Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #24 Storytime

Now that Devil Dinosaur has returned to the Valley of Flames and reunited with Moon-Boy, Moon Girl needs a new partner! Who will be lucky enough to earn this great honor?

Good thing they didn't reveal the answer via solicits months ago! Oh wait...












Upskirts? In my All-Ages books?! It's more likely than you think!











Sexy demon girls are all the rage with kids

What a massive cunt

>What would the hand want with the smartest person in the world?
I realize that this was written for kids but come on.
>The strobe light doesn't affect DD
From that alone, Moon girl should figure out that he's blind.
>Convoluted Strobe Light bomb
Glorified camera flash.

>From that alone, Moon girl should figure out that he's blind.

Or maybe his mask protect him from light.

meaning at the very least he utilizes some kind of sonar when he wears the mask.

Please. No. Leave The F4 alone. ;-;

Did they ever do a story about the daredevil being unblinded? Does he lose his powers?

That was cute.

I just read all this here and jesus christ I'm glad I missed most of this, holy shit the writing is just getting worse if not just plain terrible.

>Going to space to solve daddy planet issues

It's like every marvel character needs to go into space once.

Through this comic isn't for everybody and got no big plots.

Bump so I can read this

Why do they keep going back to the afro pony tail when the braids look way better.

They have, but I can't remember the specifics.

I think they are easier to draw.

what was with the complete lack of storytimes today?

We figured you were going to do some but you never showed up.

How many issues of this comic don't have cameos ahow up just so she can make them look bad? The Girl-Moon arc seems about it?

This issue was awful. It made her out to be the Mary Sue Marvel pushes her as than the flawed kid she actually is.

It's like an entire book of her cameo allearances.

Nobody wants to storytime garbage, user.

I don't know about that mary sue part. The whole issue is about her not being able to connect with people.