty well for herself all things considered
Parker Hall
Popeye can punch someone so hard that they fly out of the animation cell into the animator's room. I think Bugs is the only one of those three who's ever done anything on that level.
Bentley Nelson
A new challenger appears
Henry Morales
that whole John Stamos bit was fantastic
Noah Hughes
So, is Bojack based off of Bob Saget?
Lincoln Hernandez
Twilight Zone was an accident
Landon Torres
I wonder how they'll portray the whole Weinstein story.
Nathaniel Adams
Hippotopolous gets indicted
Jack Reyes
Yeah, the old black and white one, I believe. It's what started the Screen Actors Guild I think. Because people were killed in the flooding scene.
Caleb Garcia
It'd be interesting if they take another route. Bojack gets accused by all the women he casually slept with during the series so far.
Aiden Phillips
I don't know about that, desu, mainly because he is EXTREMELY honest about where he stands on the whole sex issue. Also, he's not really a molester, just kind of an asshole. I wonder if they'll do anything with the whole Charlotte/Penny sideplot, though.
Tyler Allen
>Jaw missing Well, where did you last leave it?
Aiden Wilson
Kind of a hybrid of Saget and Dave Coulier, his Twitter profile used to insist that that Alanis Morissette breakup song wasn't about him.
Jaxon Clark
To be specific, the upper jaw. Looks like popeye is missing the same part I do.
Charles Gray
Film Noir was squarely post Hays code, but the disregard for the actor's welfare was very much still in force.
Ryan Wright
So it's kinda like the Crimson Chin
Aiden Wilson
Hollywood is built on corruption. They established themselves out in California because it would be too far for the Edison Company to enforce being paid for the use of the movie equipment.
Dominic Cooper
I dunno, he is the titular character - but on the other hand the staff/creator are major SJWs sooo....?
Daniel Brooks
Actually it was because the Circuit Court that covered California was very lax in enforcing patents, but the principle was the same.
Josiah Lee
Jesus fucking christ man Crap like that makes me really sad for actors
Tyler Edwards
I believe it was also due to the warmer weather, allowing for an expanded shooting schedule. The earliest films were shot on rooftops in New York City.
Jonathan Mitchell
Explains the tone of L.A. Noir
Every Criminal is part of the land scheme AND a diddler
Easton Campbell
Oh, if you really want to feel depressed, read up the stories about the filming of those Air Buddies movies.
Xavier Cruz
No man, I don't even want to imagine that shit
Christopher Reed
Oh god dammit, I don't even need to read them to guess what happened.
All of the dogs are put down each movie, are they?Or are they fed fuck all and treated like shit? Maybe both?
Lincoln Young
What is just about every Hollywood Animal movie. Oh Babe
Thomas Gray
Milo and Otis' backstage happenings made it so I can never ever view that film again...
Chase Wright
All I'm finding are normal wikipedia shit and an interview with the director on how he was working with the dog in the first movie. Got links or a summary of the stories? I want to feel like trash today.
Dylan Brooks
>40 year old who wasted her life and fertility on a meaningless career that drives her to despair and alcoholism
You do not want to be like Princess Carolyn.
Brayden Smith
I don't want to be her, but I respect the amount of effort she put into her work, and the fact that she opened her own company. She, just like every character in the show, definitely has huge flaws.
I just want her to be happy and have a successful pregnancy and family.
Is that too much to ask?
Connor Jenkins
I can't really think of any cartoon character that I'd find inspiring besides Carolyn, or Susan Murphy (I'm not a girl, it's not a "worried about sexism" thing, it's because they worked the asses against the odds) Maybe I need to watch more Sup Forums but it's probably because I prefer flawed characters who aren't necessarily heroic or noble like Bojack, G.O.B., Frank Murphy, Hank Hill or Wirt.
Rather I find animators like Craig McCracken, or Genndy Tartosvsky to be inspiring as they found something they liked, studied and practiced it, got into the animation industry and even created their own shows. I mean hell they're part of the reason on how I got an idea on what I wanted to do with my life, animation.
Jaxson Smith
The more money involved in an industry, the more greedy scumbags will force their way in.
I don't think you should take inspiration from a delusional workaholic who burn her bridges all around her for the sake of her own career that caused her own happiness as a result. She's a great character but not someone you should aspire to be.
Asher Baker
Nicholas Moore
I don't know, Hollyhock, as far as we know, seems alright.
Cooper Taylor
she wants both, but due to her infertility and her reluctance to deal with it she couldn't.
Logan Clark
I could see the latter happening, like the photos of him and Sarah Lynn surface leading up to Penny and her family coming out about the sexual assault. From there it goes on with him kissing Diane and admitting it on PB's show. The random women he slept with and discarded start to accuse him of the same, etc.
Luis Campbell
Her main problem was that she wanted to have her cake and eat it too. Even in real life, it's incredibly rare for someone to build up a crazy successful career and have a functional, happy family life. Usually, in order to have one of those things you have to sacrifice the other.
Anthony Perry
You're infertile
Logan Phillips
I actually am sterile. But I don't want kids anyway.
Alexander Brooks
I knew Regular show was ugly buuut not THIS ugly!
Landon Kelly
"I don't want to be a soldier anymore. I want to be a marketing executive, like my mom."
Jackson Clark
I would give her a baby that would survive. Multiple times.
Isaiah Jenkins
Give me one reason why I shouldn't be inspired by Alan
Brody Nguyen
Wait until next season they'll have have nonsensically get pregnant like how she wants even though she's too old to birth healthy young. And miraculously her baby won't have any disabilities. The Bojack writers are fucking hacks.
Noah Kelly
Thats easy to fix...tell everyone "the writter are woman, so if you dont love the episode, you are a racist"
Aaron Torres
A Hollywood exec showed his dick to Shirley Temple one time when she was still a child actor. She laughed at it off at the time, but it's still pretty creepy