Its 5 more days till halloween and i dont feel spooky or festive at all. Someone help me Sup Forums
Its 5 more days till halloween and i dont feel spooky or festive at all. Someone help me Sup Forums
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>tfw Halloween feels generally dead where I live and hardly anyone does anything anymore
>Have to get my own spooky kicks for the season with halloween themed marathons and vidya etc
what happened?
Could be my imagination, but it seems like most of Sup Forums just isn't in the spirit this year. I applaud those who have tried to make spooky threads and do Halloween-themed storytimes.
here in south Florida i barely got to celebrate Halloween as a kid cause it would always rain like crazy
Maybe watch some Over the Garden Wall as well. It's got some spooks but is also very fall-themed and comfy.
reddit holiday
I already watched in a few months back with my dad, and i dont kike rewatching things very often because im afraid ill get tired of it
Then try out the Garfield Halloween Special. Yes I know it's Garfield but it's actually pretty entertaining.
Never forget the Great Pumpkin as well
Halloween has totally lost its touch for me now, people rarely dress up when you go to town, its mostly just women trying to look as slutty as possible.
For me, it is that I just don't feel as invested into Halloween as I was last year, and I can't exactly find an exact reason why
Shut the fuck up faggot
I never through Sup Forums would reach to the point of shit like this being posted. Burn this site to the ground, there is nothing worth saving anymore
Anyone notice that stores like early in October itself have their damn Christmas Decorations ready? Damn, it's like Halloween and Thanksgiving mean nothing to them.
> Used to enjoy TF2 Halloween events.
> Hasn't been a good TF2 Halloween event in years.
Halloween is pretty active where i live still, but i pretty much rely on the mediums i read, watch and play to get me invested in the holiday. It sucks.
Sup Forums was really festive at the start of the month (as was I). Seems to be dying a bit now we're nearing the 31st.
That's just called growing up.
It's been like that for years now but this year it seems like people aren't even buying costumes, they've been untouched and and in the same place for weeks. It seems like Halloween is a dying holiday.
It's the suppliers. They overstock on Christmas decorations because they sell fast and ramp up production a good two months before October even begins.
The stores have to put up the Christmas decorations because there wouldn't be anywhere to put them after receiving a surplus delivery of them each week.
>Looked forward to this month.
>Personal shits bums me out.
>Sup Forums Spooky threads haven't helped much and feel dead compared to last year.
I can't get myself in the spirit either.
So carve a few pumpkins and bake a few pumpkin pies with maple syrup flavoured whipped cream
I’m feeling the same way, been looking through my comics, to see what is spooky enough to post.
In terms of Halloween cartoons though this year has been great:
Watch these six if you're going to watch any at all:
The Scariest Story Ever: A Mickey Mouse Halloween Spooktacular
Spongebob The Legend of Boo-Kini Bottom
Spongebob Krabby Patty Creature Feature
Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XVIII
Arthur and the Haunted Tree House
Bob's Burgers The Wolf of Wharf Street
South Park Sons A Witches (tonight)
Michael Jackson's Halloween Animated Special (Oct 27th)
Supermansion: Drag Me to Halloween
The Loud House Tricked!
Milo Murphy's Halloween Scream-a-Torium!
I'm currently going through each of the Bob's Burgers Halloween specials as I never was really into the show but the Halloween specials I've seen so far are really selling me on it. Also going to go through all of Regular Show's Terror Tales of the Park and some of the newer Treehouse of Horrors (I've seen the old ones to death, but only seen the newer ones once and don't remember much).
I swear it's just this year, last year and the year before felt like fuckin Halloween, this year feels like nothing. Just September 2.0.
Ya, I get ya man. It’s like people are just passing it off. Though my dad has been putting up some kewl decorations.
I don't know about elsewhere, but it's been unseasonably warm for this time of year. I'm talking 70-80 degree sunny days when it should be 50-60 overcast. It doesn't feel like fall at all.